‹ Prequel: Royal Blood
Status: Third part.

Young Blood


I walk into our room. Nichole is laying on the bed. I don't know if she is asleep or not. I ran into Alex when he was walking out of the door. I could only ask what was going on. I sit down on the side of the bed. She rolls over and looks at me. "Why didn't you just tell me?" she asks.

"I don't know. I just kind of didn't know where to start. I was passed from clan to clan. I wasn't the best person," I explain. "What do you want to know?"

"I'm tired. I'm going back to sleep, but later I'll want to know everything," she says with a smile. She tugs my arm pulling me down on the bed.

I walk into school with Aaron standing next to me. Lindsay waits for us by our lockers. We smile at her. When I came back to school after I was turned, she was frightened. She stays a certain distance from me.

"Hey, Red, Justin," she says with a kind smile.

"Don't call me 'Red'," Aaron says.

"Justin calls you 'Red'," she points out.

Like I have said before, everyone tries to call Aaron 'Red'. It just doesn't seem right for people outside of the clan to call him that name. Gabriel says that it has to do with the fact that we have a connection through our queen. I guess that makes sense.

"He got the nickname from my girlfriend's friends," I say. They don't know that I'm with Aaron, and they think that I'm still with Nichole. In reality she never really was my girlfriend, but I don't know how else to describe her to humans.

"Aaron, do you actually enjoy being with those people?" Lindsay says shocked.

"Well, if you got to know them, you would see that they aren't that bad," he says. "Sure, they are a little 'scary' to you. I don't find them frightening."

She took a step back. I could tell that she wasn't very happy about Aaron liking the clan. Lindsay has become a bit protective of Aaron, so that maybe he won't end up like me. Her chance of telling him to not be around them is slim to none. The whole part of him destined to be in the clan plays in a major factor here.

"Oh," she says in a kind of hurt way.

I smile at her trying to show her that I was trying to apologize to her without saying anything. I can't control Aaron's words or actions. The only one who could have any sort of control would be Nichole. There is nothing that I can do about that.

She walks off. I assume she is going to find Riley. They have both been happier since they got back together. I can actually stand him now.

I turn to Aaron to look at him. He gives me a nice smile before he moves his eyes to indicate there is someone else here. I look over to see a couple girls standing there. I look at them questioningly.

"Justin, we were wondering if you and Aaron would like to go to Robin's party this Friday. We could be your dates," the shorter one says. It took me a second to realize this two girls are Robin's best friends. Robin is one of the most popular girls in this school. The shorter one is Allison, and the other is Erica. Both of them are Robin's sidekicks. I don't know how else to explain them.

"I don't know. I'll think about it." I give them a smile to try to be polite.

They smile back and move on down the hall. I look back at Aaron. He shrugs at me. He knows what I'm thinking. He just knows me that well.
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I hope you like it. I haven't gotten into Cain's past too much yet. Mainly because I don't know what exactly I want to happen yet. If you have any suggestions, I would be happy to hear them. Anyways, should Justin and Aaron go to the party?

I'm going to try to update a story once a day starting at the one that hasn't been updated in the longest. So please be patient with me when it comes to updating.