Status: My first story :3 hope you like it!

A Silent Exit

Gina and Dean


Gina had always been a lonely child. She never had friends like all the other children, she knew from a early age the harm that could come from trusting someone. She tried to run from a life of torment and bullying (both from school and at home) and escaped her suffocating hometown when she was just 16. Obviously, it didn't work. Abuse seemed to follow her every where she went. She couldn't go to the shops with out someone shouting abuse across the street at her for dareing to be differnt. For being herself. Her black hair was always 'too emo" according to the kids at school. Apparently a little more eyeliner and slightly darker cloths ment that she 'should go kill herself'. And a heavier music taste deserved a beating.

Gina barely even leaves the house anymore. If you can call it a house. Her only company: pills, cigeretts and alcohol. Years of torment has scared her from the outside world and it would take a miricel to ever trust someone again.


Dean had had it easier that Gina, no doubt about it. His family were rich so of cause people know not to mess with him. His dads a multi million air for christs sake! Though a life of luxury isn't the life for Dean. No, Dean wasn't the sort of guy who plays polo with his butler on a weekend. Defentatly not. No, he was the kid hid upstairs in his room all weekend. Listening to music and drawing his life away. He was the kid his parents sent away upstairs and forbid from coming down stairs whenever they had company. He knew his parents didn't love him. He knew he was just an incovinence to them. But he didn't mind

He would just run away.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know its short and sorry If there's any mistakes, I'm on my iPod and it's like 7am. Please tell me what you think in the comments! Thank you :3 (next chapter will be longer I promise!)

Cm xo