Status: Going through the editing process.


Julie And Her Realizations


Friday Night...

I brought the necklace onto my collar bone. My hands reached behind my neck and fastened the necklace. I stared at my reflection in the mirror. The necklace I had just put on sparkled and shined. My pink dress stopped right above my knees. The top of my dress was diamond encrusted. Every time light hit, reflections danced upon the wall. My four inch, diamond heels glittered with every step I took.

I felt like a princess. My hair was curled up into a stylish up do I did myself, with the help of Pinterest. My make-up was dark and seductive, making me look desirable. I spritzed my signature Princess Vera Wang perfume onto my wrists and chest. I was ready to go.

Avery waltzed in and hugged me. She was wearing a long, coral dress with a diamond strip wrapping around the whole top of her dress. Her loosely curled hair fell across her bare chest. Her makeup was simple. She looked gorgeous. She slightly tugged on the bottom of my dress. “I love this. You look like a princess.” She complimented.

My insides warmed. Ha! I looked better than she did and she knew it! My gloating was cut short by the sound of our doorbell. We both bolted to the top of the stairs. “You first.” She gestured in front of her. I glided down the steps with easy grace, Avery following after me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her dress billowing softly behind her. I looked like a princess and she looked like a goddess. Not fair.

My date had arrived right on time. I pulled him into a tight hug. “Tonight will be fun.” I purred. “Yeah it will! You look beautiful!” Seth, my date, exclaimed. Avery was smiling at us. Where was Matt? On que, three knocks sounded at the door. Avery swooshed by us to answer it. Matt was standing there in a white button down shirt and black pants.

In his hands, he held coral flowers. To match her dress, I though angrily. I snapped out of my trance and looked at Seth. “The limo’s waiting.” Seth reminded me. “Let’s go then.” I grabbed his hand and we started making our way out the door. “Wait wait wait!” Avery’s mother hollered at us. I slowly turned around. “Let me get a picture of you two.” She gushed.

I let out a calming sigh. Don’t let her ruin your night, I reminded myself. Seth and I posed for a picture, fake smiles and rigid postures. Avery’s mom grinned at us like we were three years old. Avery’s mom waved Matt and Avery beside us. A group picture. Great. She pushed down on the button, making the camera flash. I was blinded for a second.

In the picture she took of Seth and I, there was no flash. I guess she forgot to turn on the flash. What a tacky mother. “Ohh! They look great!” She oozed with pure happiness. “We’re leaving.” I told everybody. “Bye sweetheart.” My father kissed my forehead.

We walked the path down to the sleek, black limo. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. I just realized I’ve never ridden in a limo before. I waved the realization away. It’s just a stretched out car, chill.

Inside the limo was cool. The driver must have cranked the air conditioner up all the way. Goosebumps rose on my arms and legs. Seth was so polite. He was the quarterback of the varsity football team and he was the track star of Highland High.

We made idle chit chat about school and sports. The ride there seemed like an eternity. Seth was nice and totally hot (don't get me wrong), but he was so boring he made me want to fall asleep. A wave of panic washed over me. I realized this night was going to disastrous.
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Julie's Dress (the pink one):

Avery's Dress (the coral one):