Status: In Progress. Updated every Monday and Thursday.

Make Way for the Spiders


The next week passed in a blur.

Classes were easier than normal, and my nights seemed to pass by in a blink. Mom was going out every night, to where, I have no clue. Peter seemed distracted, and was always zoning out in class. When I tried to talk to him about it, he made up excuses. Gwen seemed to keep her distance, and I wondered if Peter had anything to do with it.

Now that I knew Peter was Spiderman, it was easier for us to get together and for him to teach me. It was tough, but I worked hard, and it paid off. I could now easily swing from building to building, and I even helped Peter take out a few small robbers. It was thrill, and I loved it.

It was now Friday again, and Peter said he had a surprise. He said we weren't really doing anything, so I wore a pair of running shorts, and an old band t shirt - The Beatles. I never really listened to them, but they were my moms favorite band, and it was her old shirt. I braided my hair to the side, and slipped on my tennis shoes.

Right on time, there was a knock on the door, and I ran into the living room to greet Peter.

"Hey," I said, opening the door wider.

"Hi," he said, grinning, and stepping in. In his hands, was a giant box.

"What's that?" I asked.

He glanced around nervously, and shut the door. "Is your mom home?" he asked.

I shook my head no. "Why?"

Instead of answering, he grinned, led me over to the couch. He handed me the box, and I carefully opened the lid. Inside, wrapped in some tissue, was red and blue cloth, with a black spider on it.

"I think Spidergirl deserves a costume, don't you?" he asked, and I gasped.

"Really?" I asked, and he laughed, nodding. I squeeled, and hugged him. "Oh my gosh! This is amazing!"

"I'm glad you like it," he said, smiling. "So, you want to go on patrol with me tonight?"

"That would be so cool!" I said, pulling the costume the rest of the way out of the box. A mask similar to Peters fell onto my lap. Studying the spandex, I noticed that it was much different than his. It had lighter reds and blues, and the masks eyes were cat-like. I turned teh suit around to look at the front, and saw that the spider logo stretched out across the chest, unlike Peters, where it was smaller.

I hugged it to my chest then kissed Peter on the cheek. "Thank you, so much!" I gushed, and jumped up. "I'm going to go try it on."

He laughed as I ran down the hall, and closed my door. I slipped on my new costume, and it fit perfectly. It let me move easily, and there were little holes at the wrist so that I could still shoot my webs. I tucked my hair into my mask, not caring that I was probably creating millions of knots.

Satisfied, I ran back into the main room. "Ta-da!" I exclaimed as I twirled around. I looked to see that Peter was also in his suit, but he had his mask off, and was grinning.

"I think I did pretty good, don't you?" He winked, and I giggled. "I turned on the news, and saw there was a bank robery going on. There are some hostages... you up for it?"

I grinned, and nodded crazily. "Yes! My first mission!" I jumped around the room, doing a little happy dance, and Peter laughed.

"Well, stop dancing, and let's go," he said, putting on his mask, and taking my hand to lead me towards the window.

I had grown more confident since Peter began teaching me, and now I no longer hesitated before jumping out the window. I followed Peter - er, Spiderman - through the city, swinging towards the bank.

When we arrived, there were cops everywhere, and people were being held back by caution tape other NYPD officers. Peter landed on the banks roof, and I landed next to him. I could hear people yelling, and saw several fingers pointed at us, but I ignored them.

"So, what's your plan?" I asked, crouching down.

"We sneak in, and snatch 'em from above," he said softly.

"Sneak in where?" I looked around, and saw that it would be impossible to get through the front.

Peter stood, and walked around the roof for a few seconds. "Here it is," he muttered, and I looked to see him standing next to a skylight. He kicked at the latch a few times, until it finally broke. He motioned for me to follow before climbing through, and creeping along the cieling. I glanced around before crawling after him.

Hanging upside down usually wasn't comfortable, but honestly, I could've stayed like this forever if I wanted.

Peter waved at me, and I nodded at him. He put a finger to his lips before grabbing a random guy in a mask and zapping aweb over his mouth before sticking him to the cieling.

My eyes were wide, but he couldn't see. How in the world did he expect me to do that?

"Hey Mark!" a guy hollered as he entered the banks lobby. He wore black clothes, and had a blue ski mask on. In his hands, was a big, white pillow case. "Guys, have you seen-"

He froze when he saw us, and he dropped the pillow case. Peter dropped to the ground, and I was quick to follow.

"Whoa, am I seeing double?" one of the thieves asked.

Peter shot a web at the guys face, covering his eyes. "And now your not seeing anything."

I giggled, and 'felt a cold chill down my neck. I ducked right as a fist flew over my head, and I rolled until I was standing in front of him. With one swift kick, he keeled over, holding his stomache.

"Nice one," Peter complimented, and I smiled.

"Why thank you," I chuckled.

"Spideys got a girlfriend, huh?" a guy asked, then kicked Peter in the guy, making him bend over in pain.

"Spiderman!" I shouted, panicked. What was I suppose to do?

"And who are you?" Another guy came up to me, and reached his hand out. I smacked it away, glaring, even though he couldn't see. His ski mask was blue, and had a green pom pom ball on the top. "Fiesty, aren't you?" the man taunted, chuckling.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Peter take down three of the robbers silently. All that was left was the one in front of me, and I waited for him to help. I tilted my head at him, but Puffball thought I was responding to his words. "C'mon girlie," he said. "Show us what the Spiderman-wannabe can do."

I realized that Peter wasn't coming to my rescue, so I turned all my attention to the man in front of me. "You wanna see what I can do?" I asked, tilting my head more. He smirked, leaning forward a bit.

In one swift motion, I brought my knee up, fast and hard, right where the sun don't shine. The guy groaned, falling to the floor, holding his crotch. "Ow." His voice was three octaves higher than it had been a moment ago, and I laughed.

"R-," Peter caught himself, and shook his head. "Spidergirl, that was just cruel."

"Well, you weren't any help," I protested, putting my hands on my hips.

"I wanted to make sure I taught well enough to handle stuff on your own." He shrugged, and I sighed. "We should probably get out of here before the police decide to come in... We don't exactly get along well."

I laughed, and followed Peter back out of the bank, through the skylight.

"Well that was fun," I laughed, while we swung between the buildings. "Is it like that all the time?"

"Sometimes," he confessed. "A lot of the times, it's a simple back robbery, but others, like last month, it's serious. Not giant-lizard-attacking-the-whole-city serious, but things like bank robbers with bombs and stuff."

One of my webs didn't make it to the building I was aiming at, because I was so shocked. Peter grabbed my arm before I could fall, and I heard him chuckle.' "Bombs?" I asked. "How often do bombs occur in the equation?"

"Not a lot. Really, I've only been in one of those situations," he said.

"Great. Now I have bombs to add to my growing list of worries," I muttered.

"Of all things to be freaked out by, bombs are the thing that-"

Peter stopped midsentence, as the sky around us darkened to a dark grey/greenish color. However, it only seemed to cover the sky within a hundred foot radius of us, because not too far away, the sky was still a beautiful, cloudless blue

"I don't like this," he murmered, and we landed on a nearby building. Clouds in front of us began to circle, and I shrunk back, hiding behind Peter as I recognized the figure in front of us.

"Where is she?" the blonde demanded. "I need her!"

Peter stepped more in front of me, completely blocking me from view. "I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about," he lied.

"Rayne," the woman said, exasperated. "Rayne Marie Siebert. She is the key, and I need her."

"Rayne Marie Siebert?" he asked, and pretended to think. "Never heard of her. I don't get around much."

"The girl at the skate park! She is the key to the doors! If I find her, I'm saving millions," the woman shouted.

"I'm sorry, but you won't find her here," Peter growled. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

The womans eyes became frantic as she screamed bloody murder. "Now! I need her now!" Static sparked around her, and the clouds above us darkened. She pulled at her curls, and the wind made her black dress flap around her knees.

"Who is this lady?" Peter asked himself, and I could only shake my head.

I don't know who she is, but I know that she just started something big.
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Please comment to let me know what you think :) Also, if you like Welcome to Nightvale and Supernatural, I wrote a crossover. It's available on my profile :)