Status: hiatus: trying to figure out where I want to go with this or if I'm going to just delete it

I Never Told You What I Did For A Living

Drummer Crisis?!?!?!?!

I walked into the recording studio to be greeted by none other than my best friend Sara.
“Ray come on you gotta meet the band’’ “ok ok calm down Sara” I said as we walked into the room with 4 guys standing there. “Hi I’m Raychelle and I’m here to be your pianoist’’ I said as I walked in. “ok I’m Gerard” a man with short black hair said shaking my hand. “I’m Mikey and Gerard’s brother” a younger man with dark brown hair said shaking my hand. “I’m Frank” a short man said “and I’m Ray” a guy with and afro said I laughed and only Sara understood why. “So what are your positions?” I asked “Gerard’s the lead singer, Mikey’s the bassist, Frank’s the guitarist and so am I” Ray explained “I guess that means you need a drummer?” “no we have one but I don’t know if he’s gotten his lazy but out of the van yet.” “shut up Ray I’m right frickin’ here!” “BOBBY” “RAY” we both shouted as I ran over and hugged Bob. “Bob I’ve missed you so much” “I’ve missed you a lot too Ray” everyone else besides Sara looked at us very confused. “Everyone this is my friend Raychelle or Ray as I call her” “Bob we’ve already met her but how do you 2 know each other?” “we grew up together and Bob’s like my older brother OH SHIT” I exclaimed looking for my phone as it went off “Hello?’’
“Hey Ray”
“Hey Spency how are you?”
“Good how bout you?”
“Good guess what?”
“I got a job as a pianoist for My Chemical Romance and guess whos the drummer?”
“Nope the cunning and sly devil himself bob”
“oh cool hey you wanna got to dinner with me and Andy tonight you can bring Bob and Sara”
“cool I’ll come, hey is Andy there with you?”
“yeah hold on a sec”
“thanks Spenc”
“your welcome Ray”
“hello my dear Andrew”
“oh hello my dear Raychelle”
“dinner? I’m bringing Bob and Sara”
“ok we’re going to a nice resturaunt so casual”
“ok thanks Andy I love you”
“I love you to Ray”
“tell Spencer I love him too”
“ok bye Ray see you tonight”
“ok bye Andy”
I hung up and turned to Bob smiling. “what are you smiling about” “oh nothing sweety” “liar” “hey Bob?” “yeah Ray” “are you and Raychelle dating” I sware I sprayed everyone with the water I spit out when Ray asked that question and started coughing “Raychelle are you ok?” I just nodded and excused myself and called my friend James “hello” “hey James how are my babies?” “Good you wanna come see them?” “hell yeah” “ok ill come pick you up” and then we hung up about 5 minutes later James pulled up in his Ford truck and I hoped in and we drove to the riding academy. I have 4 horses. 1. My Ray of Sunshine (Ray) 2. Shot Down Ego (Ego) 3. Panicking Drumline (Spenc) 4. Any Day Now (Andy). We walked out to the arena where I saw Ray tacked up and ready to ride so I grabbed my helmet and warmed him up then did some jumps and then cooled him out and put him in his pasture. My cell rang. Bob. “hello” “where the hell are you? One minute you’re here the next your not.” “calm down Bob I’m safe and sound” “I didn’t ask if you were safe although im glad to hear that I asked where you are” “I’m fine so stop worrying ill be at the apartment in like 2 or 3 hours ok?” “fine I love you Ray” “I love you too Bob Bye” “bye” I hung up then rode the rest of my horses and then went back to the apartment.