Status: Going through the editing process.


A Lot Happens At The Lake


The next day, Thursday, i threw on a white t-shirt, jeans, and converse. To top it off, I shrugged on a black, leather jacket. I slipped on my backpack and went to say goodbye to my father.

“Bye dad.” I said quickly. To my surprise, my dad wasn’t drunk off his ass for once. “Hey uhh Matt,” He started. I turned around. “Yeah dad?” “Don’t drop out of high school okay?” “You don’t have to worry about that.” I assured him. If i drop out that means I wouldn’t get to see Avery.

What? No. If I drop out I would have to stay at home with my dad and do nothing. I shook my head and hopped into my car. I was feeling a little rebellious today. I couldn’t wait to get under Avery’s skin. I pulled into her parking spot and cut the engine.

I started getting out of the piece of junk I called a car. That’s when I saw Julie and Avery coming towards me. I leaned against my car and smirked. Julie had her car idling five feet away from me.

“Get the hell out of our parking spot, jackass!” She hollered. I shook my head, “Nope.” She groaned, “Ugh! What is it with you and acting like a shit head?” I shrugged and waved at Avery. “Hey sweet cheeks.” She blushed, and sunk down in her seat.

I looked back to Julie. “You can park in my spot.” I pointed a few spaces back. “You’re really going to make us walk that far?” Julie whined. “Oh c’mon. Don’t be a princess. I don’t see Avery complaining.” I grinned at Avery. “URGHHH.” Julie grunted. She peeled away and parked in my parking spot. She got out the car and stormed off into the building.

Avery was left sitting there by herself. I started walking towards her and she scrambled to get her stuff together. “Whoa whoa.” I held out my hand to stop her. She gazed up at me with a startled look. I caressed her face. “Why don’t we get out of here?” I suggested. Her eyes widened and they dashed around the parking lot.

“Now? And s-skip school?” She asked as if it were a crime. “Yeah,” I smiled at her. “I’m just not feeling this whole school thing.” I looked back at the school. “I don’t know.” She sounded torn. “We can take this car, if that’s what makes you comfortable.” I played with a strand of her hair.

She gazed up at me with her beautiful eyes. “I’m pretty sure you don’t want to take that piece of shit.” I thrust my finger towards the lump sitting in her parking spot. She nodded. “Okay. Let’s do it.” I jumped back. “Seriously? I didn’t think you were going to agree with me!” I laughed.

“I don’t really have a choice do i?” She asked, looking at me with a smirk on her face. I opened the door and swiftly sat down. I ran my hand across the dashboard. “Nice.” I breathed. She gave me a weird look. “Boys and their toys.” She shook her head, her blonde hair swaying back and forth. “You got the keys?” I held out my hand, waiting for my ticket to fun. I love driving nice cars. It makes me feel like I’m twelve again. She fished out a single key. “Julie has the real key. I have the spare.” She stated disappointedly.

“Do you guys trade days or something?” I asked, amused. “Yes.” She blew out a deep sigh. I laughed, hard. “That sucks!” I don’t know why I thought it was so funny. “Okay goofy the clown. Let’s go before we get caught!” She sounded annoyed. I started up the car and listened to the engine rumble. “Aww! She purrs.” I groaned.

I backed out of my original parking spot and zoomed out of the parking lot. “Where to?” I placed my hand on Avery's thigh. She played with my hand. Her hands were soft. “Let’s go to the lake.” She suggested. I nodded, “Sounds good to me.” No one would be at the lake at 8 o’clock in the morning. Except for old people that actually like getting up in the morning. Besides the point, i’ll have Avery all to myself.

Once we were at the lake, we started talking about our home lives. “Mines pretty chaotic,” Avery started, looking at the lake. “My mom remarried some fruitcake-.” I cut her off by laughing. She chuckled, “What?” “Fruitcake?” Another wave of laughter came over me. “Yeah! He’s such a freak. He likes sushi and watching the Japanese news.” Avery explained.

I smiled at her. “Julie's dad, a freak? I never would’ve guessed.” I teased. She nodded. “Yep. Plus, my older brother Randall is going off to college. Leaving me to fend for myself from Julie and her kinky dad.” She explained. “I know someone else who’s kinky.” I breathed. She gave me an amused look. “Who?” She asked, still amused. I slid closer to her so that I was right next to her. “Me.” I whispered in her ear.

She looked at me with desire in her eyes. I cupped her face and she instinctually leaned forward. I closed the space by touching her lips with mine. Her breathing hitched. I grabbed her by her hips and sat her on top of me. She held my face and started kissing me, full force. I groaned and she kissed me harder.

I grabbed a fist full of hair and pulled her head back gently, exposing her neck. I started sucking and biting and kissing her all over. She let out a noise and I closed my eyes, indulging in her being turned on. I knew I was. She pulled away and put her hand on my chest. “Wow. Okay. Let’s just take a break.” I pouted. “Mmm. I don’t want to.” I told her, burying my face in her hair. She hopped off my lap and smiled at me. “I wonder what sex would be like with you.” She said quietly.
