
A Place Where Nobody Is Lonely

I feel lonely. The stars keep me alive, but they are too far away. The ones who were here for me now reside in my dreams. It has become a chore to go through these days. I sometimes feel as if death would be the best option for me at this point in my life.

However, when these thoughts cross my mind, I am reminded of my bond to the stars. They agree that my time here is still not over. It took forty years of being lonely and feeling this pain to realize what my real goal in life was. It was not to just make my mother not feel lonely. It was not even to make myself not feel lonely. It was to create a place where nobody is lonely.

I have spent the past days of my life investing my wealth in countless youth centers and orphanages across the city. Creating places where no child should ever feel like they're alone in this world. Creating places where no child should feel such pain in losing. It was through these children that I had found what my mother had hoped to seek out during her dying days. Peace.

I was awarded with countless community awards and achievements for my work. Some called me crazy for investing the good majority of my fortune on these places when I still had a whole life ahead of me. What they didn't realize was, I don't need any type of commodity in my life. I have food, water, and a home with windows. Windows that let me view not only the stars, but the places I've helped create.

Throughout my life I had lost so much, and taken in so little. Through the help of a mother and a friend I was able to achieve something that I could have never done. I claim the stars as being my friend, but in all reality they were just my guide. They had put their trust in me to complete a task that would have otherwise gone undone.

I have created places where children can be stars themselves. Creating friendships that shine brighter than the night sky. Knowing that they won't ever have to look out a window and wonder where they'll find a friendly face makes me happier than I could ever imagine. I found the confidence to believe what my mother had told me.

I may be only one man.

I may be alone.

It may just be me.

Just Isaac.

But I am my mother's child.

I am a miracle.

As I sat there embracing the comfort I found in my newly acclaimed peace watching the stars. I had seen something for the first time in my life. A shooting star fell from the sky as I sat there. I didn't really know how to feel about it. The stars shined bright as one of their own seemed to pass away before them. I liked to believe that they were giving it a well deserved farewell.

I gave my farewell to it as well, and took the moment to ask for a final wish.