Status: Going through the editing process.


iHelp Avery


I heard the front door slam. Footsteps. Then Avery’s door slam. What is her problem? God, what a spaz. I plugged back in my ear phones. Pitbull's fluid Spanish accent put me at ease. I heard Avery screaming at her mom. Mother of god. I ripped the earphones out of my ears and stomped to her room. “What is going in here?!” I bellowed. Avery’s head snapped up.

“My life is in ruins.” She said through tears. I rolled my eyes. “And you call me the drama queen.” I smirked at her. She was laying in her bed, hugging blankets tightly to her chest. “Julie. I really don’t have time for your sarcasm. Take it somewhere else.” She said. I scoffed, “Well I’m sorry.” She shot me a look full of anger.

I sighed and walked over to her. “What happened?” I asked as I sat down next to her bed. “Christian told me he liked me.” She stated. “That’s what ruined your life?” I questioned. “No!” She said, frustrated. “My life is ruined because I lost my best friend.” I pointedly looked at her. “Avery. Let this pass.” I instructed her. “No. It was bad. He left without saying a word.” She explained.

I waved the air. “So what? He’ll get over it. You have Matt.” I assured her. A pang of jealousy hit me straight in the stomach. “True.” She nodded slowly, recovering from her fit. “I’m gonna go. I have homework to finish.” I lied. I rose up from where I was sitting and started walking out of her room.

Avery stopped me in the doorway. “Julie?” She prodded. I turned around. “Yeah?” I asked. “Thanks.” She aimed a grateful smile towards me. I nodded once and headed back to my room.
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I'm sorry this one is so short! But, this is the last chapter from Julie's perspective.