Status: Going through the editing process.


Nuns, Notes, and None Of Your Business


I made it into the bathroom without exploding. Matt pisses me off so bad. He’s the only one who can get underneath my skin. The only reason why is because he was my first. I clutched the counter to steady myself. I looked up into the mirror and chanted in my head, “You’re confident. You’re beautiful. Don’t keep your head down, or your tiara will fall.”

That made me feel better. I pulled out my Vera Bradley makeup pouch and swiped on a few coats of lipgloss. I added some mascara and I was good to go. Once I was making my way down the hall, the bell rang. I rolled my eyes. Whatever. I don’t care if I’m late.

I strutted into class and took a seat in the desk I’ve sat in all year long. Ms. Webber didn’t acknowledge I was late. Smart. I studied Ms. Webber as she spoke. Long denim skirt, floral shirt, granny sandals. I shivered. She probably lived at home with ten cats and watched The Bachelor reruns while eating a bowl of ice cream.

I leaned back in my seat. I’m good. A perfectly folded note landed on my desk. I looked to my right and there Avery was perched in her chair like a nun. I snatched the note and opened it quietly. It read: What’s with you and Matt?

I scrawled back: None of your business. I threw it on her desk and continued studying Ms. Webber. In a few seconds, it was back on my desk. I opened it and all it said was: You can talk to me about it. Now I was getting aggravated.

I wrote back: You don’t know when to leave people alone do you? I slipped it into her hand and she read it, unfazed. She quickly replied and handed it over, once again. She wrote: I was just trying to help. I crumbled it up and left it on my desk. She looked over and gave me a concerned look. I ignored her and stared straight ahead.

Class ended and I took the note and threw it away. I left Avery feeling like I had the upper hand.