Status: Active. :)

Give Me Sweet Nothing

A party?

I sat picking at my finger nails as my last class came to an end. Lunch was next, and I was starving. Of course I wasn't eating here, the food was disgusting, and foul. My body would croak over if it tried to digest it. I'd rather not put it through that misery. The bell rang, and I sprang forward. I was leaving to get my lunch, Subway was just a few blocks away. I walked slowly to my locker to drop my books off. I felt a sharp jerk at my right shoulder, and quickly glanced back only to be greeted with Anna's bubbly smile. I snickered, she was always so happy, I couldn't think of a time she wasn't.

"What's up?" I said unlocking my locker. I bent down and shoved my books to the side and stood. I glanced in my mirror, and scanned my face. I needed a tan. How I don't have one living in California, I'll never know.

"No, you don't." Anna rolled her eyes as she spoke. I raised a brow, and turned around, "Huh?"
"You don't need a tan. You're darker than I am" she shoved her arm against mine, and indeed I was. I laughed. "how did you know what I was thinking?" I asked. "Because that's always the first thing out of your mouth when you stare in the mirror." She rolled her eyes, yet again. I shut my locker, and hoisted my purse over my shoulder, keys in hand. "So, what's up?" I asked yet again.

"Your parents leave for vacay when?" she asked, why would she want to know that? "In like two weeks. Why?" We made our way down the hall, passing a group of kids. "Because, I was thinking, with this being the start of our last year of high school and all, you should totally throw a senior party." She smiled big looking right at me with nothing but seriousness. A party? HAHA, no way. "Uh, no." "Awww, why not?!" She whined. She was good at that. Always whining when she didn't get what she wanted. "Because, I'm not a good party planner, I don't have that many friends, and my house is not the venue for it." I spoke as we walked through the doors.

"Okay, one: you throw great parties, the rare times that you do, two: you have a million friends, and three: your house is perfect! It's big enough, gorgeous, and has a pool. C'monnnn. Pleaseeee?" She whined some more. I rolled my eyes. I knew if I said no, I'd never live it down. And what's one small get together? Like she said, it was rare that I ever did, which was only two other times. I sighed. What the hell. It couldn't hurt. "Sure.." I looked at her as she gave me a squeal in response. "Awesome! I'll make the invites, and flyers and whatnot" she jumped around as we walked to the parking lot.

"Don't invite a thousand people, Anna." I looked at her sternly, knowing she'd do the complete opposite. "I won't!" She smiled and got in my car, as did I. I knew I was in for it. It always happened that way when it came to my best friend.
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Sorry this was short. It's late, and I have class in the morning, so I need to get to bed, but I really wanted to get this out. Next chapter will be longer, and should be up in 2-4 days.
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