
Chapter 2:

At lunch, Nami walked over to me, “Hey, girl. How are you?”

“Fine,” I said, forcing a small smile on my face. I really wasn’t okay. The fact that those two were here now just didn’t make me feel safe. When could I feel safe? At home? I’m sure they knew where I lived if they knew that I went here. And, so far, they’ve been in all the same classes.

I sat down and stared down at my food. I wasn’t hungry. There was something wrong. Something bad was going to happen to me. I don’t know how I knew it, but I did. I don’t think they just came here to go to school. They’re vampires. I’m sure they’ve been in school multiple times and know exactly what the teachers are talking about. I felt like they were here to finish the job…to kill me and drain me of all my blood.

Nami put her hand on my shoulder, “You’re pale…are you really feeling okay?”

“Yeah,” I whispered, “I’m fine.”

My ears perked up at the sound of my name being called by two voices.

Nami turned her head, “They know you?”

I closed my eyes, “Yeah…”

I opened my eyes again to see two shadows looming over me. When I looked up, I growled.

The twins were standing side by side with that smirk on their faces. The one on the right glared at my friend, whom cowered away to allow them to sit on either side of me. I shot her a look when they had taken their seats.

I looked back down to my food. Suddenly I didn’t have much of an appetite.

“Hey,” the one on the right of me leaned in and nudged my ear with his nose, “Don’t pretend you don’t know us.”

“I don’t know you,” I said quietly.

The one on the left took his hand and placed it on my upper thigh before he leaned in as well, “I’m King.”

I clenched my jaw.

“That doesn’t help with anything,” I said, “You two look too much alike.”

“Ooh,” he said, smelling my neck, “Want help with that? I can give you something that allows everyone to know how to tell us apart.”

“I honestly don’t care,” I slapped his hand off of my leg and pushed them away from me, “You two are nothing but a couple of freaks.”

“That’s not nice,” the one on the right said, “The least you can do is call us by our names.”

I twitched, “Fine. What’s the difference?”

“Prince always wears a ring on his left thumb,” King said, looking over at his brother, “He never takes it off. Me, on the other hand…I always wear these necklaces.”

I looked over at him and noticed that he had three thin chains around his neck. My eyes flickered over to Prince’s thumb, which had a thick ring around it.

I nodded once and returned my attention to my food. There were a few girls a couple of tables away blabbing on about how hot the twins were and how much of a whore I was. I guess they had nothing better to do than to make up things through their jealous rage. I was used to it by now anyway. I got called emo, stupid, a freak, and some other words that I’m not going to repeat. The girls in my grade were harsh. All they did was judge other people, especially the underclassmen. But if it came to the underclassmen and me, they would go for me. They know I’m not going to say anything back or do anything about it. Of course, with Nami around, they don’t normally make up things like that. Nami made sure that they kept their mouths shut. At least around me.

Well, guess that wasn’t going to happen today. When I looked over at her, she had her eyes turned away from me and into the eyes of a teacher. She was asking her something about the science lesson today.

I killed her slowly in my head for allowing me to go through this without doing anything.

“What’s that look for,” Prince scanned me before looking over at Nami. He smiled slightly and looked back at me, “Awh…is your friend not helping you out? That’s cold.”

I glared at him, “Will you just leave me alone? Go bother someone else.”

King fingered the bandage on my neck, “What have you been telling people this is?”

“I said a fork scraped against it,” I looked at him.

“That’s so unique,” he said sarcastically.

I shrugged. At least I was lying for them. I hadn’t planned on it before, but I feel like if I tell people that vampires decided to suck my blood, they would look at me like I’m crazy. They’d probably laugh and put me in some sort of insane asylum. Everyone knows vampires don’t exist.

I mean…everyone chooses to believe vampires don’t exist. But hey…there’s two right here on either side of me.

The girls continued to blab on about how I thought I was the coolest person in the world because I thought that these two were talking to me just to talk to me.

I growled.

“What’s wrong,” King asked.

I kept my mouth shut. I didn’t want there to be a scene.

Prince looked over at the group of girls, “Hey, ladies.”

They giggled and said hey.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, “Do you have a problem with Kaori? Or do you have a problem with us talking to her? Because, honestly, she doesn’t necessarily like when we talk to her. I think she gets a little scared.”

I rolled my eyes before looking over at the group of girls. They were all looking at each other. They had no idea what to say back, so they slowly brought up another subject with each other and disregarded Prince’s question.

I pushed his arm off of me and stood.

King raised an eyebrow, “You know, you weren’t supposed to live.”

I mocked his expression, “That sucks for you, huh?”

Prince laughed quietly, “Not really, it just means we’re going to try extra hard to kill you the next time.”

I licked my lips and turned away from them before walking to my next class.

Kill me? I was going to die? They wanted me dead just because I knew their little secret?

I sat in the hallway with my knees pulled to my chest. They shouldn’t scare me this bad. No one should scare me this much. But these two had told me they were going to kill me because they messed up and allowed me to live the first time.

My teacher walked out of the room, “Kaori! There you are. I’ve sent out messages for you to come to class.”

I kept my mouth shut and my eyes glued to the wall in front of me. I wasn’t going to go into that classroom. Those twins were in there and I couldn’t face them. I wouldn’t face them.

My teacher shut the door quietly and knelt down, “Are you okay?”

I nodded once.

She put her hand on my shoulder, “Kaori, look at me.”

I looked at her from the corner of my eye. The fear inside of me was overwhelming. I didn’t want to look weak. Nothing good came to the weak people in this school.

“What’s wrong,” she asked.

I shook my head slowly.

She tilted her head, “Kaori…”

I narrowed my eyes and returned my attention to the wall. I couldn’t just tell her that the twins were vampires here to kill me. What good would that do? She’d probably just laugh and tell me to come into class. This caring act she’s putting on is a bunch of crap. She’ll never really care.

“Just leave me alone,” I said quietly.

“You have to come to class,” she said back.

I bit at the inside of my cheek, “I’m not going in there.”

She stood straight, “So you’re ditching?”

I shrugged and closed my eyes. I had already made up my mind. I would do anything but go into that classroom. Actually, I would do anything to get out of this school and never come back.

I opened my eyes again. Maybe I was overreacting. They couldn’t do anything to me while I was in front of people. I just had to continue to be around people until they decide to give up and move on with their lives.

I stood, “Sorry. I had to think for a second. I’m coming.”

She opened the door for me and I walked in. I kept my eyes away from the twins and took my seat in the front next to Nami. She gave me a look of concern, but it went away once I smiled at her.

I bit my lip and looked over at the twins. They had their eyes on the teacher, looking totally enthralled in what she had to say. But, when they felt eyes on them, they looked over at me.

I smirked at them. King’s eyebrows rose and Prince smirked back at me. I was not going to show them fear. I wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction in seeing me be a coward, even if I was being eaten alive by fear on the inside.