Status: Active

When It's Broken

Just As Things Were Looking Up

Daphnee woke with a start, breathing heavily as she looked around her bedroom. 'It was just a dream.' she reminded herself before falling back down on her pillow. She glanced at the clock on the right side of her bed, seeing that it was a little past five in the morning.

The young woman let out a deep breath, attempting to fall back asleep but every time her eyelids closed the nightmare started up again. Daphnee decided it best to just get up and start her day. She threw the covers off her body and grabbed the socks she had tossed on the floor, placing them securely on her feet.

She walked out of her bedroom into the quiet flat, assuming that her sister and her brother-in-law were sleeping. Noticing a name flashing across the screen of her cell phone, she opened the door to the balcony before answering it.

"Hello?" Daphnee leaned over the white, wooden banister, staring down into the streets of Northern London.

"Hey, Daph. It's um, Lucy. Look you know I wouldn't be calling you it's just, Daph. Can you come get me? None of the guys are answering their phones and you're the only one I know who lives close by. Please, I need you." Lucy glanced around the empty streets, praying that her old friend would be willing to come save her.

"Where are you at?" Daphnee questioned, walking back into her flat and finding her shoes in the back of the hallway closet.

"Churchill Avenue, it's right off of Henry Court." Lucy spoke.

"Okay. I'll be there in ten minutes." Daphnee hung up the phone without saying goodbye, and quickly wrote a note to her sister telling her where she was. She grabbed Danielle's keys from the kitchen counter and made her way into the parkingrage of the building.

She couldn't help wondering why Lucy had even called her. She had said that no one was answering but why had she still called her? Daphnee knew there were other people who could have come and got her, yet Lucy chose to ask her.

But the thing that bothered Daphnee the most, was that Lucy seemed to know that Daphnee would just agree to come pick her up. She knew that Daphnee would answer the phone. It seemed rather odd to her that she did actually do all of the above, yet she couldn't understand why.

Daphnee drove down the empty streets, cruising through the puddles and green lights. She spotted a petite, blond woman sitting on the edge of the sidewalk as she turned down Churchill Avenue.

Lucy stood up, seeing the car pull up next to her. She was still trying to grasp the fact that Daphnee had actually came and got her. "Hey, Daph." Lucy greeted, her thick, British accent almost slurring the girl's name.

"Hi, um, where did you want me to take you?" Daphnee asked, quietly avoiding any contact of her former band mate that she could.

"Would you mind taking me to my flat?" Daphnee nodded, before putting the car back into drive.

The two girls sat there awkwardly, both wondering what they should say or do. After five minutes of not speaking, Lucy finally decided to break the silence. "Um, are you hungry? There's a really good breakfast place up ahead we could stop at."

Daphnee didn't know what had gotten into herself when she found herself agreeing with Lucy. She followed the blonde's directions before parking Danielle's car into an empty parking space, right outside of Flo's Diner.

The young women silently made their way inside of the cafe, taking a seat in a booth right next to a big window. Daphnee took her black jacket off, before picking up the menu that had just been placed in front of her.

"So, what are you getting?" Lucy asked, eyeing the girl in front of her. She looked a lot different from the last time she had seen her. Her dark brown hair had gotten longer, and wavier. She talked a lot quieter than Lucy could recall her ever speaking. But the thing that Lucy noticed the most was how small the girl had gotten. Her clothes looked as if they were hanging loosely off of her body and the amount of bones that could be seen was surprising. Lucy couldn't help wonder if moving away from all of her friends had actaully been the best choice for her.

Daphnee looked up, noticing Lucy eyeing her carefully. She wasn't offended. She was used to it in fact. It was like since she left Arizona her appearance is what anyone could notice about her.

"I think I'm just going to get some hot tea." Daphnee stated, setting the menu down before allowing her gaze to meet the slightly brighter morning of the city.

"Oh, that sounds nice. I think I'm going to get that also." Once the waitress had come and taken the girls orders, they were back to being awkarwdly silent.

"So, how've you been?" Lucy questioned, not sure what else she could have said.

"Okay, I guess. How have you been? Are you still with Greg?"

"Good. And no, we broke up a while ago. Actually, I've been seeing this guy Max. He's really adorable, you'd like him. He's in love with disney movies." Lucy laughed.

"He's a keeper then."

"What about you? Um, are you seeing anyone?"

"No. I'd rather be alone right now, you know?"

"Yeah. Um, hey listen Daph. Max is in this band, and he's got a show coming up. Would you wanna come with me? I miss hanging out with you." Daphnee froze at the offer. It had been a long time since she had actually hung out with someone other than her sister and her sister's friends. In fact, this was probably the first time she had any sort of social contact since she moved to London.

She really didn't know what to do. She did miss hanging out with Lucy, after all she was her best friend at one point. But on the other hand, she wasn't sure if she was ready to start their friendship back up.

But before she could make up her mind, her mouth was opening without even thinking about what she was saying. "Sure that sounds nice."

Lucy grinned widely, taking a sip of the tea that had just been placed in front of her. "Great! I can come pick you up at about sixish. Sound good?"

Daphnee nodded, wondering what she had just gotten herself into.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait. I forgot completely about this story.

i hope you're all enjoying this, Josh will be in the next chapter I believe.

P.S. Comments would mean the world to me (subscriptions too!)