
Chapter 8:

I decided to get back in the car with the twins. The thought of some other person coming to get me freaked me out. I may not like these two, but if there were people out there that were worse than them, I’d take the twins any day.

I shivered and crossed my arms over my chest. My clothes were still damp and clung to my body. The water in the cotton was slowly becoming colder and colder by the minute.

“King,” Prince said, looking in the rearview mirror, “Should we let her change into different clothes?”

I looked over at King, who has been deep in thought for the past ten minutes.

He looked up, “Ah…yeah. Stop off at a McDonalds or something.”

Prince nodded.

About five minutes later, we were off the highway and at a McDonalds. I went to the back of the car and grabbed some dry clothes. The twins stood outside the car, looking back at me from the corners of their eyes.

I shut the door and walked in.

People looked at me. Some obviously judging…but I went to the bathroom and hid myself in the handicap stall.

As I slid off my clothes, I couldn’t help but think back to the face that King made for those few split seconds. I couldn’t quite understand it. I didn’t know if it was really hurt…but it definitely wasn’t normal for him. So, what was it?

I slipped myself into black skinny jeans and a black tank top, designed with jewels shaping into a cross. I pulled my wet clothes off of the floor before walking out of McDonalds. A part of me was thankful that they didn’t ask why I wasn’t buying anything. But then a part of me wanted to be asked. I needed someone to talk to and Nami wasn’t here so I could spit out things to her.

I licked my lips and slid out the front doors. As I walked towards the car, the twin’s eyes slowly made their way over to me. Prince popped the trunk and I threw my clothes inside, got a new pair of socks, and grabbed my white boots. After I slid those on, I shut the door and crossed my arms.

“High heel boots,” King asked.

I nodded.

Prince smiled, “Cute.”

I smiled back as a thanks, “Can we go? People are looking over here.”

“You wonder why,” King laughed slightly, still eyeing my outfit. He gave me one more once over and opened his door.

I walked over to mine and slid in.

“Demetri,” Prince said softly.

I looked up at him. He had his eyes locked on something in the distance. When I followed his gaze, I saw a teenage boy, not much older than me. He had dark brown hair and glistening maroon-colored eyes. By the way he walked, I knew he had to be a vampire.

I slid myself down, trying to hide myself.

“Is that Kaori,” the voice was low and seductive.

King stiffened.

Prince’s eyes narrowed slightly, “Yes, it is. She’s on her way to the institute. We’re just a little behind schedule.”

“Yes…I’m sure. I’d take a long time with her, too. From what I saw, she’s gorgeous.”

I shivered at the way he said gorgeous.

He knelt down next to my door and smiled at me, “Hello, there.”

I kept my mouth shut. The aura he gave off made me uncomfortable. I couldn’t even force myself to get out any type of hello. I was frozen.

He touched the side of my neck, “Have they been drinking your blood, dear?”

“Leave her alone,” King knelt down and stared at him through the car.

Demetri’s eyes flicked up to King’s. They stared at each other for a while, seeing who would back off first. King ended up being the one to pull away. Demetri then looked back at me and smiled a seemingly genuine smile.

I lowered my gaze to my knees.

“Hey,” he said lifting my chin with his right pointer finger, “there’s no reason to be afraid of me. I’m nothing like these guys.”

Maybe not, but something about him made me believe that he was ten times worse.

“Don’t people wonder about your eyes,” I whispered.

He laughed silently, “No…well, even if they do, I can just say they’re contacts.”

I cleared my throat and sat up straight, “But they’re obviously not. You’d see the ring around the iris.”

His left eyebrow arched slightly. I doubted anyone would get this close to this guy. I definitely wouldn’t if I had the choice. He’d be my type if I knew he wasn’t a vampire…but the aura he gave off was one like the twins. It wasn’t right…

I flinched slightly when he smirked. His teeth were different from the twins…they seemed a lot sharper.

I ground my teeth together and resisted the urge to touch them. I was probably still healing from being drained. If I touched his fangs and I shed some blood, what was the chance of him not trying to drink it?

I’m probably just being paranoid. Yeah…that’s it. I’m being completely unreasonable.

I reached out and touched his fang, making him smile wider. The sharp point automatically drew blood, making me widen my eyes.

“Kaori,” Prince hissed, making me pull my hand away.

Demetri tilted his head and looked down to my bleeding finger, “You’re a very particular person, Kaori. No one has ever tried that before.”

I apologized silently.

Demetri grabbed my hand and ran his tongue over the small cut. Instead of feeling fear, some sort of excitement ran through me. A shiver ran through my body. One that I have never felt before.

I pulled away and shoved my hand in between my knees. I clenched my eyes shut.

What the heck was that?

“We have to go,” King said, sitting down next to me.

Prince slid into the driver’s seat and closed the door. The only person they were waiting on now was Demetri.

Everything was silent as Demetri continued to watch me. I opened my eyes and stared at the back of the driver’s seat.

Demetri stood, “I’ll see you soon, Kaori. Take care.”

He shut the door. Right when the door clicked back into place, Prince took off quickly, leaving Demetri back in the parking lot, smiling wide with satisfaction.

I raised my hand up and looked at my finger. My eyebrows narrowed in confusion when I realized that there was no sign of the cut. It was like it never happened.

“What the heck,” I whispered.

King looked at me, “He can heal people.”

I nodded once, as if I understood. I couldn’t stop thinking about that feeling that washed through me when he healed me. I couldn’t exactly pinpoint the feeling. The way he looked at me…the smirk set on his face.

I hit my forehead to get the image out of my head.

“I don’t want you to ever talk to him again,” Prince ordered, “You’ll see him where we’re going, but I do not want you to talk to him. I don’t want you to even look his way. He is nothing but complete trouble.”

I rolled my eyes, “Doubt he’s as much trouble as you two are.”

King shot me a look, “Kaori, listen to yourself. You don’t even know the guy. He knows about you not being able to be killed. He will use you over and over again…and falling for his ‘charm’ won’t help either. He doesn’t have feelings. He will never have feelings. Especially towards you.”

He noticed my facial expression change at the last three words, which made him continue, “You’re a mortal. You will age and eventually die. If you can’t even turn into a vampire, you’re nothing but an everlasting blood bank until the day your heart stops beating.”

I ran my fingers through my hair and looked back out the window.

I honestly just wanted to know what that feeling was.