
Chapter 5:

I sat down on my bed and licked my lips. If I didn’t show any emotion, then I wouldn’t have to worry about them continuously hurting me. They would get bored with me and move on.

Or at least I hoped.

I looked over at my door. Maybe I should start by apologizing to my mom.

My phone vibrated and I glanced over at it. I reached over and grabbed it off of my bedside table.

Mom: Come downstairs, please.

I stood and walked out of my room. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard King’s laugh echo down the hall.

I forced myself to move forward. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen where the twins and my parents stood. My little sister was smiling up at Prince.

I narrowed my eyes slightly.

King looked over at me.

Kana’s eyes found mine before she starting going on and on about how cool the twins were and how stupid I was for not introducing them to her.

“Kana,” mom said smoothly, “Please go upstairs for a few minutes. Your father and I have to have a conversation with Kaori.”

She looked over at mom before nodding. She walked out of the room and my parents both looked over at me, concern etched on both of their faces.

“What,” I asked.

“It has come to our attention that you’ve been hurting yourself,” my father said, “Hints the swelling on your face. The twins have said that you haven’t been yourself lately.”

“They just joined my school,” I said, “How would they know anything about me?”

The twins looked over at me with a smile on their faces.

“That doesn’t matter,” my dad said, “We’ve also talked to your friends. You haven’t been acting right for a few months now. And your mother, being concerned, asked you what was wrong. And you decided to tell her that these two were…ah…vampires. Honey, vampires don’t exist. What is really going on?”

“Don’t worry about it,” I said, “I lied, okay? It’s not like you’d ever believe me anyway. Can I go to sleep?”

“King and Prince’s parents are psychiatrists,” my mother chimed in, eyebrows furrowing.

I raised my left eyebrow. I didn’t like where this conversation was going. I could feel the tension as my mother tried to explain what she meant. As each word came out of her mouth, I became angrier. She expected me to go to their estate in West Virginia for a week for rehab.

“Rehab for what,” I asked.

“You’re hurting yourself,” my father said, narrowing his eyes.

I pointed at the twins, “And what do you expect them to do? Why are they even here?”

“They’re going to take you,” my mom said.

Great. That’s just what I needed. Some alone time with a couple of freaks like them.

“Well,” I smiled, “For one, I’m not hurting myself. This was a complete misunderstanding. And if you believe for one second that I’m going to go in a car with them for over three hours, you are completely mistaken. It won’t happen. So, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go to bed.”

I walked out of the room and up the stairs. I wasn’t going to go get fixed for something that I didn’t have. I wasn’t going to hurt myself. I never had that intention. I just don’t want to be alone anymore. I don’t want to be the only one who knows about this. It’s something that more than just I should know. And the twins have kept this secret for God knows how long.

I shut my door and walked over to my bed again. I didn’t get to apologize to my mother. But that’s okay. It can wait. Honestly, they should be saying sorry to me for over evaluating what was going on.

I cleared my throat and ran my fingers through my hair.

The door opened again and the twins walked in. King smiled down the hallway and thanked my mother before walking in. They closed the door and looked at me.

“What,” I hissed, “Did you not hear me before? I said I’m going to bed. If you didn’t realize, we have school tomorrow.”

“It’s only nine o’clock,” Prince said, tilting his head.

“I’m tired,” I said.

“Or are you just agitated,” he asked, “Annoyed, maybe? Because your parents are afraid that you’re going to become suicidal?”

I narrowed my eyes slightly. I kept reminding myself not to show emotion…but I couldn’t help my aggravation. I just wanted to go off on them or show them that I didn’t want them around. But that’s what they wanted. That’s exactly what they were looking for. They wanted a reaction from me.

“I don’t care what they think,” I said, “Whether they want to believe it or not, this is all you. What is happening with me is because of you. Now, tell me, how does that feel? Do you enjoy causing pain to others? Do you enjoy the fact that my face is still swollen from earlier? Oh, wait. Of course you enjoy it. You all are sadistic. Get out of my house and do not associate yourselves with my family again. If you follow those two rules, I will allow you to do whatever you want to me. But, believe me, you will get bored with me.”

“Anything,” they asked simultaneously.

“Anything that isn’t degrading,” I said.

They smiled slightly.

“You are going to regret that,” Prince said.

King cracked his neck, “But you got a deal, kid. Starting tomorrow, you’re our new lackey.”

It could only get better from here, right?

I nodded once. The twins waved at me and left, still smiling smugly at the thought of me becoming their lackey. What they didn’t know was I had something up my sleeve as well. This charade that they’re playing is only going to be fun for a little while until they realize that I’m really not that fun to play around with.

I threw myself on my bed and closed my eyes. Sleep followed soon after.

When I woke up, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. It was still dark outside, so my room was still pitch black.

I yawned and turned on the lamp beside my bed.

“Hey, lackey!”

I heart skipped and I jumped and slid myself against the wall as far as I could go.

The twins giggled.

I groaned and wiped my eyes, “Why are you here?”

“You’re driving us to school,” they said.

“You have a five minute walk to school,” I said, “So you decide to walk all the way over here just to make me drive both of you there?”

They nodded.

“Okay,” I forced myself to my feet, “Let me get ready.”

A look of disappointment crossed their faces for a moment before they turned to walk over to the window. Were they really disappointed that I was okay with it? Good. That’s exactly the leverage I needed. If I was just going to agree with everything, then that isn’t any fun for them. They wanted me to argue with them.

I smiled slightly and left my room to go get ready. I got dressed and threw my hair up in a bun before I grabbed some granola bars. I kissed my parents on the cheek and waved goodbye to Kana before going out to my car. I unlocked the doors and sat down.

King and Prince got in and looked at me.

I handed them a granola bar, “Hope you don’t mind. That’s all I’m offering.”

“All you’re offering,” King asked, tilting his head.

I nodded.

“What if we’re thirsty,” Prince asked, smiling slightly.

I stared at him for a moment before I finally understood what he was talking about. I didn’t know if I was alright with what he was asking. It wasn’t something that I would just completely give in to. But if I argued, then that’s what they wanted.

I shrugged, pretending to not understand what he was talking about.

“We haven’t fed since we drank your blood,” King said, putting the key in the ignition, “And that’s pretty long for us…”

“Then find someone,” I said, putting the car in drive.

King slid the gearshift back to park and stared at me. He leaned forward and ran his tongue over my jawbone. I sat with my eyes narrowed, staring straight ahead.

I ran my tongue over my teeth, “Can’t you wait until after school? I don’t have a bandage in the car and people won’t believe that I cut myself with a fork again.”

“But I’m hungry,” he whispered, poking his fangs on my neck, “And my brother needs some. He’s having blood withdraws.”

“Then drink some,” I said, “Just don’t kill me.”

“That’s no fun,” Prince said in my other ear before pulling my chair back so that I was lying down.

I raised my eyebrows, “I mean, do what you want. I don’t care anymore.”

They looked at each other and smiled slightly.

They leaned down and licked my neck on either side before shoving their ice-cold fangs into my throat. I winced in pain for a moment before I was overcome with complete numbness. I stared blankly at the ceiling of the car, waiting for it to be over. I heard them gulping down my blood like it was water.

I clenched my eyes shut, hoping to God that someone would see. Hoping that someone would come out and help me.

But no one did. At least, I don’t think so. I blacked out before I could even think about yelling for help.