
Chapter 3:

After school, Nami walked me out to my car. She gave me a hug, “You sure you’re okay?”

I nodded, “Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry for making you worry. I’ve had a lot on my mind lately.”

No kidding. I’ve had way too much on my mind. Why would I allow people like them to tear me apart on the inside? They had threatened me. I had no idea when they would try to do this. But I had to keep my friends and family close to me. The saying says to keep your friends close but your enemies closer, but what happens if you decide that they’re not bad at all and decide to be their friends only to have them come back and stab you in the back?

She smiled, “Alright. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I nodded and sat down in my car. I turned on the car and looked back in the rearview mirror. Prince stood behind the car and raised an eyebrow slightly. He then looked up and I lowered my gaze to King standing in front of the car.

I couldn’t just drive and run them over. But, they’re vampires…so they have to have some sort of ability. Unless Twilight was completely wrong and vampires are just humans who suck blood. They were definitely wrong with the sparkling thing.

I narrowed my eyes. I kept telling myself not to show fear towards them and maybe they would go away. But that hasn’t happened quite yet.

I sighed and took out the key before getting out of the car, “Can I help you with something? I have a lot of homework that I need to go do. And my parents won’t like me being late.”

“That sucks,” Prince said.

“You suck,” I said back.

King laughed, “That’s actually pretty funny, saying that to a vampire.”

“I don’t find humor in that,” I said.

Prince and King made their way over to me. When they were on either side of me, they knelt down and stared at the side of my face. If they wanted me to become uncomfortable, they were succeeding.

I pursed my lips and kept my eyes on my car. I could see them through the black paint, staring me down and smiling slightly.

“Living through a vampire bite and not becoming one,” Prince shook his head slowly, “that’s odd. But living through a vampire bite that was meant to kill you…now that is completely inconceivable. Are you a vampire yourself?”

“No,” I said, watching King stand straight.

I looked over at Prince, “I am not one of you. I will not become one of you.”

“Apparently,” he said back, “You would have already began the transition into one. Now, why aren’t you turning into one of us?”

I looked back at my car, “I have to go.”

King pulled me to him and forced my head backwards, stretching my neck. I growled and watched as Prince made his way around me. He leaned in and licked my neck. As his tongue went over the major artery, I shivered. He pulled away slightly and King let my head go.

I pushed Prince away from me and got into my car. I pulled away and drove home. When I was finally there, I walked inside and hugged my mom.

She wrapped her arms around me, “Hey, are you alright?”

I nodded, “Yeah. Just wanted a hug. Where’s dad?”

“Starting dinner,” she said.

I pulled away from her and forced a smile. I walked away from her and up the stairs to my room. I sighed and fell down onto my bed.

Every time they got close to me, I began to feel like they were going to try and drain me of my blood again. But they hadn’t tried again. They just…licked me.

I rolled my eyes and pushed that thought aside. I was home. I was safe. There was no reason to be afraid for anything here. They couldn’t walk in and chill out with my family. I doubt my parents would allow them to.

I pulled out my math book and began to do my homework. Now, Axel is someone that could possibly help me out when it comes to this. He may be a jock, but his grades are phenomenal. All I had to do was get the guts to ask him to tutor me in that class and hope for the best.

Once I had finally finished my homework, I closed my eyes.

“Honey,” my mom knocked on my door and I opened my eyes slowly.

“What,” I asked.

“Someone is here to see you,” she said.

I licked my lips, “Tell her to come in.”

She laughed quietly and opened my door. I shot up in my bed when I saw Axel standing by my mother, staring down at the floor.

My mom waved goodbye and walked away.

Axel shut the door and walked over to me, “Hey, ah…Kaori, right?”

I nodded once, “Yeah?”

Why was he here? What in the world made him decide to come to my house? The fact that he was here and that he knew my name made me feel extremely excited. But I felt as though something was up. Like he was forced to come here.

He looked up, “Is anyone else in here?”

“No,” my eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “It’s just us. What’s wrong?”

He looked into my eyes with his sky blue ones, “Something is wrong with those twins.”

I had to force myself not to go off and tell them what they really were. I didn’t exactly know why he was coming to tell me they had problems. I’m sure everyone noticed it. It couldn’t have just been me. And I feel as though he noticed me, for once, today in class. Why else would he be here now, talking to me?

I mean, I’m not complaining. I just find it completely weird that he just now decided to talk to me…and about Prince and King.

“What do you mean,” I asked.

He looked at the bed, “May I?”

I scooted over and allowed him to sit down.

He mumbled something under his breath and smiled slightly.

“May I ask why you’re here,” I asked, body becoming warm. I may have never talked to this guy before, but I felt something for him. I don’t exactly know why or how…but I wanted to be with him in every sense. I didn’t think I had much of a chance before…but he’s talking to me now. So we’re headed in the right direction.

He sighed, “I just…I’m sorry I’ve never really talked to you before. You come off kind of intimidating. But, then I saw you with those twins and I was wanting to know how two people like that could have the balls to talk to you but I can’t.”

I squinted. That didn’t make any sense whatsoever. He comes in and asks if someone else is in the room with me. And then he goes to say something is wrong with Prince and King.

“Are you all friends,” he asked, looking over at me.

“What are you trying to figure out,” I forced myself to look at him, “I met them a few weeks ago. I had no idea that they were going to join the school, and they freak me out. They aren’t my friends. I try not to have anything to do with them.”

“I’m not a creep or anything,” he said, “But I feel like King and Prince are hiding something.”

I nodded slowly, “Why are you interested in finding out?”

“You are asking a lot of questions,” he laughed.

Of course I’m asking a lot of questions. No one can come in here, say something is wrong, and then go to say that he’s always wanted to talk to me. Something is weird about that.

I shrugged, “I like to know things.”

“So why haven’t you talked to me before,” he asked.

I sat there for a moment, thinking through everything that I could say. I didn’t want to just tell him I had feelings for him and that sitting this close to him made me nervous. It’d be weird. But it wasn’t as weird as him coming to my house, barely knowing me, and starting up a conversation in my room.

I sighed, “You’re a jock. Jocks don’t associate themselves with freaks.”

“You’re not a freak,” he said, “And who made up that rule, anyway?”

I smiled, “I don’t really know. So, you just came here to talk? Or do you have something to prove? Or maybe you thought that I was friends with the twins and you wanted to figure out stuff about them…but now that you know I know nothing, you are just making awkward conversation so that you don’t feel bad about getting into a conversation with me?”

He stared at me, “I’m sorry, wha-”

“Why do you care so much,” I asked, “I mean, really? Those two aren’t a threat to anyone at that school. They’re just freakish twins that have way too much time on their hands.”

“Freakish, huh?”

I looked over at my open window and glowered at the twins. Prince was sitting in the window, leaning against the windowpane. King was standing in my room with his arms crossed over his chest.

I ground my teeth together and looked back at Axel, “You set me up?”

“Sorry,” he smiled, “These dudes are actually really cool. They wanted me to talk to you to see if you would tell me anything about them. I still don’t know much about them, but obviously it’s a big secret. I’ll figure it out on my own time. But, for now, I’ll leave you all alone.”
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There will be more later. Promise ;)