Status: Unfinished, updates will be whenever I can. :) Probably twice a week.

Sunset Shifter

Prologue- My Favorite Time of Day

"I swear if you hurt her, I will rip you to shreds," Henry growled. That's when I shifted. I pounced on the witch who had killed three innocents. Nicro had once been a friend of mine, but now all I could feel for him was pure hatred. "Luna!" Nicro shrieked as I landed on his chest, digging my claws into his skin. He collapsed to the ground, with me still on top of him.

I knew he was going to shock me before I felt the bolts running through my body. I laughed, but it came out more as a growl in my animal form. I returned the favor and sent pure lightning through his body. He fainted. I morphed back to human and rolled him over, then cuffed him just in case he woke up and tried anything. Henry walked over, his face full of concern, and grabbed my arm. "He burnt you," he said, "I'm going to kill him." I laughed. "It's fine, Henry, it doesn't even hurt," I said as we both watched it heal.

I must have zoned out, because Henry was snapping in my ear saying, "Earth to Luna-Fae." I smiled at him and said, "Let's get this on to the warehouse." He grabbed Nicro's shoulders, while I grabbed his legs. We carried him out of the old, abandoned restaurant to my 2010 Mercedes-Benz.

After getting Nicro into the car, I jumped into the drivers seat and started the car. As soon as Henry got in and shut the door, I threw it into drive and peeled out of the parking lot. "Slow down, hot rod," Henry said pointing to the police car a couple hundred feet ahead of us. I covered the car in air, making us invisible, then sped up even more. I stuck my tongue out at Henry. He laughed at me and buckled up. I scoffed, clearly offended that even a supernatural would buckle up at my driving. He stuck his tongue out at me and said, "Safety first."

When we pulled into the warehouse parking lot, I put the car into park and hopped out. I opened the door and yelled into the entrance room, "Drennan, we got a witch!" The buff guard came out of his office and sighed, "Another one?" I laughed, and replied, "Yep, should we put him with Tiny?" He nodded with a humorous grin and answered, "This should be interesting." Tiny is a midget, with a temper, he's also a shifter, that shifts into a gigantic, full-grown male gorilla. Interesting, is just one word for it. I walked outside to tell Henry this and saw him struggling to get the still asleep witch out of the car. I walked over to him and grabbed Nicro's shoulders, and gave a small tug. He fell right out of the car and onto the gravel. Henry narrowed his eyes, picked up Nicro, and threw him over his shoulders.

As Henry put Nicro into the cell, while trying to fight off Tiny's small punches, I filled out the papers. Drennan walked over to me and informed me that my dad said we could have the rest of the day off. I gave him the "what?" look and he just shrugged his shoulders and went back to work. This was definitely unusual.

Henry walked over to me and asked, "Where to next?" while shoving his hands into his pocket. When I told him we were headed home, he smiled. This day was about to take a turn, for the better or worse, I didn't know yet.

We walked out to the car, and got in. I drove off toward the house. The sky was starting to turn pink, which meant the sun was about to set. My favorite time of day.