
Chapter 4:

Prince and King nodded a goodbye to Axel and waited for him to leave before they turned and looked at me. I glared at them.

They made Axel play me? No one does that. No one figures out who I like, befriends him, and then decide to shove him in my face to see if I would tell him their stupid little secret. That’s just wrong.

I heard the front door close and I crossed my arms, “You must feel so amazing.”

“Why,” Prince asked.

King smiled, “Is it because you like him and we had him come to your house to see if you’re going to snitch about us being vampires?”

“I haven’t yet,” I hissed, “What makes you think I would tell him?”

“Because you have feelings for him,” King said, “It hurts, really…that you would like someone like him rather than people like us.”

I shook my head. That was incredibly disappointing. Why would they use one of my weaknesses to try to find out if I would tell anyone their stupid little secret? The only thing they have to hide is the fact that they’re vampires. And no one would believe them if they told them. So in all actuality, they have no reason to be afraid.

I licked my lips, “You wonder why I don’t like you?”

They smiled slightly.

“Because,” I took a deep breath and continued, “you two are narcissistic, manipulative, blood-sucking, cocky, self-absorbed vampires.”

King’s mouth dropped slightly and Prince’s left eyebrow rose.

I swallowed hard. Why the heck would I say that to them? What gave me so much willpower to do that?

King and Prince began to chuckle. They kept their eyes on me as they both ran their fingers through their hair.

I growled and narrowed my eyes, “What are you laughing about? Do you honestly believe this is funny? You guys are nothing but a couple of jerks. Even if I had told him that you two were vampires, do you really believe that he’d believe me? Come on. Get over yourself and get out of my room!”

King’s lip twitched. He appeared right in front of me in an instant and pushed me down onto the bed. He straddled me, glaring into my eyes.

I glared back and tried to still my shaking. I wasn’t necessarily terrified of them, but I wasn’t exactly comfortable around them. They already drank my blood once…it only took a small surge of hunger for them to do it again.

Prince sat down next to me and looked down, “Does someone need a little punishment?”

I growled.

King tilted his head, “I think she does.”

“I don’t think I do,” I hissed, “I did nothing wrong. I kept your stupid secret. No one knows except for me.”

King ran his finger down my neck and stopped at my shirt, “Hey, hey, hey…we never said that you did. But you do realize what you just called us, right? If I recall, you said something along the lines of, ‘you two are narcissistic, manipulative, blood-sucking vampires!’ Last time I checked, vampires do suck blood so I don’t know what kind of insult you were trying to get out of that one.”

“You forgot cocky and self-absorbed,” I mumbled.

Prince laughed, “You’re not helping your situation, Kaori.”

I sighed and closed my eyes. What kind of punishment did they have in mind, exactly? Were they going to beat me? Or maybe they would just suck my blood again. That wouldn’t surprise me in the least.

Still sitting on me, King grabbed my shirt and pulled me up to the sitting position.

I opened my eyes again.

Prince sat behind me and brushed his lips over my neck.

I shivered.

King leaned down and ran his tongue over my neck, making me tense. He looked up into my eyes, “Want to visit your nightmare?”

I widened my eyes.

Prince grabbed my hands and pulled them behind him. My back fell against his chest.

“Have you ever read stories about vampires,” Prince asked, continuing to pull back my hands until I felt as though my arms were about to dislocate.

I whimpered and nodded once slowly.

“Well,” King sat full-force on my legs, “They’re mostly wrong. We don’t sleep in coffins. Actually, we rarely ever sleep. We don’t sparkle in the sunlight. We don’t die if we go out in the sun. But, some of them were actually right about us having powers. Not to the point where we can become super heroes or anything.”

“Vampire stories are overrated nowadays,” Prince said, leaning down next to my ear, “You can’t trust what they say.”

I rolled my eyes. This wasn’t going exactly the way I expected it to. I thought that Axel would come over, talk to me, and we could become friends. But, no, the twins had to get in the way of it and that just completely ticks me off. I should have figured that these two were behind everything, anyway. Actually, when weren’t they behind it?

I struggled to get away from Prince, but he held me back easily.

He chuckled, “Number one, I’m strong. So struggling won’t do you any good. Number two, we can move pretty freakin’ fast, so don’t try and run away from us. You will ultimately fail. And when King was talking about visiting your nightmares, he can do something to you to send you into paralysis. At that point, he can make you see anything that can disturb you. All he has to do is figure out what you’re afraid of and he can use it against you. Does that make sense?”

“P-please don’t,” I whimpered, staring into King’s eyes, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said.”

“Yes you did,” he leaned forward and tilted his head, acting as though he was about to kiss me.

“Bad girl,” Prince whispered.

King looked down to my lips and smiled slightly, “Very bad girl.”

I shook my head.

King leaned forward a little more and flicked his eyes up to meet mine.

He was teasing me? Come on…

He ran his tongue over my lips and I froze. His eyes squinted in amusement before he pushed his lips up against mine. Images flooded into my head. Horrific images of dying people, screaming faces, and other gruesome acts. The pictures all flooded through my head, and I tried to shake it off. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t get away.

At the end of the images, there was Prince and King standing in front of a pile of bodies covered in blood. The image moved and the two of them smirked before everything went black.

When I finally regained consciousness, the twins were gone and my body was throbbing. I touched my neck, searching for any puncture wounds. There were none, so I sighed in relief.

There was a knock at the door. My mother’s voice came through the door, telling me that I missed dinner.

I sat up slowly and rubbed my eyes, “I, ah…I was sleeping. Sorry, mom. I’ve had a long day.”

She was silent for a moment, “Kaori, are you doing okay? You haven’t been acting right for a while now. What’s going on?”

“Just stressed,” I said, closing my eyes.

I hated lying to my mother. And there was nothing to be stressed about. Well, I mean other than the twins. But I couldn’t tell her that. She’d think that I had a thing for them. And I definitely didn’t have any feelings towards those two.

She sighed, “Kaori, your grades have all slipped to d’s. How in the world are you stressed out? You’re not even doing anything.”

“I’ve actually been trying,” I said.

She laughed and opened the door, “You’ve been trying? You can get a’s without any problem. How are d’s a result of you trying?”

Oh my gosh…just let it go. What the heck is she expecting? I’m being stalked. If I tell their secret, they’ll do God knows what to me.

What could they do to me?

I looked around the room. There was no sign of the twins.

“Do you want to know why I’m acting different,” I asked, glancing back into my mother’s eyes.

She wasn’t going to believe me.

She nodded.

“There are these twins at my school,” I said, “They’re vampires. They have been stalking me and hurting me for quite a while now. Last night was the first time that they caught me and drank my blood. My grades have been slipping because I can’t sleep at night and I’m terrified of what could happen to me. They freak me out, okay? That’s what’s wrong with me. And they’re probably listening now…and they’ll ‘punish’ me again.”

“What,” I could tell that she was about to start cracking up, “Are you kidding? That’s not a reason. There is no such thing as vampires, Kaori. I thought you were going to be serious. As for the twins, I’ve met them already. King and Prince? They came over while you were sleeping. They’re very nice boys. Hard to tell apart, but nice.”

They talked to my mother? That’s just crossing the line.

I ran my tongue over my lips, “Then don’t believe me. I don’t care. Get out.”

She stared at me for a moment before turning away. Before she shut the door, she mumbled something about getting me a therapist or something to correct my attitude problem. I just rolled my eyes and fell back onto the bed.

When the door shut, I glared at the ceiling, waiting for the twins to come out and call me a bad girl again. When they didn’t show up, I sat up and looked around. There was no sign of either of them.

I shrugged and stood up. I walked over to the door and touched the handle.

“What’d we tell you?”

“Yeah,” I sighed, “I figured you guys heard it.”

King grabbed my wrist and flung me to the floor. Prince pinned me down by my neck. They both growled.

“She didn’t believe me,” I said, struggling to breathe, “I was just testing it out.” I smiled slightly, “But now you can’t screw up or you’ll be sent to a testing institution.”

“I will kill you,” Prince hissed.

I laughed, “Go ahead.”

King pulled his brother’s hand off of me before pulling me up to the sitting position, “You grow some balls? Do you not understand what kind of situation you just got yourself into?”

“Awh,” I stuck my bottom lip out, “Are the vampires afraid of being found out?”

“Shut up,” King yelled, slapping me across the face. The slap echoed through the house.

The pain was horrible. I honestly believed that he broke my jaw until I forced myself to move it. I looked into King’s eyes and smiled slightly when I heard my mom making her way up the stairs.

They cussed and disappeared.

Well, crap.

The door flew open, “Kaori? What the heck just happened? What’d you do to yourself?”

I sweat-dropped, “Nothing…just get out.”

“Your face is swelling,” she said, kneeling down.

I glared at her, “Don’t touch it! Just get out of my room!”

Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to escape. She kissed my forehead and walked back out of the room.

I slammed the door shut and covered my face with my hands. I guess trying to be ballsy wasn’t going to stop them from hurting me. Actually, I think it just made it all worse.

Tears stung my eyes and I ground my teeth together.

I couldn’t show weakness. They would eventually use it against me.

I clenched my fists and slammed them up against the door. I kept my fists there and stared down at the floor. I was weak. I was completely and utterly weak. And I couldn’t do anything about it.

Or…could I?