‹ Prequel: Royal Blood
Status: Third part.

Young Blood

The Ice Queen

There isn't nothing that I can do about Helen. I'm sure I will be able to worry about it later. I will have to. The fact that the baby is growing inside of me slowly appears to tell me that I won't be able to do much for a while. I just don't hope that the baby won't take more than a year to grow. That's something that I don't want to deal with. Of course, I don't really have a choice.

Jett continues to check up on me. He tries to figure out how far a long the baby is coming along. He always gives me a smile and something to eat.

"Well, sadly, I don't have all those wonderful machines," he says. "I can however feel the baby and get a good estimate."

The reason why I can't go to human hospitals is obvious for several reasons. One is because people are looking for me. The news says that I was kidnapped which wasn't true. Another is because of the fact of how slow the baby can grow or how fast it will grow.

Jett takes his hands off my stomach and helps me get up. "The baby is coming along at it's own pace. You won't know if it's a girl or boy until the day of birth. Let's just hope it will be pleasant," he tells me.

I stand up and walk out of his room. I have been growing bored of staying in my room. In fact, I have been growing bored of being in the house.

I stared at the clan queen of the Ice Clan. Diona brought Claire with her, but I haven't been a big fan of Claire. "Why did you bring her?" I ask Diona.

"Well, she wanted to meet Nichole. She also wanted to congratulate her on her being a royal clan and also being pregnant," Diona explains. "I brought her with me to soften the blow for Nichole."

"Are you sure she isn't here to make sure that it's not my child?" I ask her.

Claire has been wanting me in her clan. It's almost as bad as it is with Alex, but still to a lesser degree. Claire was never strong-willed, making it hard for her to come after me. She always wants to see how I'm doing without her.

"You'll just have to trust her," Diona sighs. "I'm going to find Nichole."

Hey, Nichole. You have visitors. I send my thoughts off to my queen as I glare at Claire.

Diona walks off, going into the hallway. Her footsteps echo off the walls. I don't move to sit as Claire does.

"I'd still welcome you into my clan if you choose to come to me," she says silently.

"Sorry, Claire. I'm happier here. I get something that I never got with you," I tell her.
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Well, here is a new character. What do you think?

Time travel story: Lady of Sparta