Status: Ongoing

This Is War



Ares is the Greek God of War. My Mother always loved Greek Mythology and would pour over books on the subject for hours at a time. I was lulled to sleep with the stories of Jason, the suffering of Persephone and Demeter, the adventures of Odysseus and of course the fearsomeness of Ares. He had terrified many but was strangely adored by my Mother.

“Aphrodite was Ares’s lover. Never forget, love and war go hand in hand. Love is just as terrifying as war, and a war is fought for out of love,” she would coo to me at my bedside with my eyes aching for sleep.

I should have thought more about her words. I have created a war, between my past and a fervently dreamed future. I know in my soul that it is supposed to be mine, and so I will take it. It’s all in the name of love.