Status: NEW!!!!

My Heart Will Never Break, I'm Just Here to Break a Sweat

Aint Gonna Happen Anytime Soon

Math and English was boring. Seward and Mr. M just talked about bullshit. I mostly just slept or talked in those classes. I didn’t really care. Gym was boring too. We had to sit on the gym bleachers as Coach Munson, the A.P. of gym, talked. I was mostly watching videos on my phone. Well not video but SpongeBob TV shows. I love SpongeBob!


As we all walked the halls and climbed the stairs to music class, I saw this little freshman getting bullied by Victor.

“Hey Vic!” I called out. Jeanie and Danni followed me just in case.

Me and Victor used to be together. I didn’t love him and he didn’t love me. It was all just for fun until my step-mother caught us and banded Vic from the house. Then it got boring for the both of us, so we just broke it off. We are still friends, we just aint fucking anymore.

“Hey Bella, what’s up?” Victor turns around and I smile as I saw the freshman.

“Why the hell are you picking on your brother? Don’t you do that enough at home?”

Victor laughs before letting his brother go. Nick gives me a smile and a hug before going to class. “Hey wanna hang out after school today?” Victor throws his arm over Jenny’s shoulders as we walk to our next class. Jenny is looking at Victor in disgust. She always hated him but he thinks she’s hot. So yea, you can see what’s happening.

“No and get your arm off of me.” Jenny pushes Vic’s arm off before walking ahead of us and into our music class.

“We are gonna be chilling in the park.” I told him before I kissed his cheek.

“Your breath smells like candy. Laura, can I please have some?” Victor pouts at Laura and cheers as he got the Jolly Rancher.

I quickly snatch one from her hand and pop the watermelon jolly into my mouth. I smile as Lollipop pouts. I kiss her cheek and wrap my arm around her shoulders. She hugs my waist and that was how we walked into the class. Me, the tall slender childish one with a short pink haired lesbian wrapped around me. I just smile and sit in the back. There were no desks so Lollipop sat in my lap. She curled herself up into a ball and began to play Candy Crush on my phone. We are addicted to that game.

“Lollipop get off of Boo. The teacher will be here soon.” Jenny said in her mother voice.

Laura went to get off but I tighten my hold on her small body. “If he wants her to sit in a chair then he will tell us that. Not you.” I place my chin on Laura’s shoulder and help her with the level she was on.

“Come on; let’s not get into trouble on our first day.”

I roll my eyes at Jenny’s words. “Who is getting into trouble? We are just sitting here playing a game before the teacher comes.”

“And the teacher is here. So put away the phone and Pinky sit in your own chair.” A velvety smooth voice said.

I look behind me and licked my lips at the sight of the man in front of me. He was tall around 5’9/ 5’10. His hair was choppy and spiked in different directions. The light shined off of the metal hoop in his nose. His eyes were covered by black aviators but I can feel them staring at me. His arms was covered by the tight black material of his dress shirt but I could see tattoos peeking out from under the sleeves. He also had tattoos on his fingers. He is defiantly a badass kind of man.

My favorite.

But I don’t let it show as I flip my blonde and black hair over my shoulder and look out the window.

“So you must be Bella Sullivan.” I raise an eyebrow but still won’t turn back towards him. “Your cousin told me about you. Jimmy said you were an awesome little rugrat.” A smile graced my lips as I heard that. Jimmy always called me his little rugrat because I used to force him to watch it with me.

“But I don’t see the awesome part.”

My lips turned down into a scowl. “Yea and I don’t see why all these girls are looking at you like your god. You aint nothing to look at.” I turn and smirk at his disappointed face. “Aw, does someone like the attention he gets from teenagers?” I pout at him and flutter my eyelashes a little.

The girls, besides Jenny, were trying not to laugh. That’s just makes it worst. His own sister, the one that truly looks up to him, is trying not to laugh.

“And neither are you. You just look like a child trying to be a teenager.” Haner smirks once more at me before walking to the front of the class.

My teeth bite down on the jolly rancher and breaks it into pieces. I get it, I am childish but I don’t look like a child. I am not a child. I am just a teenager still embracing their childhood before I fully have to grow up. What is so bad about that?

I take a deep breath and make myself relax. Getting angry at this teacher aint going to do anything good. I just want to get my senior year out of the way with no problems. But seeing as this asshole is still smirking at me, that aint going to be happening anytime soon.