Status: discontinued. working on a new one.

Improbabil Dragoste

Chapter Four

I followed behind them as we started running toward an underpass where they said they had a vehicle waiting for them. When we got there I looked and I saw no vehicle and they did not looked pleased to see the empty lot I was looking at.

“Did you park here?” I asked as I pulled out a knife looking around for if any dead wondered over.
“Merle must have taken it.” Daryl said and turned around to face us.

Glenn pushed his hand up on his head grabbing his hat and rubbing his head in frustration and asked “Do you think he'll go back to the camp?”

Daryl shook his head.

“Run to camp.” I stated.

They looked and in silence we agreed and we set off. I followed behind sheathing my knife. Their camp was deep in the forest and it was a tiring run, it was hard to keep up and running with a bow on your back isn't fun since it likes to move. I noticed Daryl carrying a crossbow while I was running behind him and laughed to myself. My father preferred the crossbow to a standard bow that I liked to use. He liked how more powerful it was to a bow. I knew it held more power but to me it didn't need as much skill as a bow since a bolt goes faster than an arrow and doesn't need much leading. It still needed skill since I did not have the proper strength to pull the string back on a crossbow.

It had gone dark when we the Officer, who told me his name was Rick, stated we were getting close to the camp. Then we started to hear the screams and gun shots. The group paused for a second but quickly started to sprint up the hill. I pulled my pickaxe out of it's holster on my waist and started to gain speed because of my adrenaline. When we broke through the last couple trees I saw people screaming and huddling together and people on the ground being killed by the dead. I ran over to a man being bitten by two deads and I slammed by pickaxe into one of their heads and quickly punched the other who was getting up. I pulled out my pickaxe and slammed it up into the jaw the dead trying grab hold my my collar. I looked over, pickaxe ready, and saw the others shooting the rest I was only able to kill one more since the guys were able kill the lot. The noise was deafening. This is why I don't use guns. They are loud and now they have called the attention of the dead nearby who hadn't already shown up.
Rick had started yelling looking frantically for someone and then I saw a small boy and a woman run over to him yelling “Father.” I'm glad they were not killed but as I looked around they suffered a deadly blow since it seemed half their group were killed. I walked over to Daryl how was standing off to the side and questioned “Do you burn your dead?”

He looked at me questioningly but nodded and walked off.
The rest of the night people huddled together and no slept, except for me, I sat against their RV facing the cliff side and faded off. I woke up right at dawn since the sky was turning into a pale orange I could hear them up and talking and an occasional thud. They were hitting the dead in the head for extra measure, good thinking on their part. I stood up and stretched by back I bent down to retrieve my pickaxe but saw it wasn't there alarmed I walked around to question the group.

When I circled the RV I saw Daryl and some other man dragging a body toward a fire. I walked passed and spotted my pickaxe posted in the ground next to the pile of the dead.

“Pickaxe.” I said pointing at it while looking at a man who was talking to Rick, “This is mine.”

“So, you're the new comer? I'm Shane and Daryl grabbed your pickaxe to make sure the walkers are actually killed.” Shane said motioning toward the pile and then to Daryl who was walking over.
I turned toward Daryl with a sour expression and exclaimed “Hei, cretinule!” Hey, you little shit!
“Whoa there, while you were sleeping away and not using your pickaxe I figured you wouldn't mind if I borrowed it.” Daryl stated while brushing my insult off and picking up the pickaxe and continuing his work.
I looked at him in disgust and spit on the ground and walked off. I didn't go far, just off in the woods a ways. I found a woman with really short hair that was grey I walked up to her making noise as to not alert her. She turned around and I saw tears in her eyes, I guess she lost someone in the attack.

“Ma'am could help?” I struggled with the correct wording but I slipped off my jacket to show my bandage.
She looked alarmed.
“Not. Bit. Bullet wound.” I cleared up putting my hands up in surrender.
I saw her shoulder lax and she walked over wiping her eyes saying “Yes. I can help.” I sat down on a log and pulled out some gauge I had in my leg holster and held it up to her and pulled off my jacket. I could see the blood had seeped out a lot since I over exerted my arm from attacking the dead. There was a dull pain but it wasn't very bad.
I heard the woman laugh and say “Nice top. I think it's correct from the way you reacted to the attack.”
I looked down. I didn't wear a “top” it was a sports bra that said “reckless” across it. I chuckled and nodded my head. She moved behind me and started to undo my bandage, some of the older blood had hardened around my wound and tugged on it making me wince. I could hear the woman sniffle behind me and the air around us started to become uncomfortable for me so I broke the silence.

“I am sorry. Did you lose someone?” I practically whispered since I didn't want to know.
“Yes. My husband.” She said quietly.
“In Romania, my home, it is just the soul leaving the body. The memory is more important than the body.”
She was quiet after that. I didn't know if she really missed her husband since she didn't sniffle after that. She finished bandaging my wound and I thanked her and she walked back toward camp. I stayed sitting there listening to the dull sound of Daryl using my pickaxe in the camp and listening to the wind go through the trees. There aren't very many animals from what I could hear. I'm not surprised, since the dead eat those also, poor animals. I picked up my jacket and turned it around to look at the damage done from the bullet. It wasn't that bad, just a small hole, it's just a shame since it was such a perfect leather jacket with is asymmetrical zipper. Now it has a hole in the back. I frowned and folded it over my arm and stood up and made my way back to camp.
When I arrived I finally noticed a blond woman leaning over one of the victims who looked dead and would turn soon. I dropped my jacket and pulled out a knife and started to make my over to finish the job but someone grabbed my wrist. I looked over and saw it was Shane, the man who talked to me earlier.
“I wouldn't do that if I were you. Andrea needs to mourn in her own way, that's her sister who was killed.” Shane said as he looked upon Andrea with sadness.
“She will turn.” I said and put my knife away.
“We know. So does Andrea. She'll handle it.”
“We need to be ready if she can't.” I stated as I picked up my jacket and walked away.

I was squatting down next to the cliff where Daryl was finishing off the dead when I heard the voice of the woman who helped me in the woods. I turned around and saw her holding the pickaxe and standing next to a nearly fully eaten body, it looked like a male so I guess it was her husband. Then she picked up the pickaxe and lowered it into his skull multiple times while crying and then handed the pick back to Daryl and walked off with Ricks wife following after.

The camp was quiet since half were mourning and the other dealing with the bodies. I was helping with the bodies. It was a good call keeping my jacket off since it was hot as hell and lugging around bodies is hard work, and the fire didn't help none either. We had finished burning the random walkers who attacked the camp when I saw, as I had learned, Amy had finally turned and Andrea was talking to her holding her head. Everyone was alerted to this event and the men started to go toward Andrea guns ready to be drawn to kill Amy, but Andrea pulled out her pistol. My heart tightened for her pain.

I turned for the scene and grabbed my jacket suddenly feeling cold. I helped carefully wrap Amy with Andrea for her funeral. I walked with the group up to the hill where the dead were buried. Andrea insisted doing everything herself and it was hard watching her struggle getting her sister into her grave and laying her down. The old man named Dale was with her helping her when she allowed. At first we stood around and it looked as those no one was going to say anything so I stepped up and walked over to Andrea and hesitantly put my hand on her shoulder.

When she looked at me I said, “May her memory be eternal.” I did a half smile as she bowed her head with a sad smile. I looked over at the group and they looked at me with appreciation.

We walked back to the campsite in silence Rick and his family stayed behind for moment. I walked in Daryl in silence and I snatched my pickaxe back up from him.

“Ar fi putut, cel puțin curățat.” He could have at least cleaned. My pick was still caked with blood and brain matter.

When we got back to camp I grabbed a lose cloth that looked to had been ripped off during the attack and cleaned off my pick, throwing the cloth into the fire.

I was sitting around the nearly dead fire with the group who only talked in hushed whispers to each other. I saw Rick and his wife walk into the RV I heard a man was resting inside because he was wounded. Then Ricks wife and the woman with short hair came out. I looked over at the family sitting across from me and they shared kind words with each other then I saw a darker woman sit next to me.

“Hello there, I don't think we have been introduced. My name is Jacqui.” She said smiling while extending her hand.

I smiled in return and met her hand with mine in a shake. “My name is Catalina. Only one to ask my name.”

She looked shocked and we had a laugh at the fact no one here knows my name.

“Hey. We're going to sweep the area. What to come?” I looked up at saw Rick.

“Da.” I said and nodded to Jacqui as I stood up and reached for my pickaxe.

“”Da?” What does that mean?” Rick asked.
“Yes. Da is yes and nu is no. Romanian” I explained and smiled.
“Good to know.” Rick expressed.
I smiled and walked off into the woods looking for walkers.