What's So Good About Picking Up the Pieces ?

Oh My God, This Is Paradise

Vic and I ended up having an amazing day; I couldn’t believe he had done such a sweet thing for me. I cooked dinner for him and the guys in thanks for today and yesterday. I made them pack it up early though, because I had work in the morning, my first day at a new job. That was also the day things really got serious between me and Vic.

We fell into a routine, eat breakfast together before I went to work, text during my lunch break, and then spend the evening together. Life was good.

For weeks things went on like this, and we were both in a state of bliss. Even Jaime, Tony, and Mike were happy with the situation. They liked to see Vic like this, and it helped him write. Too often in the past he would blow off working for some girl, but this time I was inspiring him. The guys liked me too, we were all best friends, and that was great. It was cool to be able to want to hang out with his friends when he did, and also to have them understand when we wanted some alone time. I had never felt this way about anyone, and Vic was constantly reminding me that he hadn’t either. He was the perfect boyfriend to me, and he was my best friend. He knew all of my secrets and my medications and my past, and I knew his. We were inseparable, and everyone knew and respected it. One night, Vic was spending the night at my house, and we were cuddling in my bed, ready to sleep. He was softly singing to me, and then he stopped suddenly and said “Ches ?” “Mmm ?” I murmured sleepily. “I love you.” He told me, and I could hear the sincerity in his voice. That was the first night he told me he loved me.

That night was about a month into the relationship, although it felt like we had been together forever. It never felt like we were moving too fast or rushing into things, because we were so in love it didn’t matter. He was my everything, and that was all that mattered. With him in my life, the sun always shined, and everything was perfect. Even when life threw me a curveball, it didn’t matter, because I had Vic. Nothing mattered as long as I had him.

It turned out that moving here was the best decision I ever made. My job was going very well, and the pay was good. I stopped taking my medication, because I didn’t need it anymore. The nightmares were gone, and so were the occasional blackouts I once suffered from. My past was behind me, and my future looked bright. And I owe it all to Victor Fuentes.

Vic’s POV

I spent an hour getting the picnic ready for Chesney, I really hoped she would like it. When she walked out of the woods that day, I knew everything had changed. Here was this girl, whom I was madly in love with and would do anything for, and by some miracle she loved me too. It was everything I ever wanted; she was everything I could ever want and more, and I’ve never been so grateful. She cooked dinner for us that night, and that was one of my favorite memories, watching my best friends, my family, laugh and joke with the girl I loved while she made us all a home cooked meal. We had to leave early because she had work in the morning, and I spent the whole night thinking about her.

Things just started to fall into a comfortable routine after that; I would wake up early and eat breakfast with her before she went to work, then we would text on her lunch break, and then spend the evening together. Mike and the guys loved her, and that was important to me. We could all hang out together and have an amazing time, and then we could hang out just me and her and have just as great f a time. It was a winning situation all around, and I was so grateful. My life was finally turning into what I wanted it to be; my music was going great, Chesney was my muse. We were set to release a new album at the end of the year, and I had found the love of my life. Things from my past that had once haunted me slowly started fading away, and so did the nightmares. My anxiety attacks had gone away completely, and I no longer had to take medication to keep me sane. I was finally living the life a carefree person in their twenties should be living.

I had found a best friend and a lover all in one, someone I could confide in. I told her about my past, all of it, and she still accepted me. In return, I learned about her life too and I realized that we had both previously been broken, but together we made a whole piece. We were two halves of the same heart.

One night about a month into our relationship, I was singing Ches to sleep when I felt the urge to say something. “Ches ?” I whispered, hoping she was still awake. In that moment, it was urgent for me to say how I felt. “Mmm ?” She answered me, on the brink of sleep. “I love you, “ I told her, my voice reverent.

It was strange to think about how much she turned my life around. I mean, my life wasn’t so horrible before her, but I had been on the brink of depression. I know I had my best friends and my brother, and let’s not forget my music, but I felt like I was missing something. And I had been about to fall apart I think, because my past wouldn’t leave me alone. Things were getting worse instead of better, and then at just the right time, my soul-mate walked into my life. I didn’t care if we had only known each other for just a short amount of time, when you love someone, you know it. It makes more sense that you love someone as soon as you meet them, rather than fall in love with them later. Love is immediate, and irrevocable, and infinite. Yes, love is forever.