‹ Prequel: Royal Blood
Status: Third part.

Young Blood


I actually couldn't believe that my parents were looking for me. I never thought of them as people would want to find me. It seems odd that they are just now trying to find me. I decide I should look up what is on. I stumble across an article with my picture posted on it.

Nichole Jakov, who should be 18 now, went missing in Oklahoma City. The search for her has been been spread across every state. They have been following a few leads in her hometown, but authorities have come up with nothing. They have very little evidence to see that she has been kidnapped. Some of her belongings have gone missing the day she went missing. Some of the authorities believe that she has ran away and not a kidnapping at all.

If it was a kidnapping, whoever did it knew to pack her some clothes and a few books. There isn't anything else gone. It was only a few things that she would need. The authorities say that the kidnapper may be broke or didn't want to shop for clothes that he just took what she already had. He may have decided to take her books for himself. The only thing is that there hasn't been any sign of forced entrance meaning that somebody had either let them in or given them a key to the house.

Her family are desperate to find her. "Nichole was a good girl. She always did her work while working at the local music store," her father told us. "It's just not like her to run away. She liked living here at home. There is someone who has kidnapped our oldest daughter."

Even her younger sister, Erica, has told us that it's just not like her to runaway from home. Everyone in her school agree that she has been kidnapped. The authorities are hoping that they will be able to find her before something bad happens to her.

"Well, fuck," I sigh. I exit out of the program and wander into the kitchen. My back hasn't been bothering me like it has been, so I don't need as much assistance getting around now. I can only imagine what my parents will say when they see that I'm pregnant with a clan vampire.

Danny walks into the room. "Hey, Nichole," he greets with a warm smile.

"Hey, Danny. Have you seen the news?" I ask making conversation.

"Cain just told me about it. Why is there something new about it?" he asks.

"I don't know if you call it new. It's just an article I found after Cain told me about it. Some of what they said was shocked me so much. My parents apparently think that I couldn't run away." I look at him rolling my eyes at the article.

Danny comes up to me and puts his arms around me. "It's okay. We won't let them take you. We will die before that happens." He kisses the top of my head.

My arms automatically go around him. It was nice to have him comfort me. It really is.

Nichole felt so good in my arms. Not only that her smell intoxicated me. I'm actually glad that I have already drank some of her blood earlier this week. I knew that I could only take less than I wanted because of the baby. I just wasn't prepared for the bitter taste so soon. Her blood was delicious and warm on my taste buds.

Of course, it would be nice to have a baby around. The thoughts of children reminded me of my human life. I had two children who were the ages of six and nine. They had died from strange illness. I'm sure it is common now, but I haven't bothered to look up the symptoms to see what it was. I mean, what difference would it make? They would still be dead if I knew what it was.

"I never knew you had children," Nichole says pulling away to look up at me.

"Yeah, I did." I look down at her.

"How come you are just telling me?" she asks.

"Oh, because you never asked. I'm not Cain who likes to hide things because he either thinks hiding it will protect you or because he can't face his past," I remind her.

"Don't be too harsh on him," she mutters.

"I'm just stating a fact, Nichole. I respect Cain. He is a great man who is very capable of leading this clan along side you as well as Alex. They both brought me over to the clan side probably even saving my ass two or three times." I hear her stomach growl. "Hungry?"

I don't wait on her to nod. I just begin to cook using what I can find in the kitchen. I notice it has been restocked with food. Well, somebody went out shopping.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, I put a part in Danny's POV, and gave some of his past. What do you think?

Oh, I have a two new stories, so you can read while waiting for this to be updated: The New Girl and Whispers.