
Stars That Speak

If I said that middle school was much like high security prison, I'd probably not be too far off on the characteristics that my middle school shares with a place filled with criminals. I'm in seventh grade which meant that I only had this year and another one before I was out of this prison. Then I would be picked up and placed in an even larger prison known as high school. Needless to say, I spent more time fearing other kids than I did learning anything.

I spend most of my time sitting in the library reading books that are far beyond my comprehension, but what can I say other than I am damn genius. Another trait I've picked up on since being held captive in this place is the ability to use sarcasm. Sarcasm bodes well at this age due to the fact that most other kids my age don't know what sarcasm is. It's beautiful.

That's essentially my school life. Sarcasm and being terrorized by other kids. Their hazing isn't much more than simple name callings, but after a full school year those simple names sort of hurt. I used to visit the counselor to tell her about what was happening, but she didn't seem to mind all too much and didn't help at all. I just learned to deal with it and move on. I didn't need those people to bring me down when all I had to do was wait until the sun fell down to see all of my friends.

I'm still spending most of my time with the stars. I typically finish my homework at school just so I have nothing to do before the sun goes down. I lay in bed until the sky turns into a black playground, and then I am greeted by the ones that care for me. When the yellow light disappears from my window and is replaced by a glowing white aura, I know that my friends are there to say "hello" to me.

I have conversations with them, but in a very strange way. I say whatever I have to say to them, and then I shut up and listen. I'm not sure if I'm just insane or if I'm actually being spoken to, but I can hear the words of other people flowing around inside of my head. I know that it sounds insane, but it's all that I have in my times of need.

"Why am I so alone?" A question that I've asked them a million times.

"You'll always have us." And that answer I've heard a million times.

I find comfort in this answer, and I believe that's why I ask it so many times. I want to be reassured that they'll always be here for me. They're the only friends that I have. They're the only ones that I can tell all of my problems to without being ridiculed or judged. They're the definition of friends, and I wouldn't trade them away for anyone.

Our bond is pretty amazing. I watch them play in the sky, and they talk to me when I call upon them. I've spent so many hours watching them while I'm just laying in my backyard. I lay with the cold grass on my back, the night wind blowing my hair, and their aura illuminating the smile that's on my face. It's a beautiful friendship.

I just wish I was a few thousand miles up in the sky with them.