Status: Going through the editing process.


Nice Girls Are The Cutest


I couldn’t hold it in anymore. The girl just busted her ass. I stopped laughing after I noticed that she’d talked to Julie. I shivered. Julie and I have some pretty wild history. Julie gave me a knowing smile. She knew that she was hot, and she knew that I thought she was hot. You can’t deny her long strawberry blonde hair, and green eyes.

The girl who fell, Avery, i think, is super cute. Her blonde, shoulder length hair and bright blue eyes never failed to charm everyone around her. Even our english teacher, Mr. Sallow, notices how cute she is. I watched them walk away, then finished retrieving my books and my backpack.

I locked my car and heard the honk it makes when the alarm is armed. I strutted off toward the school doors. I swung one open and walked into the cafeteria. To my surprise, Avery and Julie were sitting at the same table. Ms. Goody Two Shoes and Ms. Wild Child right beside each other.

I wouldn’t mind having some fun with Avery. A good girl needs a bad boy experience once in their life. She moves fluidly with her slender frame, and she always looks happy. I can’t help myself. I walked over to their table and took a seat between Julie and Avery. “Hey Avery.” I grinned at her. She gave me a small smile in return. “Hey Matt. How are you?” She said, looking me in the eyes.

“So what would a guy like me have to do to get a date with a girl like you?” I asked sweetly. Avery blushed. “How ‘bout I get your number and we can chill sometime?” I asked while grinning. She nodded and wrote her number on my arm. “I’ll see you later.” I waved at her. I looked over to Julie and smirked. “Bye Julie.” “Bye asshole.” Julie remarked. She stood up and walked away hastily. I laughed to myself and made my way to first period.