Status: Ongoing

This Is War

Chapter 2


“You don’t get it!” two outlines of Matt rushed towards me as I tried to balance on the brick wall, “I just wanted a chance to talk to you but you won’t listen, you don’t stick around I just wanted some time!”

What the hell is going on? This isn’t just the alcohol; I bit back tears as I begin to recognise what’s happening to me. Please not this again, not here. Let me be.

“Matt… did you put something… in my drink?” I stumbled back as he tried to lean into me, “my head feels funny”.

“Babe, come here,” his voice sounded far away as he pulled me closer. This isn’t happening. This isn’t happening! “Just relax,” he held my jaw as he tried to tip my head back. My vision blurred from the effort to resist his pull. I must not pass out.

“Get off me… Matt”

“Babe its fine” he stroked my hair. I hate this. I hate you. I hate him! My hands shook by my sides, they were so heavy. I could feel his breath on my cheek, the stench of alcohol made my stomach roll. Listen to me! True panic set in as he trailed his lips down my neck over my ribbon, my only protection.

“I said get off me now!” I shoved him back with everything I had left in me; he stumbled away from me before catching his balance. When he looked at me again I knew the look, it was one I’d always known. Anger. Want.

He smirked as he stood tall, his body filled the only exit from the blackened alley way, he stood in the only light.

“Babe, you know you want me,” he laughed as he sauntered towards me.

“What part of no… aren’t you understanding?” I looked him dead in the eye when he came back into focus.

His large fist came at me, I couldn’t move. I didn’t feel the crack of my skull against the brick wall.

I fell to the floor, my vision blackening, I could taste iron. A hand stroked my hair, I shivered.

“Like I said babe you want m-“

Suddenly his hand was gone. A sound pounded my ears. Grunting. Kicks. Scrapping. Sickening crunching. But it wasn’t happening to me. I laid on the ground in confusion. My skull throbbed and I was barely holding on to my consciousness. I have to move. My blood was sticky against my cheek. This is too familiar. The sounds faded out, like being underwater. I would lose and I knew it. Why? Tears burned my eyes. Why me again?

Hands touched me, I couldn’t fight back anymore, my body wasn’t mine to control, again. I fought against the darkness trying to seize me.

“It’s okay, I’m taking you to the hospital now.” It wasn’t Matt. I wanted to cry. It wouldn’t be me again. Then I processed what he said.


“Can’t…” I leaned in closer to her, she has to be okay, if she can speak she has to be okay.

“Can’t what?” I pulled her into my arms, resisting the urge to crush her into me. I glanced over at the slumped body on the floor away from us. I could kill him. If she wasn’t here I would kill him. My body burned with the need to crush his skull.

“Hospital…” my attention was back on her immediately, “I can’t go… to hospital… he’ll find me.”

“Don’t worry I’ve sorted hi-“

“Nathan… he’ll find me… please… don’t make me.” Nathan?

She was shivering, shit she needed help, now.

“Okay,” I nodded to myself as I stood with her in my arms. I’ll take her to Manny, our doctor on tour, he can take a look at her. I knew I wasn’t doing my best thinking at the minute but when she’d looked at me like that, begging, when she said that name I knew it was bad. I knew I would do whatever I could for her.

I walked out of the alley and saw Mike in the car straight away. I kicked the door to get his attention, he started, turning to shout he stilled the second he saw me. I felt the trickle of blood running down my face. I must not look good. Then I realised that really it must be the unconscious girl I held in my arms.

“Open the door Mike.”