Status: discontinued. working on a new one.

Improbabil Dragoste

Chapter Nine

A gun shot rang throughout the forest. No one acknowledged it for a while until Lori stopped and looked back.
“Why just one shot?” Lori questioned.
“Maybe they took down a walker.” Daryl said.
“Please don't patronize me. You know Rick wouldn't risk a gunshot to put down one walker. Or Shane they'd do it quietly.” Lori said sharply.
Carol looked back at Glenn and Daryl and asked, “Shouldn't they have caught up with us by now?”
Daryl sighed and said “There's nothing we can do about it anyway. Can't run around these woods chasing echoes.”
“So what do we do?” Lori asked Daryl.
“Same as we've been. Beat the bush for Sophia, work our way back to the highway.”
Andrea looked at Lori and spoke encouragingly, “I'm they'll meet back up with us eventually.”

Lori eventually turned back and we started back toward the highway. Almost. Andrea waited to talk to Carol and say that she's sorry, I didn't really listen. I just know it ended up with Daryl walking over and saying something about hoping and praying is useless because they would find Sophia safe and sound and how “zen” he is. I chuckled and waited for him to catch up and continue leading on.

“Somethin' funny?” He asked looking over at me.
“No, lead on “zen” master.” I said jokingly. He just scoffed and walked on not without a light push with his crossbow though. I laughed and readjusted my bow from the push and walked on next to him looking for the sun. It was humid outside, in Romania I'm used to extreme temperatures but my body does not like humidity. I could feel my hair frizzing up. I started to pull my hair back and pulled a pony off my wrist and secured my hair into a messy bun. It helped a little bit but my head had a little more weight to it now. I regretted not taking my jacket off when we stopped earlier and I didn't want us to stop again. We were quiet listening for Sophia or walkers. Anything. Then Daryl stopped, “We're losing light I think we need to head back.”

Lori agreed, “Yeah, we'll find Sophia tomorrow.”

I looked over at Carol and I can't help but think that we would never find Sophia. I would never speak it aloud for Carol sake but everyone must be thinking it. She's been missing for days and she's so young there's no way she could survive this long on her own. My body started to feel exhausted. It's been a while since I slept long. I was caught off guard when I heard Lori, “How much further?”

“Not Much maybe a hundred yards. As a crow flies.” Daryl answered.
“Too bad we're not crows.” Andrea responded.

I looked over and saw Andrea get caught in a spiders web and comments again on Daryls crow comment but then I saw a walker come around a fallen tree. I quickly pulled out an arrow and took aim at the walker. I hesitated at first since she got in the line of sight but then she fell and I let go. The arrow went flying and penetrated right about the left eye. Then a horse came running through and the rider was carrying an ax and decapitated the walker.

The rider quickly called out, “Lori? Are you Lori?”

Lori ran up and identified herself. The rider continued “Lori you've got to come with me Rick sent me.”
Lori just looked confused but the Rider went on. “There's been an accident Carl's been shot. He's alive but you've got to come now.”

Lori look scared and confused but quickly started to take off her pack and Daryl was quick to not trust her and protest but there was no stopping a mother who's learned her sons been shot. Daryl walked over to the walker and withdrew my arrow and handed it back it me as Lori rode off with the woman on the horse back to the Greene farm.
“Thank you.”

We had to hurry to amp to meet up with Dale and T-Dog to quickly explain what happened and start to get ready to leave for the Greene farm. We jogged the rest of the way to camp and Dale met us right on the edge of the road and Glenn quickly started to explain about the woman riding up on a horse and taking Lori away.

“There's no way we can just leave with Sophia still out there.” Carol pleaded.
“We're scattered and weak. We need to go.” Dale explained.
“What if she comes back and we're not here?” Carol looks at us desperately, “it could happen.”
“If Sophia found her way back and we were gone, that would be awful.”
“Yes, but Andrea like Dale said we are scattered, we need to regroup.” I explained avoiding Carols eyes.
“Okay, we got a plan for this. I say tomorrow morning is soon enough to pull up stakes. Give us a chance to rig a big sign, leave her some supplies. I'll hold here tonight stay with the R.V.” Daryl proposed.
“If the R.V. is staying, I am too.” Dale stated.
“Thank you. Thank you both.”
Daryl just nodded and looked at the ground and then looked up at my expression. I didn't approve. I didn't like how we were leaving signs telling anyone who passes where we were. I've been apart of this group for a while but I still do not feel I can give my input on such matters.
“I'm in.” Andrea said.
Glenn sighed and threw his arm out admitting, “Well, if you're all staying then I'm-”
“Not you Glenn. You're going. Take Carol's Cherokee.” Dale cut in.
“Me? Why is it always me?”
“We have to find this farm, reconnect with our people and see what's going on. But most important, you have to get T-Dog there. This is not an option. That cut has gone from bad to worse he has a very serious blood infection. Get him to that farm. See if they have any antibiotics. Because if not, T-Dog will die, no joke.” Dale explained to us while Daryl turned away and walked over to his bike.

Daryl glanced over at us and then pulled out a rag and a bag with what looked like was filled with medicine.
“Keeo your oily rags off my brother's motorcycle.” Daryl demanded while throwing the rag at Dale and continued, “Why'd you wait till now to say anything? Got my brothers stash.” He asked while looking through the medicine bottles. “Crystal, X. Don't need that. Got some kickass painkillers. Oxycycline, not the generic stuff neither. It's first class. Merle got the clap on occasion.” He finished and walked back to his bike.
We all stood there not knowing how to act or what to say. I started chuckling a bit while I walked to the bag to examine what all was in the bag. There wasn't much else than what he told us was in there. I glanced at Dale would looked relieved and he walked over to T-Dog who was wrapped in a blanket behind the R.V. to give him the medication to hopefully save his life. I followed after Dale to check on T-Dogs wound.
“Can I see your arm?” I asked T-Dog and raised my hands to receive his arm.
“Hey T-Dog take these.” Dale said handing over a few pills in T-Dogs other hand.

I gently off the tape and withdrew his bandage. It looked bad, his veins were very discolored as Dale said earlier. I pulled out a clean rag and folded it back on top his arm and put fresh tape to secure it.
“It's not very good. Nothing to clean it with.” I explained, releasing his arm.
“Thank you.” He said hugging his arm back to his chest.

When it started to get dark Carol, Andrea, and Daryl went into the R.V. and Dale and myself stayed outside to keep watch. Dale was posted on top the van and I was on the road. I walked along the edges trying to listen for any sounds in hopes it would be Sophia. I had started to walk down into the woods a ways until I heard the door to the R.V. open I looked back and saw Daryl exit followed by Andrea holding a flashlight.
“I'm going for a walk. Shine some light in the forest so if she's in the forest give her something to look at.” Daryl told Dale.
“Are you sure that's a good idea right now-”
“Dale.” Andrea interrupted and just keep looking at Dale until he didn't continue and she followed Daryl into the woods.

I stared at them until they disappeared into the forest and could only see the column of light that Andrea carried. I sighed heavily and turned back toward the road and sat on the steps leading up the to van not seeing any point in watching any longer since Dale, Daryl, and Andrea were paying attention. I leaned up against the frame of the door and could only hear Dale moving up top the van and Carols soft whimpers coming from inside the van. I felt sorry for her but there was nothing I could say to make her feel better without giving her false hope like the others were giving. Sometimes you can no longer lie when it starts to jeopardize your own logical thought process. We should not have stayed here, while the rest of our group is on some farm and Carl had been shot. He couldn't be alive unless there was someone who has the capabilities of a doctor on the farm which is possible but the chances were slim. We haven't been the luckiest group as of late so I hope someone is able to save Carl. If we are to lose two children with a couple days I don't think we will survive. Who could ask a parent who lost a child to move on and leave their kid behind to try and live? What are they living for? I guess it's okay we stayed. Sophia could be right on the edge of camp. I stood up, withdrew my pickaxe and went back to walking around the edge of camp.
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Thank you KillJoySynner for commenting! :D