The Night He Won't Forget

The Noise

On a dark stormy night, in the town of Rosewood, West Virginia, in some nearby woods a blood curdling scream rang through the area. The scream made innocent forest creatures run away in terror. The scream was heard a few yards away by sixteen year old William Fletcher, who was passing by the forest on his skateboard while heading home from a friend's house. William heard the scream through his headphones and stopped quickly to look around to see if someone or something was hurt. Unsure of himself, he picked up his skateboard and started stepping slowly into the dark, cold forest, scared of what may lie ahead. As he wandered into the forest helplessly, he thought to himself, "You made a mistake Will. You should turn back and just go home." But he still headed straight into the dark, soon not being able to see the street lights behind him or his hand in front of his face. Another scream went through the forest, louder than the one he heard before. He knew he was getting close and his gut told him to turn back, but he still continued walking, almost as if he was being controlled. William was becoming scared as he continued walking. It became so dark that he pulled out his cell phone to shine the light to the ground. He nearly tripped as he grabbed a tree he was walking past to help him from falling. William quickly pulled his hand away, because he felt wetness on his hand. He shined the light on it. His hand was covered in blood. He turned around to see that he tripped over what were the remains of what appeared to be himself. He knew automatically that it was his twin brother David who were laying on the ground. Scared beyond all recognition, he closed his eyes and said, "It's not real, this is just a dream!" He quickly opened his eyes and turned around to run away, when he felt the sharpest pain in his stomach. He was looking in the eyes of a serial killer who had been living in the woods for years. He would kill his victims and make it look like an animal attack, which is why he never got caught. William looked down to see that he had been stabbed by a long knife, with a wolf head decoration for a handle, sticking out of him. The killer knew that he couldn't let William get away. He stabbed him multiple times and William then fell to the ground. With his vision fading he looked up at the killer and asked him in a weak voice, "Why did you do this?" The killer that said in a calm voice with a crazy look in his eyes and a smile on his face, "Because you invaded my home." William then lay dead on the ground next to his brother, and the killer did his business and left. He was never seen again.