Status: Going through the editing process.


Meeting The Parents Goes Wrong


By the time monday morning rolled around, I was ready to stay in my bed all week long. My alarm sounded and i lazily hit the snooze button. I rolled out of bed and shrugged on jeans and a t-shirt. I went to the bathroom to look at the damage. My brown hair looked like a ball of shit piled on top of my head. Not good.

I ran my hands underneath the faucet. I worked my wet hands through the mess. After about 5 minutes of wrestling, my hair looked decent enough. I dried my hands and went back into my room. I rubbed a little cologne on my neck and grabbed my backpack. I grabbed a banana and headed out the door. My mom stayed home today. She wasn’t feeling good. I decided it was better not to wake either of them.

At school, I looked for Avery in the cafeteria. I found her sitting by herself. I walked over to where she was sitting and set my bag on the table. I took and seat and gazed at her. She was engrossed in her homework. I reached over and took her hand. “Hey.” I whispered in her ear. “Hey.” She dropped her pencil and turned towards me.

I’ve got her attention now. “Whatcha doin’ after school?” I asked her. She shrugged, “Not sure.” “Why don’t you come over to my house?” I stroked her arm. “Okay.” She complied easily.


The day went by so fast, it made my head spin. After school, I lead Avery to my car. We drove to my house with the windows rolled down and country music blasting through my worn down speakers.

We arrived and I pulled all of her stuff out of the trunk. “You are such a gentleman.” She mocked in a british tone. “Let me get the door for you.” She twirled over to the door and opened it for me. I laughed out loud. I brought all of our things to my room and set them down on the bed. I pulled her into a hug.

“So this is your room?” She asked while hugging me. I nodded and hugged her tighter. She tried to wiggle free from my grasp, but couldn’t escape. “I want to see your room!” She sounded exasperated. “Open your eyes.” I teased. I let her go and watched her study my room.

“It’s so plain and boyish.” She observed. “What did you expect?” I chuckled. The sound of my mother’s heels came through the doorway. “Who’s this?” She sounded surprised. “This is Avery.” I put my hand on the small of her back.

My mother held out her hand. “Nice to meet you.” She smiled at Avery. Avery shook my mom’s hand, then let go. This was so awkward. “Your dad is out buying liquor. He’ll be home soon.” She informed me. “Okay.” I said. More liquor Dad? Really? He’s such a lush.

Avery and I went to work on our homework. I stole kisses from her every now and then. The phone shrilled and my mother answered it. I heard her gasp. “No.” She whispered. “No!” She started wailing. I shot out of my chair and ran to her.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, putting my hand on her shoulder. She looked at me with tear filled eyes.

“Dad’s dead.”