Status: discontinued. working on a new one.

Improbabil Dragoste

Chapter Six

We pulled up to road block where there were sandbags everywhere so people could hide behind them and fight the walkers but it didn't need well because there were bodies everywhere. Flies everywhere. The smell was overwhelming. I scrunched up my nose at the smell. The building beyond all the bodies looking very out of place. It was very great in size. We got everyone out of the vehicles and started making our way toward the building, guns and bows ready. The whole group was coughing from the smell of all the bodies. There were regular clothed citizens but more military clothed bodies on the ground. Everything was dead though. Not even moving walkers. A giant graveyard. We moved closer to the building to a few closed doors.

“A walker!” Dale yelled.
We all turned and there was a military walker coming to us and Daryl handled it quickly with his crossbow. More were coming. Rick was screaming at the camera thinking someone was watching. Shane was pulling him away and we were just about to fight our way back to the cars when the gate lifted up and this great light shined out.

“Catalina I am sorry you have leave to help your family. And you're only twenty-one.” An elderly man with a full beard said while holding a my hand.
“It is OK father. As long as I know you two will be OK.” I said smiling going into a hug.
Our hug was long and heart felt. I turned to my mother and she was crying while holding a handkerchief to her face to get her tears. She smiled and foled up the handkerchief and put it the front pocket of my shirt.
“Here take this with you. It's not much but it was my mothers before me.”
“Thank you mother.” I said leaning down to hug her.
“I love you Catalina. Make sure you take care of yourself and don't push yourself too hard just for us your heath is more important.” My mother told me.
“Do not worry I have fathers heath! I never get sick!” I said happily.
I waved goodbye one last time as I picked up my pack and made my way to my plane to head to Georgia, we had a friend there that said she would help me settle in. I hope I am able to return home to see my parents again.

We hurried inside the CDC and were greeted with an empty lobby until a man showed up pointing a gun at us asking what we wanted.
A chance, Rick had told him.
We were allowed in but had to submit to a blood test. We all agreed. We were allowed to retrieve our things before he reclosed the gate.
The elevator ride was an awkward one until Daryl asked “Doctors always go around packin heat like that?”
The Doctor replied, “There were plenty left lying around. I familiarized myself. But you look harmless enough. Except you,” he said looking at Ricks son,”I'll have to keep my eye on you.”

I chuckled along with the Doctor and at Ricks son trying not to smile at the complement. When we got off the elevator we were walking down a hallway when the grey haired woman asked “Are we underground?”
The Doctor looked back and Asked “Are you claustrophobic?”
She said “a little.”
“Better not to think about it.”

We walked into a circular room to when the Doctor spoke and said “Vi, bring up the lights in the big room.”

When the lights came on we could see monitors everywhere in small half circles. The room was empty, where were the other doctors?
“Welcome to zone 5.”
“Where is everybody? The doctors, the staff?” Rick questions following the Doctor into the room.
The Doctor turned and replied “I'm it. It's just me here.”
Ricks wife spoke up and asked, “What about the person you were speaking with? Vi?”
“Vi, say hello to our guests. Tell them, Welcome.”
Vi responded with “Hello, guest. Welcome.”
It was a computer.
He repeated saying “I'm all that's left.”
We stood in silence for a moment knowing there was no help to be found here. Then we were called into a room for the blood tests. The room looked like a classroom with a white board up front and filled with chairs. Andrea went first and asked what was on everyones mind.
“What's the point? If we were infected we'd all be running a fever.”
“I've already broken every rule in the book letting you in here. Let me just at least be thorough.”

When he was done Andrea went to stand up and stumbled a tab but Jacqui was there to help.
“She hasn't eaten in days, none of us have.” Jacqui told the Doctor.

The Doctor smiled and we had a feast that night. We were given wine and food. It was a happy occasion.
“You know in Italy children are given a little bit of wine for dinner. And France.” Dale said.
“Well when Carl is in Italy or France he can have wine then.” Ricks wife said while covering Carls glass with her hand.
Rick defended Carl saying it wouldn't hurt. We all waited to see if Ricks wife would give in and she looked at him for a moment but then removed her hand. We gave a joyous cheer for Carl and raised our glasses. Daryl was in the back drinking from his own bottle. Carl went to take his first drink and after a moment he moved his glass away and yelled “eww!” We laughed as Ricks wife said “That's my boy,” repeatedly.
Daryl stood up and moved over to the table and talked to Glenn saying “Not you little man I want you to keep drinking. I want to see how red your face can get.”
All the men started to laugh I just smiled and looked at Glenn not really understanding but he was laughing so I guess it wasn't bad.

Rick started to tap his glass and stood, “It seems to me we haven't thanked out host properly.”
The man that went with Shane to the gas station chimed in and said “He is more than just our host.”

Hear, hears were spoken and “Here's to you, Doc, booyah!” Some said thank you and raised their glasses toward him. I stood up holding my glass gaining everyones attention.

“It is Romanian tradition before meal to say Pofta buna before every meal. So, pofta buna!” I said excitedly.

The others looked confused but were excited to join with my small speech. I've always kept with this tradition before eating seeing as it was very important to my family to keep most traditions. Though, I keep true to few I follow some. I touched glasses with the others sharing smiles and touched my glass to Daryls bottle. Like most gatherings someone ruins it.

“So when are you gonna tell us what the hell happened here, Doc? The ones who are supposed to be finding out what happened. Where are they?” Shane asked the Doctor.
Rick broke in and said “We're celebrating Shane. Don't need to do this now”
“Whoa, wait a second this is why we're here, right? This was your move supposed to find all the answers. Instead we found him. Found one man, why?”
The Doctor finally spoke up, “Well, when things got bad, a lot of people just left, went off to be with their families. When things got worse, when the military cordon got overrun the rest bolted.”
“Every last one?” Shane asked.
“No, many couldn't face walking out the front door. They opted out. There was a rash of suicides. That was a bad time.”
“You didn't leave. Why?” Andrea asked looking at the Doctor.
“I just kept working, hoping to do some good.”
Glenn got up and started to walk away and said “Dude you are such a buzzkill man.” He sat down looking at Shane.

The rest of the meal was quiet and awkward all trying to avoid looking at Shane not trying to cast too much blame. After eating he led us to our room explaining most of the facility is powered down so couched and cots will have to do. We are not supposed to plug in anything that needs power and if we take a shower to go easy on the hot water. Just the mention of having a proper shower made me look up hopeful, as I looked up I saw Glenn look back, he was just as excited about the hot water.

I stood in front of the shower marveling at its beauty. I haven't taken a hot shower is so long, I looked down at my hands and they looked so dirty now that I was about to clean them finally. I stripped off my holster, my pants, unzipped my jacket and finally my bra. I stepped into the shower and turned the knob . I heard the water and then it shot out and when it hit my body warming it up I signed with relief. I stood there for a moment just soaking in the hot water. I caught a glimpse of my reflection in a mirror near by and I saw the Romanian crest tattoo that was on my back. I reached my hands back over me hugging myself while touched the tattoo. I missed my family and I hoped this plague had not reached home and taken my parents. If did I hoped my father is able to protect mother, since I learned everything from him but they are older and might give in to opt out like the other doctors had. I hurried in the shower hoping to finish before the hot water left. Once I was finished I picked up my clothes and threw them onto a chair in my room. I opened my pack that I left on my bed and pulled out black capris and another black v-neck shirt to wear. I had just pulled on the clothes when I heard a knock at my door.