Status: discontinued. working on a new one.

Improbabil Dragoste

Chapter Seven

I walked over to the door brushing back my wet hair to open it and find Carl outside it.
“Hello, Carl.” I said smiling down at him opening my door wider to see the little girl.
“Hey Sophia and I were wondering if you wanted to join us to the rec room?”
“Sure, I would like that.” I said leaving my room to follow them to the rec room.

I followed them to the rec room and saw the grey haired woman in there already reading a book, when we walked in she turned and greeted us.

Hello, I don't think we officially met. I'm Carol this is my daughter Sophia. How is your wound healing?” She asked closing the book she held.

“Nice to meet you, I am Catalina and my wound is doing fine I put a new bandage on it after my shower. Thank you.” I smiled sitting down across from her.

Carl and Sophia were playing a game of checkers they asked if I wanted to play but I declined and chatted with Carol instead until Ricks wife came in.

“Any good books?” She asks.
“Uh-huh. Enough to keep us busy for years.” Carol replied then looked at the kids, “Okay it's time for bed, come on.”

Carl, Sophia and Carol all left leaving Lori and me to ourselves.

“So, you are Ricks wife. I am Catalina.” I said breaking the silence.
“Catalina. Pretty name I'm Lori and yes I am Ricks wife. And you're from Romania?” She asks sitting next to me.
“Yes, I came to the states two years ago. My English is still bad. Apologizes.” I said smiling at her.
“Nothing to be sorry for it's exciting meeting someone from another culture!” We both smiled when Shane came in.
“Shane are you drunk?” Lori asked standing up.
She looked down at me and I figured I should leave, now. I should up and awkwardly walked away glancing back at Lori watching me leave. I hope it's ok to leave her. I walked down the hall and back to the where we had our meal and searched for another bottle and didn't see any but I heard a clink on the counter next to me. I jumped up holding an empty bottle in my head ready to attack.
“Whoa there I ain't a walker.”
I sighed when I saw it was just Daryl who set down a glass. “You scared the skin off me.”
He chuckled and started to pour a glass from his bottle. “I saw. My bad I didn't mean to. Here ya go.”
He pushed the glass over to me filled with wine.
“Thank you.” I picked up the glass and raised it to him and his tapped it with his bottle and we took a drink.
“So uh how long have you been using yur bow?”
“My father taught me when I was six. So, seveenteen years?”
“Seventeen years? Long time. My brother taught me.”
“Crossbow is easy to use.”
“What? Nah it's just as hard.”
“Nu nu the string is pulled hard so it moves faster and easier. The bow needs to be guided.”
He just shook his head and took a drink from his bottle.
“I'm sorry for pointing my bow at you before.” I said looking down at my glass.
“Ah, it's cool. I figured you weren't able to keep holdin that string back anyways to hurt anybody.” He laughed.
I laughed as well but said “You're lucky that old woman came in.”
“I reckin. What is your name again? I never caught it.”
“It's Catalina.”
He just nodded and took another drink and turned to leave before looking down at my glass and filled it up again.
“'Night.” Was all he said as he stumbled away to his room.

I looked down at my glass and carried it to my room to finish it and go to sleep. When morning came I woke up changed into my black jeans and put on a white tank and my tanned leather cowboy boots with textured cut outs. I went to the bathroom to comb out my hair which was a little knotted. I walked to the kitchen saw some of the other all ready there and someone making eggs.

“I made eggs! They're powered but I did them good! Protein helps make hang overs go away.” He said as Jacqui hugged Glenn from behind. Shane came in and when he sat down we saw scratch marks on his neck. I glanced over to Lori but didn't say anything. Then the Doctor came in and he passed good mornings and then Dale talked to him asking “Doctor, I don't mean to slam you with questions first thing--” “But you will anyways.” The Doctor finished.
“We didn't come here for the eggs.” Andrea stated.

He lead us back to the Big Room and turned on a monitor, “Give me playback of TS-19. Few people got a chance to see this. Very few.”

On the big screen showed an image of a human skull showing the brain. It showed the brain was high in activity and it zoomed on the signals that the brains is consistently sending and someone asks what they are they the Doctor explains that it is someones life. It is how we function. It is what makes us alive. He showed us the process and it showed in the membrane these dark lines spreading out into the brain. Then finally the whole brain was dark. Then it showed a red light started at the center and starts to reactivate the brain stem. Then we saw a shot go through the head shutting it back off again.
“Power off the main screen and the work stations.”
The room got dark and the Doctor held his in front of him and faced us.
“You have no idea what it is do you?” Andrea asks holding back her emotions.
“It could be microbial, viral, parasitic, fungal.”
“Or the wrath of God.” Jacqui finished.
“There is that.” The Doctor admitted.
Andrea spoke again, “Some body must know something. Somebody somewhere.”
“There are others, right? Other Facilities?” Carol asked.
The Doctor looked at her, “There many be some people like me.”
“But you don't know. How can you not know?” Rick asked.
“Everything went down. Communications, directives, all of it. I've been in the dark for almost a month.”
“So it's not just here. There's nothing left anywhere? Nothing? That's what you're really saying, right?” Andrea asked with frustration.

Everyone sighed with sadness and looked down frustrated. Daryl brushed his hand through his hand and exclaimed, “Man, I'm gonna get shitfaced drunk again.”

“I'd like to ask about one thing. That clock has been counting down.” Said Dale as he walked to the other side of the monitors and pointed to a digital clock that showed an hour on it. “What happens at zero?”
“The basement generators, they run out of fuel.”
“And then?” Rick asked. The Doctor just walked away so Rick asked again, “Vi, what happens when the power runs out.”
The computer responded, “When the power runs out facility-wide decontamination will occur.”

That didn't sound good. Rick, Glenn, Shane, and one other man all left leaving us alone to process what we just heard. Not long after they left did the lights go out and emergency lights flicker on.
“I think we need to get our things.” I stated as I started to head to my room to get my stuff. When I got to the hall I started to jog down to my room and started gather my things and put my holster and jacket on. I secured my pickaxe and pulled on my pack and walked down to Daryl's room and knocked on the door.
“Ya? What ya want?” I heard him yelled from inside.
“It's Catalina.”
I heard shuffling and the door opened to show Daryl holding a bottle in a messy room.
“I think it would be wise to get things ready to go.” I said and returned to my room.
I heard the others come outside and question the Doctor about what is happening. I joined them outside and followed the into the Big Room. We we reached the circle of monitors the Doctor said “I was French. They held out the longest while our guys were committing suicide in the hallways, they stayed in the labs till the end. They thought they were close to a solution.”

“What happened?” Someone asked.
“The same thing that's happening here. No power grid. Ran out of juice. The world runs on fossil fuels.”

He kept talking but my head was spinning and I couldn't focus on anyone around me. It happened in France then it had to of spread everywhere else. Including home. Home. My parents. Where they still alright? Had they been killed? Are they walkers? I looked up and tried to look at the group but they all blurred together and I almost lost my footing but someone grabbed my and held me up. Then an alarm started and thirty minutes went up on the big screen. Then I heard door being sealed. Someone let go of my arm and I heard Daryl start shouted and going after the Doctor. Everyone was demanding the doors be opened. I had all my things but I wish I was home fighting with my parents or being dead with them.

I stood up and saw most of the guys attacking the door with axes. When they gave up the Doctor said they are able to withstand a rocket launcher so Daryl figured chopping off the Doctors head will work but was stopped. Things were getting out of hand. Holding guns to peoples heads is not going get them to do what you want. It only causes panic. I pulled out my mothers handkerchief and held it in my hands.