Status: hiatus: trying to figure out where I want to go with this or if I'm going to just delete it

I Never Told You What I Did For A Living

Crazy Recording

I hung up with Spencer and Andy and put my phone away. I stood up and walked over to the group huddled in the corner."Hi I'm Raychelle"
"hi I'm Pete and this is Ryan"
"ok nice to meet you"
"yeah you to"
"ok so Patrick what are we doing today?"
" well working on getting you to play these songs and we'll take as long as needs."
"um ok well I have to leave at about 5:30 because Spencer and Andy are making me some special dinner or somethin I'm not totally sure what its for though"
"ok then lets get started" I was able to play 5 of the songs for Panic in 3 hours.
"ok lets take a break"
''you guys can I wanna work on this a little more"
"ok" they stood there talking and then Andy called.I love speaker phone "Hey Andy"
"hey Ray how's practice?"
" good so what are we having?"
"its a suprise"
" darn you Andy everythings always suprises with you"
'' grr your such a brat"
"no I'm not"
"whatever, do you want me to dress up or is what I'm wearing ok?"
"um what are you wearing?"
"this" I said while taking a picture of my self and sending it to him.
"um why don't you wear that black and blue dress?"
"oh the one you and Spenc got me?"
"yeah you always look beautiful in it"
"awww thanks Andy then you and Spencer wear those ties I got you guys"
"ok so what time are you comin?"
''ok am I interrupting"
"no we're taking a break"
"oh ok you wanna talk to Spencer?"
"sure why not"
"ok I love you Ray"
"I love you too Andy"
"ok here's Spencer"
"HEY RAY!!!"
"yeah you did it right"
"yup I can't have my Spencer all sad because I didn't do it right"
"so what have you been up to?"
"uh nothin really"
"ok so you wanna give me a hint about the bands"
"no Andy'll kill me"
"no he won't"
"yes he will Ray he threatened me"
"well I guess you'll have to come live with me for a while"
"I'm just kidding you know Bob and Sara would freak, speaking of those 2 are they comin too?"
"no it's just you and me"
"and Andy"
"yeah I guess him too if thats what you want"
"Spencer Smith, I'm beginning to think you like me"
"no not at all"
"sarcastic son of a gun"
"my parents aren't guns"
"would you rather s.o.b."
"no the others fine"
"yeah thats what I thought"
"Hey Raychelle we need to get back to work"
"ok Patrick I'll hang up with Spencer......Hey Spency"
"yeah Ray"
"I gots to go Pat wants to get back to work so I'll see you tonight"
"ok I love you Ray"
"I love you too Spencer bye"
I got back to playing the songs and in a total of 8 hours, I had learned 15 songs and could play them rather nicely." Wow your really good Raychelle"
"thanks and you know you can call me Ray"
"ok Ray its 5 so you can go if you want"
"ok I have one question though"
"ok and that is?"
"when do I get to meet the rest of Fall Out Boy and Panic! At the Disco?"
"ok well I guess I'll see you all tomorrow then so bye"
"bye" My phone started ringing. Andy." Hey Andy"
" are you comin?"
"I'm about to the leave the studio so about 30-40 minutes"
"ok I guess I'll see you in about an hour so I love you"
"I love you too Andy bye"

I left the studio and went to my truck and drove back to my apartment. I got a shower and put on the dress Andy and Spencer had gotten me the year before for my birthday. I put a little eyeliner on and eyeshadow then slipped on my heels and left a note for Sara. Then I got in my truck and drove the 10 minutes to Spencer and Andy's. I walked in knowing they wouldn't care." Andy! Spencer! I'm here!" I heard Andy in the kitchen yelling at someone to leave." Hey Andy I'm gonna put my stuff in your room"
"ok Ray" I went upstairs and put my jacket and purse on Andy's bed, then walked back down downstairs and into the kitchen. Andy was still yelling at this guy with brown hair and a almost afro to leave. "Hey Andy"
"Hey Ray...RAY!!!!"
"yeah Andy"
"oh sorry I just forgot um could you go find Spencer?"
I found Spencer in his room getting dressed. " Hey Spency"
"Hey Ray"
"are you almost finished"
"yeah hey do you know if Joe is still here?"
"um I don't know, who's Joe?"
"um never mind lets go" we linked arms and walked back downstairs and into the kitchen. "hey Andy I found him"
" good lets sit down for dinner"
"ok" So we all sat down and enjoyed the wonderful dinner Andy and Spencer had made.
"Andy that was delicious thank you"
"your welcome Ray"
"so what"
"stop teasing Andy you know exactly why"
"Fine um ok Spencer you can go first"
"ok um please don't be mad I wanted to tell you but he wouldn't let me and"
"its ok I won't be mad I promise"
"um I'm the drummer for Panic At the Disco"
"Andy your turn"
"I know Spencer I know um Ray I'm the drummer for Fall Out Boy"
"cool so I get to see all 3 of you on tour and now I understand it"
"understand what?"
"well whenever I would talk to you 2 on the phone around them they gave me looks like how do you know them"
"oh yeah that would be why"I ended up staying there and sleeping in the room I called mine when I would stay there.
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sorry it took so long i prewrote it and then i couldn't get on the computer for a few days or however long its been hope you like. the next one will explain who james is and alot about her childhood and teenage years.