Status: Ongoing

This Is War

Chapter 1


“Stop here,” my gaze fixed on the run-down bar across the street.

“Jax?” Mike, my driver, looked nervously at me through his rear-view mirror.

When the car finally pulled to a stop I slid out of the car, ignoring the down pour of rain I started to make my way over to the seedy bar.


I turned to look back at Mike who was now hanging out of the driver’s window, his gaze pleading, “please get in the car, Andy told me I had to get you back early for the interview tomorrow.”

I grinned at him.

“Sorry Mike, go back without me, I’ll call you later if I want a lift. Try and make sure he doesn’t burst a vein.” I waved as I turned and made my way towards the bar again. The pulsing sound drew me in closer. Licking my lips I could almost taste my first whiskey.

I moved swiftly past the two beefy doormen. Not too strict on ID then I noted.

I heard them talking between themselves just before I ducked into the bar.

“Oi, doesn’t he look like that kid from that band?”

“Be more precise man!”

“Ah man I should have asked for autograph, my daughter loves that guy.”

I smirked, believe me, you’ll want her to give up on me quickly I promised.

Inside was full. Music blared. My ears still stung from the gig earlier, but it was a familiar welcome feeling. The show had been good tonight.

5,000 people queued and waited to see us, The Defiance. The more I heard our name aloud the more I fucking hated it I swear. Bobby, Chase, Tate and I chose it on a whim; I should have known that meant it was a mistake. Six years on and our shitty garage band was a total fucking success. We were touring with the big fish and I was getting high off of it every night. I still needed a little pick me up every now and again though of course, hence tonight.

The queue to bar was massive. Hordes of guys were pushing forwards trying to get to it. I looked around; it was a pretty dim view. A pool table, a pinball machine in the corner, darts on the wall and some sparse stools and tables on the floor. Peeling wallpaper and a swinging light shade completed the run down look the owner was obviously going for.

Pushing forwards I finally noticed what the interest was around the bar.

On it stood a woman. A good-looking one. Her skin was a deep toffee colour, a mass of reddish brown curls were sexily piled on top of her head. Her eyes were closed but she was singing along with the music, word for word. Three Days Grace I noted impressed, she didn’t look like the type. She was full of curves, breasts, waist and hips, all went in and out at the right places. She wore a black oriental dress that fitted those curves, with two long slits up the thighs showing a teasingly dangerous amount of skin. She skimmed across the bar, twirling gracefully. She danced hard; some of the girls on tour with us couldn’t even dance as well as this one and we were paying them a bucket load. I noticed her catching eyes with the young guy behind the bar, he glanced at his watch and shook his head subtly, her jaw tightened but she quickly straightened it to a dizzying smile.

So she was netting. Reeling the perverts in and keeping them at the bar, spending their good money. Her gaze swept over the crowd as she danced, and I could see the honey colour in her eyes. Without realising I’d managed to get closer to the bar and could see her clearly now. She looked like she would taste sweet.

Clawing my attention away from her wondrous form I reached for the bar. I waited patiently for my chance to order and settled into a stool as soon as it was free. I relaxed, while waiting for my drink I listened to the men around the bar, a bad habit of mine. Fuck it, I wasn’t going to change now. They were all talking about the girl. She’d only been here a couple of weeks it seemed. Pretty popular too. I listened as the men around me openly and loudly fantasised about her. Looking up at her again I studied her face, by the tightness in her jaw I had a feeling that she could hear them as well. Well if you’re gonna work this job be prepared I guess. I noticed for the first time the black ribbon that was wrapped around her slender throat. As she turned I could see the small bow knotted at the back and had to remind myself that I wasn’t the person who was meant to untie it and slip it from her delicate throat. Chicks like her were too much effort for me tonight.

I nodded my head in thanks as the bartender finally passed me my drink. I took a smooth sip. The burn filled my hollow chest. I smiled.

Five drinks later the warmth was beginning to stick finally. I stole a glance at the dancer again as I had been doing for the past hour. After a five minute break she had returned and been on the bar ever since. Considering the heavy music this bar was beating out I was impressed at her skill. Watching her for a time made it obvious she’d had some serious training at some point.

Finally I became too curious.

“Hey,” I called the bartender over with a nod of my head, “who’s the dancer?” I flicked my eyes from him to her and back quickly.

He chuckled as he wiped the bar. It pissed me off.

“It’s not worth it, I’m telling you now. She dances and then she goes. No small talk, nothing. Don’t bother.”

I nodded my head, becoming aware of the fog filling my mind; it’d be time to go soon. Catching the bartender nodding I wondered what the hell he was trying to tell me now until I saw a flash out of the peripheral of my sight.

“Thanks Matt,” her voice was smooth considering she’d been dancing nonstop for the past half hour. “Can I get that drink now? Whiskey, straight.”

A woman after my own heart.

“No problem” the kid beamed at her. Fucking lapdog.

She propped herself up on the bar.

“Thought you said she didn’t stick around,” really? Did I really have to say that?

The kid gave me a hard look, I matched it. I was terrifying on an off day. At six foot five I didn’t have much to worry about, I was lean but by no means weak, days of fighting for a bit of extra cash when I was a kid had stopped that.

“Got something to say kid?” I challenged.

He backed down quick enough. I leaned back in my stool and drummed my fingers against the bar.

“Well that was a pissing match if I ever saw one,” I looked back at the girl.

Something was puzzling me but I couldn’t quite figure it out with this many drinks in me. Her voice had a rough quality I hadn’t expected. It was damn sexy though.

“Nothing to say now mate?” British. The girl had a British accent.

“Just don’t feel the need to spout shit when I’ve made my point is all. If you stick around a while you’d figure it out.” What the fuck did I say that for? I’ve drunk too much already.

She shot me her megawatt smile.

“Echo,” she turned to the bar boy while I imagined her smiling at me as I called her name, “here.” He slid her drink across the bar into her welcoming hand.

Looking back at me she rolled the glass along her dark lips. Fuck, this kind of woman was poison to me. In one smooth motion she arched her neck and swallowed the drink. Slamming the drink down on the counter she grinned at me again. I forced myself not to jump over the bar to get to her.

“Night stranger” she waved at me before turning and winking at the bar boy, I swear I could sense his dick hardening and if she was the kind of woman I thought she was so could she.

I stared at her while she moved down the bar and disappeared behind a door. Well that was that then. Fuck it, maybe I’d try and get her number. One night of that couldn’t kill me. I tried to push the image of running my hands through her hair and drawing her in closer out. While I was trying to get my fucking head back on she walked back into the bar. She walked slowly.

“Matt,” her voice was slightly strangled, “I’m not feeling too good, I’m going outside to clear my head before I get going alright?”

She walked carefully out the front door. What’s up with her? Weird. Must be fucking tired after all that dancing.

Bar boy’s looking pretty nervous as he watches the door. I’m tempted to pick another fight with him but I can tell he’s the kind of kid that squeals rather than putting his fists up, I’m not looking to beat the shit out of someone who won’t hit me back. He stutters around for another minute, I hear him whispering to himself before he makes a break and bolts to the front door.

I tip back another whiskey. I catch the look on the clock face behind the bar and wince.

Fuck, it was after two now. Andy was going to kill me if I didn’t get my ass back to the hotel soon. Fishing my cell out of my pants I noticed for the first time tonight all the miss calls I’d gotten. All from Andy. Shit he must be pissed. Time to go back.

I fired a text to Mike and stood up. The haze of whiskey made everything sway for a second. I needed some air. Stalking out of the bar I kept my head down as I walked past the bouncers, I wasn’t in the mood to talk. I looked around just in time to see bar boy pulling the hot dancer down a dark alley. She seemed pretty shaky on her feet. Unease curled my stomach. My feet started to walk me over to them before I’d really decided to go.
♠ ♠ ♠

I hope you like this chapter, Jax is quite a different voice from Echo, let me know what you think!