
Chapter 11

“Hello, Kaori.”

I watched as the man threw a young lady to the ground. Blood dripped out of two wounds in her neck. Her eyes looked over at me as her lips moved, trying to tell me to run. A few seconds passed, and her eyes rolled back into her head.

The man had light green eyes and platinum blonde hair. The woman by his side had long black hair and yellow eyes.

I swallowed hard and instinctively took a step back.

King grabbed my arm, “Father, you could have told me you were feeding. I would have waited so you wouldn’t have scarred Kaori.”

Prince appeared beside me.

“She’ll be fine,” his dad’s voice was low and gruff. He stood, wiped at the pants of his tux, and stared at me.

I twitched a smile.

The woman stood and stuck her hip out, “Come in, Kaori.”

Prince pushed me gently, forcing me into the room. They followed and shut the door behind them.

“Excuse the mess,” the man said, motioning towards the dead girl, “My name is Crimson. My wife’s name is Aura.”


‘It’ll get you put in isolation with those little visits from Crimson again.’

I remembered how tense King got when Demetri said Crimson. Like his father had done something to hurt him.

I looked at him.

What has his father done to him?

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Crimson smiled slightly at my fear.

The urge to ask what he has done to King was overwhelming. I didn’t know why I cared so much. I wanted to know. I wanted to know why King and Prince were as they were.

Aura cleared her throat before ordering me to come to her.

I followed orders and walked over to her. I realized the twins hadn’t followed me, and I suddenly felt a pang of regret. Crimson just drank that girl’s blood. Maybe it was Aura’s turn now.

I shivered.

“You don’t have any reason to fear us,” she stated, “We just want to know why you won’t die.”

“What does that entail,” I asked.

“Do you really want to know,” she asked, smiling with amusement.

I nodded.

“We have to try to kill you,” she said, “Drain you of all your blood, not leaving a drop of it left in you. Then we’ll see if you wake up.”

I stared blankly at her. I felt sweat start to bead up on my neck. If there were one thing I knew for certain, it’d be that they wouldn’t be kind about it. They wanted to see why I wouldn’t die. They wanted to know how I’m still alive and why I haven’t even turned into one of them yet.

I shook my head, “No.”

The amusement in her eyes disappeared, “You don’t have a choice.”

“I don’t want either of you to do it,” I said, remembering what Demetri had said earlier. If he could make it feel good, then I wanted him to do it. I figured that any of the vampires in this room could make it feel pleasurable, but I doubted any would take the time to do that. They wanted to find out if I would die.

Both of their eyes narrowed, “Then who exactly do you want to do it?”

“Demetri,” I said flatly.

I heard King mumble something behind me. I pretended not to notice, but it sounded like he called him a perverted leech. Or something of the sort.

Aura nodded once, “Fine. King, call for Demetri.”

After mumbling a few more words, he exited the room. A few minutes passed, and he returned with Demetri by his side.

Demetri’s eyes were glowing with pleasure.

I sweat-dropped.

“Demetri,” Crimson said, “You will be draining Kaori of her blood. I can’t grasp why she wants you to do it. But we might as well adhere to her requests, just in case she does end up dying in the process.”

I stared at Demetri.

He flashed a cocky smile, “I know why she wants me to do it. Will we be alone?”

Crimson and Aura nodded.

“And when will this happen,” he asked.

“After we feed her,” Crimson answered, “Derek is bringing some food now. We’re going to leave now. But you better understand your assignment, Demetri. And you better carry it through.”

Demetri nodded.

King and Prince stared at me, looking for answers. I could read the questions off of their face. Like, why Demetri? Why would I not pick one of them to do it?

The answer is simple.

I knew that Demetri would do it nicely. With any of the other four, I had no idea if they were going to make it hurt or not.

They all left the room, leaving Demetri and I alone.

“So,” he smiled slightly, “You decided to let me do it after all?”

I just watched him.

Derek came and went. I ate the grilled cheese and drank the tomato soup from the bowl. After I had finished, I sat down on the floor.

Demetri stood and walked over to me. He knelt down and put his hand on my neck, “If you live through this, you’re mine.”

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“You’ll see,” he said, lying me down on my back.

I stared up at the ceiling. He leaned down and put his lips on my neck. He grazed over it as he breathed slowly. His mouth opened and his fangs touched my skin.

I clenched my eyes shut, waiting for the pain.

When his fangs pierced into my skin, all I felt was warmth. There was no pain. It was like a rush of ecstasy flashed through my body.

His hand found my hip before he straddled me.

I opened my eyes slightly.

Minutes passed as I slowly slipped into unconsciousness. As I slipped farther and farther into the darkness, all I could do was smile.

I think I knew what this was to him.

I closed my eyes and allowed the darkness to envelop me.

- - -

When I woke up, I immediately ran my fingers over the holes in my neck. Aura and Crimson stood over me, eyes narrowed in confusion.

“And you made sure you drained her,” Crimson asked, voice hazy.

“Yes, sir.”

I sat up quickly and immediately regretted my decision. My whole body became weak and I started to feel nauseous. I fell back and covered my eyes with my hands. My vision was cloudy and I was too dizzy.

“Interesting,” Aura said.

I moaned and rolled to my side. I opened my eyes and stared at the wall.

“And she isn’t transitioning into a vampire,” Crimson commented, voice sounding a little agitated, “How in the world is she still alive?”

I blinked a couple times before forcing myself to sit up. I looked around the room. Everything was circling around me, causing me to become dizzy again. I clenched my eyes shut as I continued to force myself to sit up.

“Would you like me to take her to her room,” Demetri’s voice asked. I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was smiling.

I didn’t hear an answer, but seeing as though he picked me up and started to carry me out, told me that they had agreed. I leaned my head up against his shoulder and whimpered silently. It may have felt good when he was drinking my blood, but the open wounds in my neck were throbbing. The pain was almost unbearable.

“You’ll be alright,” Demetri said smoothly.

“What was that to you,” I managed to ask.

Demetri chuckled softly as he walked up the stairs. He didn’t answer; instead he just kissed my forehead.

I opened my eyes slightly once we had reached the top of the stairs. King and Prince were waiting beside the stairwell. King’s eyes were narrowed at the sight of Demetri, but his gaze softened when he noticed that I could barely move. Prince glared at Demetri. It was obvious he was holding back the urge to kill him right then and there.

I smiled tiredly at them as Demetri walked past. I had to let them know that I was okay. I couldn’t show that I was completely in pain. Stinging pain shot through my body from the wounds in my neck.

When we got to my room, he laid me down on my bed. He covered me with the silk sheets and knelt down.

I looked into his eyes and asked again, “What was that to you?”

“There’s a big difference from what I did and what King and Prince has done to you,” he said, “What they did was just for the blood. What I did was for the pleasure of it.”

“That doesn’t answer my question,” I said, closing my eyes.

I was hoping he would answer me before I fell asleep.

“To a vampire,” he stopped, but then continued after a long breath, “What I did to you is the equivalent of sex to a human.”