Status: hiatus: trying to figure out where I want to go with this or if I'm going to just delete it

I Never Told You What I Did For A Living

Missing Uncles and Lovable Babies


I was packing up some of my clothes. I was going to go visit my uncle in California. I finished packing, then James drove me to the airport and helped me get my stuff in and then said goodbye and hugged me then left. I got on the plane about 15 minutes later and just took out my ipod and listen to it. About 4 hours later I was walking up to my uncle’s house with all my bags in tow. As soon as I got to the front porch the front door opened and I was enveloped in a hug by my uncle. “Finally I thought you forgot or something”
“what and miss a chance to be with you Uncle Adam I think not” he just laughed and hugged me tighter. We walked into the house and I went to put my stuff in “my room”, well it was mine when I came to visit him. I walked back downstairs to see the rest of my uncles band sitting in the living room. “well look who finally decided to show up” James said smiling
“yup I felt like taking forever just for you James ” I replied sarcastically. “thanks”
“your welcome” All the guys in my uncles band were like my other uncles since I had known them since I was little. My mom and her brother were really close so I always saw Adam and his band. I spent about an hour talking to the guys then went to bed. I woke up the next day to the smell of bacon. I walked downstairs and saw my uncle in front of the stove. “ so we’re having bacon huh?”
“yup I thought that would be the perfect thing unless you don’t like bacon anymore”
“what me not like bacon, what’s wrong with you Uncle Adam”
“whatever so where’s Aunt Lydia”
“right here sweetheart”
“hey Aunt Lydia how are you?”
“good how bout my favorite niece?”
“I’m good so where’s Jada and Brandon?”
“is Ray here yet Mommy?”
“Jada there your are”
“RAY RAY!!!!” my three year old cousin yelled before running over and hugging me. Then my aunt left the room and came back holding 10-month-old Brandon. As soon as he saw me he put his arms out to me. I took him from his mom and hugged him. He started to laugh and Jada was giggling too. I spent the morning playing with Jada and Brandon. We played dolls and house and then went outside for a little while till Brandon fell and got hurt and had to be taken back inside. At about 1:30 Brandon and Jada went with Lydia to see their grandma for the weekend. I was in my room singing along to my Maroon 5 cd when my uncle came up and knocked on my door. “Hey Ray I’m going to practice I think you should come and sing with me like you did with your dad”
“I was thinking if you were willing to and if it wouldn’t hurt too much that maybe you could record a few songs including Goodnight?”
“I guess yeah but I don’t have a very good voice”
“Raychelle I think you have a very beautiful voice, you got it from your mom she had a great voice too and so did your dad so don’t be ashamed of it, its beautiful”
“ok but what other songs were you thinking of?”
“This Love, She Will Be Loved, Wake Up Call, If I Never See Your Face Again”
“ok why did my dad always say something about She Will Be Loved?”
“because he said if he ever died that that song would be his promise to you”
“oh wow I never knew that”
“yeah he said is if it ever happened and you asked about that song that he wanted me to tell you”
“Ok thanks Uncle Adam”
“your welcome well lets go before we’re late”
“OK” So we headed out to his truck and drove to the recording studio. Once there I spent about 2 hours recording the songs my uncle asked me to and he surprised me by singing with me on most of them. When we got home he cooked me a special dinner because he thought I did really good and he knew how much I loved his cooking. After dinner I got a call from Bob “hello”
“hey Ray its Bob”
“hey Bob”
“hey how’s Colorado with James”
“um actually really fun but right now I’m at my uncle’s house with him”
“oh cool which one?”
“Adam and in a couple weeks I’m gonna go visit my aunt Monica and see if my uncle is home yet”
“oh he is the one in the army?”
“yeah he is and I hate it and I know Monica does too, I mean Logan barely knows him”
“is Logan the baby?”
“oh ok just wanted to check up on you”
“ok well I’m good missing you and Spenc a lot”
“what about Andy?”
“well to tell you the truth not as much as you 2 and Sara he’s just so overwhelming sometimes and acts like I’m 2 or 3 not 23 almost 24”
“yeah I know sweetheart its hard”
“it is and I didn’t want to freak him out by just getting up and leaving him but there was no other way otherwise he would of locked me in my room at his house or something and then I wouldn’t be able to spend so much time with James or my uncles and aunts and cousins I mean it felt really good when Brandon and Jada actually recognized me and were happy I was here. I mean Jada just jumped on me hugging me like I do to you and when Brandon saw me he just wanted me to hold him not Adam or Lydia, me.”
“yeah I know its great to know your loved by little ones you love a lot”
“yeah oh guess what my uncle got me to do?”
“record some of the Maroon 5 songs including my special ones”
“cool when do I get to hear them?”
“I actually have no idea Bob”
“ok well call me cause I wanna here them even if they did fix your voice a little”
“ok well I’ll talk to you later I guess”
“yeah I guess so I love you Ray”
“I love you too Bob tell Spencer and Sara I said hi, that I miss them and I love them”
“ok what about Andy?”
“just tell Andy to call me and tell him I’m sorry that I didn’t say goodbye and I love him a lot”
“ok bye”
I finally made it to my aunts after a 8 hour flight to Maryland. I knocked on the door and was greeted by my 8 year old cousin Christina opened the door and then hugged me. “Christina I told you not to open the door to strangers”
“so now I’m a stranger huh Aunt Monica?”
“Oh its you Raychelle good Logan and Brian are in your room asleep on the bed waiting for you”
“ok I’ll go put my stuff away and wake them up”
“Ok” So I went up to my room with Christina tagging along behind me. “Ray I’m so glad you’re here”
“I am too Chris so how have you guys been while I was gone”
“good I guess I really miss Daddy”
“I’m sure you do but don’t worry he’ll be home soon”
“I hope so” We walked into my room and I set my bags down then I picked up Logan. He woke up and took one look at me then hugged me and fell back asleep on my shoulder. Brian woke up and hugged me. Brian is 6 and Logan is 8 months old. We went back downstairs and played in the family room when there was a knock at the door. I looked out the window and saw an army officer step out of a car and then I quickly took the 3 kids upstairs to my room and started a movie and told Brian and Christina to stay there but I took Logan with me. I went back downstairs to see my aunt at the door. “Aunt Monica is everything ok?”
“um where are the kids?”
“Brian and Christina are in my room watching a movie and I have Logan with me”
“are you ok?”
“I don’t know they just said Jon’s M.I.A.”
“oh my god no that can’t be”
“they just said it was”
“I’m so sorry Aunt Monica” I said as I went up and hugged her. She started to cry and then went up to her room and stayed in their for the rest of the night. After the movie went off Brian and Christina came down and I made them some dinner. “where’s mommy?”
“she went to bed she’s not feeling very well”
“oh ok” After they had their dinner they went up and got ready for bed. I read them a story and then they fell asleep. Logan was still awake content with me just holding him. I called James and told him “oh man that sucks I hope he’s ok Aunt Monica doesn’t really need this”
“yeah I know well Logan’s starting to get cranky I better make his bottle and put him to bed”
“Ok I love you and tell them I said hi and tell her if she needs anything I’ll be here waiting her call”
“ok love you too James bye”
“bye” I hung up with James and then put my phone away then went and made Logan a bottle. I sat there in the rocking chair feeding him his bottle thinking about my uncle. Logan finally fell asleep so I put him in his crib and went and got into my bed and fell asleep. I woke up at about 5:30 a.m. I got up and went downstairs and got some coffee. Then sat at the table and drank it about 20 minutes later someone was knocking at the door so I went over and opened it to be greeted with an Army officer standing there. “ hello are you Monica Savour?”
“no I’m her niece, is my uncle ok?”
“um well is your aunt here?”
“yes she is but she’s asleep, actually getting some sleep after hearing Jon was M.I.A.”
“well then I’ll come back later”
“no she trusts me tell me where’s my uncle?”
“right here shorty”
“Uncle Jon!”
“shhh!!! I wanna surprise Monica”
“wait today’s her birthday isn’t it”
“yup and what’s this I hear that I was M.I.A.”
“an officer came by yesterday and told her that and she finally fell asleep like maybe around 11:30p.m.”
“oh ok well I’m gonna put my stuff in your car and then around 10 or 11 I’ll come in and surprise her and the kids” Then I heard Logan waking up “crap I gotta go get him or he’ll wake up Monica”
“ok well see you in a few hours”
“ok I’m glad you’re ok and I love you”
“I love you too Ray now go get my baby boy”
“Ok” I closed the door and went up and got Logan out of his crib and took him downstairs and got him some cheerios. He was happily munching on his cheerios so I decided to make myself some eggs. After we both had some food I took him back upstairs to change his diaper. After he was changed I finally looked at the clock and saw that it was 8:45. Brian and Christina woke up and I took them down and got them some food then at about 9:30 my aunt came down. “did you sleep well Aunt Monica” I asked as I gave her a plate of eggs. “Yes and thank you for taking care of my kids”
“its ok I love doing it and its giving me practice for when I get married”
“yeah it is…” she was interrupted by a knock at the door. I got up to get it while she ate her food. I opened the door and saw my uncle standing there smiling. “ hey aunt Monica I need you to come here”
“ok” she said walking into the hallway with Brian and Christina tagging along behind her. “what do you need?”
“there’s this man who needs a place to stay do you think he could stay here?”
“yeah sure”
“ok thank you come on in Jon” My uncle walked in and he dropped his bags as soon as he saw Monica standing there. She ran over to him and hugged him. Brian and Christina followed what their mom had done and their dad picked them both up in a giant hug. Then he turned to me and hugged me and Logan at the same time. “I’m glad your home Uncle Jon”
“I am too”
“dada” Logan shouted all of the sudden “ oh my god that’s his first word”
“it is? And it was dada”
“wow I fell really special now my sons first words were dad and he barely sees me”
“hey you know what I’m going to go visit some friends in New York for a few days how about I take the kids with and you 2 can have the house all to yourselves”
“um what friends?”
“Sara, I’ll be at my apartment and Bob and Spencer are gonna be there some too”
“ok well how about you just take Logan, because Brian and Christina haven’t seen Jon in a while and I know Logan’s really attached to you”
“ok well I’m leaving tomorrow and I’ll be back in 3-4 days”
“Ok why don’t you go get packed”
“ok” I went upstairs and packed for Logan then grabbed a couple of things then put them in my car. We spent the rest of the day playing games and watching movies. I took Logan up to bed and then went to bed myself. I got up at 8:30 and made sure all my stuff was ready and in my car. I said goodbye to my aunt and uncle and to my 2 cousins and then got in my car to start my 4-5 hour drive. When I got to my apartment Sara wasn’t there. I called my aunt and told here we got there safely. I got me and Logan’s bags up to the apartment. Once all our stuff was in my room I put Logan down for a nap and made myself some lunch. At about 5:00 Sara got home and she didn’t know I was here with Logan. She walked in the apartment and then called out “who’s there”
“oh nobody important”
“RAYCHELLE!!!” she yelled as she ran over and hugged me, which woke up Logan, who started to cry. I went into my room and grabbed him then walked back into the living room. “is he yours?”
“for now until I take him back to Monica and Jon’s in a few days”
“wait your staying here for a little while?”
“yeah I came to visit and I’m helping my aunt and uncle out by taking Logan for a couple of days so they can get back to being a family”
“wait your uncle’s back from the Army?”
“yes and for good he’s retired”
“that’s great”
“yeah I know we’re all really excited Christina called James to tell him the news”
“oh good”
“yeah he’s gonna go see them in a few weeks”
“so where do your aunt and uncle live?”
“oh so not very far form here”
“nope not to far” Me and Sara spent the rest of the night catching up. She told me that Spencer and Bob were coming over tomorrow. So I got up early to take care of Logan like always at about 9:30 both of us were up and then I heard someone knocking and then Bob and Spencer walked in. “hey Sara we’re here”
“ok c’mon into the kitchen I have a surprise for you”
“ok” they walked into the kitchen and then stopped in their tracks I was rocking Logan because he was sleepy. “OH MY GOD ITS RAYCHELLE!!!” I heard Spencer shriek and it scared Logan. I started bouncing him and trying to get him to calm down. “shhh. Logan its ok baby calm down I’m here shhhh” He finally calmed down then Bob and Spencer came over and hugged me. “is he your baby?”
“no Bob this is Logan”
“oh so this is little Logan he’s cute”
“he looks like his mom”
“I’m sure so are you here to stay?”
“no I’m only here for a few days”
“oh ok” We spent a couple of hours talking and Bob was playing with Logan and he really seemed to like him. Suddenly my phone started to ring. “hello”
“hey sweety”
“oh hey was sup?”
“um Lydia and I were wonderin if you could watch Brandon and Jada for a few days?”
“ yeah sure I’m at my apartment right now so c’mon over”
“ok I’ll be there soon”
“ok I love you”
“I love you too bye”
“bye” About 10 minutes later the doorbell rang and I went and opened it and my uncle was there with Jada and Brandon. “RAY!!!”
“hey Jada”
“hey thanks for doing this Ray”
“no problem Uncle Adam you know I love these guys”
“yeah ok well I gotta go so see you later”
“ok bye I love you”
“I love you too Ray and bye” My uncle left and I brought Brandon and Jada into the living room with Logan starting to cry. “Logan calm down mommy’s here shhh” I said as I came in and set Brandon down and grabbing Logan. After a few hours Bob and Spencer went home and I put Brandon, Jada, and Logan to sleep.
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heres the second one i promised. oh and i can't believe it but i typed half of this while watching Assault on Precinct 13. which in my opinion is a pretty kick-ass movie even tho my parents don't like it anyways hope you enjoy it i did my best!!!