Forbidden Love

Love affair

The night was cold, and rain poured from the ebony sky as I sat on my windowsill. I wore nothing but a faded light blue short sleeve shirt, a pair of black tights and Jean shorts over them. My straight, dark brown hair fell elegantly over my shoulders, and my eyes studied the rain from behind my thin framed black glasses. I could see my breath, but I didn't feel cold. My body tingled with warmth, she would be here soon. My right hand came up from my lap, reaching out to touch the rain. It felt icy as it hit my skin. "Oy," a voice called from the distance. "Get inside, love, or you'll get sick!" My shifted to where the voice came from, and quickly widened as she came from the trees that surrounded my victorian home. A smile stretched across my face as her dazzling eyes met mine. "Hurry up then!" I cried to her. She smiled, "Alright, alright." She hurried over, climbing up the small tree outside my window and leapt into my bedroom. Her hands grabbed the edge of the window and slammed it shut.

"It is too cold for you to be sitting outside," she said, sounding like a mom. I reached over and ripped her wet hat off of her head, revealing her dark semi-long hair. She took her fingers and fixed her hair, making her already boyish hair more boyish. Her lightly tanned skin was wet from the rain, but so were her clothes. "Take that off," I told her. "I'll dry it for you." She removed her black and red plaid button-up shirt; leaving get only with a black shirt, and dark blue jeans. After she handed me the shirt, she adjusted her black and blue beaded bracelet on her right wrist, and then my Teddy bear bracelet on her left wrist. "The rest of my clothes are wet too, ya know," she told me. "Can I take those off too?" I set her plaid shirt next to the heater, "No, keep them on." she pouted her lips, twisting her snake-bite lip rings around with her tongue. I rolled my eyes, "Such a tease."

I walked over to her, placing my hands on her sides and my forehead against her's. "You love it when I tease you though," she said in her usual smooth tone. I then placed my hand on the back of her head, pulling hard on her short hair. A moan escaped her lips, and she glared at me with with pleasure in her eyes. "I hate you," she said. I chuckled, rubbing her sides. She always called herself such horrible names, like fat or obese. But she wasnt. She was slightly above average, but it didn't matter to me. "You're so beautiful, Kyo," I told her, kissing get forehead. Kyo pulled away and rolled her eyes before sitting on the bed. "Whatever you say..." she sighed. I plopped down next to her, running my fingers through her hair. "What would you like to do now, Little angel?" I whispered to her. Kyo placed both of her hands on my hips. "You already know," she whispered in a sexy raspy tone. She kissed me passionately, and laid me on the bed.
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Sorry for any typos... I typed this on my iPod.