Status: My first story :3 hope you like it!

A Silent Exit

Prescriptions and Distant Memories

"Gina!" my mother shouted from the living room. She sounded drunk again. I shuddered at the thought. People did unspeakable things when they are drunk. Things that they wouldn't even imagine when they were sober.  I heard laughing from the room. Someone else is here. I freeze. 

"Oh Gina" she sang, causing a eruption of laughter. 

Slowly I edged toward the doorway and peered into the front room. There must of been around 5 random guys in the living room, each looking as bladdered as the next. She lept up when she saw me, frantically ushering me in. 

"This is ma baby gurl!" she screamed slurring her words and slightly spilling her drink. 
"It's her birthday today!" she shouted, throwing both arms in the air causing more laughter. 
"Tell them how old you are" she shouted harshly, pushing me forward towards the men. 

"12" I whisper timidly. 

"Time for your birthday treat" she hissed, a cruel smile creeping on he face.  

I awoke at my own ear-shattering scream. It doesn't matter how many times I have the same dream, it always gets the same reaction. Still refusing to actually move out of bed, I pull myself into a upright position. I place severn different coloured pills into my hand and swallowed them dry. One by one.  Don't worry, I'm not a druggie. I need them all. Some are for social anxiety, some antidepressants and some just to forget. Okay maybe they're not all prescription.  

After a moment or two of just staring at my stained ceiling, I lazily roll out of bed. Checking the clock I realise it's gone 12. Great, nearly half the day wasted. 

With less enthusiasm than normal I crawl into the shower. Freezing cold water showers me, earning a gasped curse. I really need to talk to the landlord about the dodgy hot water supply. I shower as quickly as I can, cursing under my breath as I fail to adjust to the water temperature. 

I quickly dress in whatever I can pick from my draws first. Seems like today I'll be wearing: a pair of torn up, black skinny jeans; a plain black shirt and a faded yellow, plaid shirt. Whatever, it's comfy. After realising i really cant be arsed to bother with what i look like today, I decide tie my long, black hair into a messy bun. Not the type of bun a slaggy 15 year old girl wears, but a  I-don't-give-a-shit kind of way. Because to be honest, I really don't. 

Just as I'm about to sit down with my guitar in the living room, a knock on the door reminds me on what is meant to be happening today. I get a new flatmate today. Don't get me wrong, I hate people. And the thought of sharing my room with an obnoxious 19 year old really pisses me of, but it was the only options. I'm dead behind on my rent and this is the only way I keep the flat. 

I sigh heavily as I walk over to the door and get myself ready to welcome a complete stranger info my home. 
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Let me know what you think :3