‹ Prequel: Royal Blood
Status: Third part.

Young Blood


I sit in class when my phone buzzes. I pull it out and notice it's from Dillon. This is typical of him to text me during class.

Hey, I have to go to the store to fill the fridge. Want to come with? -Dillon

I think about it. I'm going to go to their house after school. Why not make a stop on the way there? I text him back that I'll go. I look over at Aaron and mouth 'Dillon' hoping he will understand. He nods and goes back to what he is doing. My phone buzzes again.

I'll meet you in front of your school, okay? -Dillon

I go through the rest of the class with ease. It was a bit dull. I don't like sitting around when there is nothing going on. I get up and head to my last class of the day. Aaron comes to walk with me. "So what's going on with Dillon?" he asks.

"Oh, he was asking if we would would go with him to the store for some food," I answer.

"I'm assuming that we are going?" He looks at me as we walk down the hall.

"Of course, we are," I reply. I walk into the room. I head to my normal seat. I look up to see Lindsay come into the room.

"Hey, guys," she says with a smile. I know that she sits closer to Aaron than she does to me. "What are you up to after school?"

"Going to the store," Aaron says immediately.

"Oh, I was thinking that you would come over. My parents are having a grill out. All of my friends are invited," she says. "I'm sure you can make it to my place by six."

"Sorry, but I'm going to Nichole's house tonight," I apologize. "Her family is over, and she wants me to meet them."

"Oh, okay. What about you, Aaron?" She turns her attention to him. "Are you going to get to come?"

"I have to stay home and clean. I got in a bit of trouble with my mom for staying out a little later than I should," he lies.

I spent the day listening to what Cain told me. I have to admit that I was shocked. I never thought that he had a terrible past like that. I try to think about what to say other than 'I'm sorry'. I mean how could I apologize for something that I had no part in?

He stands in front of the window. It's seemed a bit cliche, but he has been staring out the window. I think he was just trying to think about what to say. "Cain," I say standing up and going to him.

He looks at me and lets me walk into his arms. He holds me tightly into his chest. His breathing is calming to me. We stay silent for a little bit.

"Cain, I don't know what to say." I look up at him. "I'm just glad that I got know something more about you."

"I'm glad that you know." He kisses my hair.

I lean into him. We stay like that for a long time until Dillon walks into the room. "Hey, want anything from the store?" he asks.

I give him a short list of food. It's mainly food that I'm craving. I never thought that I would be one of those to crave something, but hey, I am. I crave ice cream and fries along a few other things.
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So I'm having a bit of a block on the story, and this chapter fills like a filler. I just hope that you can enjoy it. I just need some ideas thrown at me to get the ideas following. So what do you want to happen in the story? Give me your ideas. <3