Status: In Progress. Updated every Monday and Thursday.

Make Way for the Spiders


-_-_-PETER'S POV-_-_-

I knew that I would see her again tomorrow, but I just couldn't stand the fact that Spiderman gets to spend more time with her than I do.

Wait, what am I saying? I am Spiderman. We're the same person. But Rayne doesn't know that. And she wouldn't - couldn't - know that. It's like what Gwen and I were talking about earlier.

Gwen was upset. Why, I didn't know, but she was. She accused me of telling Rayne my secret after only knowing her a week, but who was she to say? I told her on our first kind-of-ish date. And after what happened a month ago, I will never tell anyone, ever again. I refuse to. I don't want to put anyone at risk, ever again.

I walked down the street after walking Rayne to her apartment building. I whistled as I walked, my hands stuffed in my pockets. I had asked Rayne to go to the movies with me. We were seeing some scary movie that I forgot the name of. When I had asked her, she had faltered a bit, but seemed excited enough to go.

I was going to pick her up at her apartment, and we were going to walk to the theater at six. The movie didn't start until six thirty, but we agreed that it would give us enough time to find seats, and get popcorn and other stuff.

I couldn't wait.

-_-_-RAYNE'S POV-_-_-

"A horror movie?" Mom asked when she got home.

I had told her that Peter had asked me to the movies, and when we were leaving. When she asked what movie we were going to see, I had to rack my brain for the title.

"I didn't know it was a horror movie at the time!" I defended. "'Mama' doesn't sound like a scary movie title to me."

Mom gave me a look that said 'seriously?', and shook her head. "Why didn't you tell him that you can't stand horror movies?"

"Because he looked really excited to see the movie, and I had already agreed," I told her. "And after you tell someone that you would see a movie, you can't just back out."

"Well... at least you have a guy to cling to," Mom teased. "You can leave scars on his arm."

"I won't leave scars," I grumbled. "Anyway, you'll have to make a sandwich for yourself tonight. I have to get ready." I started walking down the hall, but then stopped, and turned around. "And Mom? Try not to burn the city down."

Mom glared, and then grabbed the closest thing - a pillow - and threw it at me.

I swiftly caught it, not even flinching.

Mom raised her eyebrow, looking at me curiously. "Since when do you have good reflexes?" she asked.

"Um... I don't know," I stuttered.

"I bet I know.... when you were working at that lab you must have been exposed to some toxic fumes." Mom laughed, shaking her head. "How else to explain it?"

I laughed too, although it was much more forced. Before she could say anything else, I escaped to my room to get ready. I didn't do much, just touched up my makeup, and fixed my hair from the long day of school. Looking in the mirror, I decided to change my outfit, so I went through my closet, finding a white tank top, a thin,blue, long sleeved t shirt, and a skirt with blue specks of color on black. I found my black tights, and blue heels, and my outfit was complete. I tucked my shirt in to show off the belt, right as I heard a knock at the door.

I heard Mom answer the door, and could hear every word she was saying, almost as if she were in the same room.

"Hello dear, you must be Peter," she said, clear as day.

"Hello, ma'am," Peter replied, and I smiled, imagining Moms face.

"Please, call me Cheryl," she said, with a smile in her voice. "Rayne is finishing up getting ready. She should be out in a minute or so. Why don't you have a seat?"

"Oh, no thanks, I'm fine," Peter said, sounding uncomfortable.

I decided to be nice, and grabbed my black purse, tossing my wallet and phone in it. I glanced at myself in the mirror one more time, and walked into the main room.

"Okay, Mom, you've made him feel uncomfortable enough," I said, when I saw her trying to force Peter to sit down.

"I'm not making him uncomfortable," she huffed. "Am I making you uncomfortable?"

"Um..." Peter looked at me, begging with his eyes to get him out.

I laughed, and pulled him up, leading him to the door. "I'll be back in a couple hours, okay?" I said, looking back at my mom, who was nodding.

He's cute, she mouthed, and I blushed, shaking my head, signalling her to stop. I closed the door a little bit harder than necessary, but didn't care.

"Sorry about her," I apologized. "She's... odd."

Peter laughed. "She seems nice. A little over the top, but nice."

"You're too kind." I smiled, as we reached the elevator.

"That's me," Peter smirked. "Mr. Nice Guy."


The moment the movie started, I was clinging to Peters arm. Every time the scene changed I would jump, even when nothing was going on.

"Rayne, do you want to leave?" Peter whispered, about halfway through the movie.

My head was buried behind his shoulder, but I shook my head.

Peter chuckled, then stood up, pulling me up with him. He handed me my purse and drink, then grabbed his own. He took my hand, and led me out of the theater. I averted my eyes from the screen, terrified of the moving picture.

When we finally exited, Peter looked at me, and started laughing. "Rayne, why didn't you tell me you hated scary movies?"

I shrugged, looking down.

Peter chuckled again, then grabbed my hand, pulling me up to my feet. "Come on," he said. "I feel like ice cream."

I grinned, following him out of the theater. I checked my watch to see it was almost eight. I felt bad that we left towards the end, but Peter seemed okay, so I didn't say anything. We walked a block, and came across an ice cream shop.

It looked old, and family owned. The door was a faded blue, and in the dirty windows, an 'OPEN' sign was shining in the night.

Peter held the door open for me, and when I stepped in, I was welcomed with the smell of chocolate, vanilla, and strawberries.

A small old lady was standing behind the counter, fumbling with some papers. When we stepped in, the woman looked up and smiled at us. "Hello dears," she said, her voice soft. "What can I get for you?"

Peter stepped up to the counter, pulling out his wallet. "I'll just have a vanilla cone," he said. "What about you?" He turned to face me, and I didn't hesitate with my answer.

"A chocolate cone," I said, reaching for my purse, but Peter stopped me, handing money to the lady.

She thanked us, and disappeared behind a door to get our ice cream.

"You should've let me pay," I said, sticking out my tongue. "I made us miss the end of the movie - which you paid for. The least I can do is pay for ice cream."

Peter shrugged. "It's too late now, anyway."

The woman came back with our ice cream, and after we thanked her, we left, deciding to walk around.

"So, you survived your first week in Manhattan," Peter smirked.

"You seem surprised," I observed, eating my ice cream.

Peter chuckled, but otherwise didn't say anything.

We continued walking around for a bit, and too soon, we ended up back at my apartment building.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow," Peter said.

I smiled. "Yep. The skate park, AKA, the future crime scene."

Peter laughed, shaking his head. "Goodnight, Rayne."

I smiled. "Goodnight, Peter."

The wind blew from behind me, making my hair fly in my face. Peter gently tucked the red strands behind my ear, and my breathing hitched when he leaned in.

I had known him for a week. I had just moved here. I wasn't ready for a relationship.

All of my thoughts left as he got closer, and I found myself wanting to kiss him. So what we had only known each other a week? So what I just moved here? So what I thought I wasn't ready for a relationship? I closed my eyes, feeling butterflies in my tummy.

"Oh, hey guys."

We jumped back from each other, to see Gwen standing behind us, leaving the building.

Peter cleared his throat, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "Hey, Gwen," he said, with a small bite in his words.

I bit my lip, and nodded in Gwen's direction. "Um, thanks Pete,r for tonight." I smiled, looking up at him.

He grinned, stepping back. "See ya, Rayne," he said, and walked away, ignoring the looks Gwen was giving him.

I turned to enter the building, but Gwen stopped me. "Rayne, Rayne, Rayne..." She shook her head at me. "I tried to warn you. And now you're hooked."

"Gwen, I really do appreciate your concern," I said. "But I really don't think I have anything to worry about."

I side stepped her into the building, making my way to the elevators.
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Here you go, lovlies! Please comment, and let me know what you think :)