A Fragile Doll

The Figure

Hey guys I’m really really sorry that I didn’t update sooner! I’ve been really busy with finals and that’s not an excuse. I’ll try to update the next chapter sooner!

Chapter 7

April’s POV:

Steven went home about two hours ago because his mom was going to be in town and here I am at home alone, sitting on my bed, and staring at the wall. Ugh I seriously need to get out more. I jumped off my bed and grabbed my jacket before I ran down the stairs. I locked my door and started walking down a familiar street towards my best friend’s house. I pulled my beanie over my head as I looked up at the cloud filled sky. Rain drops fell on my face as I blinked several times to keep my vision clear.

Ding Dong.

I rang the doorbell several times but there was no reply. I knew Tyler was home since his car was sitting in the driveway. Ugh he’s probably still sleeping; lazy. I dug through my pockets and pulled out the spare key that he gave me awhile back and unlocked the front door. I heard the music playing upstairs and I knew he was in his room probably jamming out and that’s why he didn’t her the doorbell ring. I quietly walked upstairs and saw his door slightly cracked open. I smiled to myself and swung open the door only to see him shirtless….making out with…Taylor?

“Oh shit! April? W-what are you doing here?” he jumped off of her and scurried over to his shirt pulling it over his head. I stood there just staring at him dumbfounded as tears struck my face.

“Damn what the hell?! Do you not know how to knock? This is called trespassing! Fucking cunt!” Taylor was clearly annoyed as she pulled the blankets over her half naked body.

“Hey Taylor chill out; April I can explain. Dani and I broke up an-”

“Save it Tyler. I really don’t care. It’s your life not mine, you don’t have to explain anything to me. I’ll just be going now, I stopped by thinking we could hang out for a while but maybe some other time.” I cut him off and walked out of my room trying to keep the tears in until I was home or outside. No. I didn’t like Tyler; he’s just my best friend. I’m upset because he’s sleeping with the one girl that I hate and I thought he hated her too; guess I was wrong.


“I love you Luke” I looked up at my boyfriend smiling. It was the beginning of junior year and I couldn’t wait to be out of this school. Luke and I have been together for a little over a year now and I don’t know what I would ever do without him. He was so loyal and respectful and he was one of those Christian boys who wanted to wait to have sex till after marriage; hence why I’m still a virgin after being with the same guy for so long.

“I love you too babe; but I really have to get going; call me” he kissed my forehead before walking towards his car. I smiled at myself before I walked towards my house which was right down the block from the park we were at. I smiled at myself thinking that my life couldn’t get any more perfect than it was right now. I got home and fell into a deep sleeping dreaming about those gorgeous blue eyes.
I woke up the next morning with a huge smile on my face. Today is Luke’s birthday and I got him the guitar he’s always wanted after saving up for a long time. I quickly got out of bed and ran into the shower. Once I was out I wrapped myself around my towel and stood in front of my closet deciding on what to wear. I chose a blue strapless dress that I got from forever 21 and my nude pumps. I grabbed a banana from the fruit basket and grabbed the gift wrapped guitar before walking out the door.

“Hey Mrs. Wright; is Luke home?” I reached the front door of his house after 20 minute walk. Luke’s mom sweetly smiled at me and gave me a warm hug before walking inside.

“Yea, he’s upstairs in his room; you go right ahead.” She closed the door behind me and started walking back towards the kitchen. I made my way up to his room to see his room halfway open.

“You’re amazing love” I heard his raspy voice whispering to someone. I had a bad feeling in my gut and my heart felt like it was beating so fast that it was going to jump out of my chest. I inched a little closer and swung the door open only to see his cuddled up next to Taylor.

“Happy fucking birthday” I barely whispered out and threw the guitar towards him before running down the stairs with tears freely falling down my face.

“April! Stop!” I heard his pleading voice behind me but I kept walking faster. I opened his front door and started running only to realize he was coming after me not too far behind.

“Will you please listen to me?!” He yanked me back and pushed me up against his car.
“No.” I tried pushing him off but it was useless.

“Just let me explain” he looked at me with sincere eyes. I just kept shut and let him continue whatever bullshit he planning inside of his head.

“Taylor came over last night because she needed someone to talk to. Things just got heated up…and…”

“You did NOT!” I was fuming. Did he really just emphasis that they had sex?

“I-I…Just please let me explain.” He looked at me with pleading eyes.

“Save it Luke. You slept with her! What happened to waiting till marriage? If you didn’t want me that way in the first place you should have broken up with me a long time ago instead of fucking cheating on me. Fuck off. We’re done.” I snatched my arm back from his grip and started storming down the road towards Tyler’s house.


I ended up falling asleep at Ty’s house so when I woke up I found myself lying in the guest room. I groaned and got myself up walking to the bathroom and brushing my teeth and jumping into the shower. I took a quick shower and walked into Tyler’s room in my towel to see him still sleeping. I walked into his closet and looked around trying to find something to wear. I pulled on navy blue jogging pants and a white Hollister shirt. I walked back out and threw my wet towel at his face which he groaned to.

“Ugh what time is it?” he threw the towel on the floor and fluttered his eyes open.

“7:05, now get up we have to be in school in about 45 minutes.” I walked down the stairs and headed towards the kitchen to see his mom cooking.”

“Hey sweetie, I just made some blueberry pancakes. You guys can help yourselves I’m running late” she walked up to me and kissed my forehead before grabbing her keys and running out the door. I helped myself and started eating the best pancakes I’ve ever had.

“Thanks for stealing my clothes. Hey is that blueberry pancakes!? You better have saved me some!” he jumped into the empty seat next to me and started helping himself eating like he has never seen food before.

“You’re truly stupid” I got up with my plate and washed it real quick before going through the closet by the front door.

“Ah ha!” I grabbed my favorite Giants hoodie from Tyler’s closet and pulled it over my head.

“You’re just stealing all my clothes aren’t you” I just smiled at him and started putting my shoes on before he copied my movements.


I took my seat in Biology next to Tyler and looked across the room to see Taylor smirking at me. I just shook it off and took my books out before the next thing someone said brought my attention.

“Did she really cheat on Luke with her best friend?”

“I heard that she might be pregnant”

“How long has this been going on between them?”

“Well I think she just made it obvious, she’s wearing his clothes”

“They were so cute. Poor Luke”

The rumors that were going around were driving me crazy. I looked next to me to find a very frustrated Tyler.

“Before believing rumors get your damn facts straight!” Tyler looked across the room at Taylor.

“I didn’t cheat on Luke. It was the other way around.” I said before I stood up with my books and walked out of class. I felt tears threatening to spill from my eyes; I needed to get out of here.


I remembered that day like it was yesterday. From what I heard Tyler apparently walked up to Taylor after class and told her to fuck off and he hated her and doesn’t want her around me or him. Boy was I wrong. I took a deep breath and sat down on a bench. I looked around and realized I made my way to the park. I put my face in my hands and let the tears spill out. That girl literally made my life hell at school and didn’t only start rumors about me but also Tyler; and now he was sleeping with her? I felt my phone vibrate as I took it out of my jacket.

13 missed calls.

5 text messages.

I looked to see that 10 of the 13 missed calls were from Tyler and 3 from Steven. I unlocked my IPhone and went to my messages.

Mom: Won’t be home tonight. Love you.

Of course she won’t be home tonight. I took a deep breath and opened the next one.

Ty:): Please pick up!

Ty:): I’m really starting to get worried. Pick up your phone!!!!

I rolled my eyes and deleted his messages. I didn’t want to talk to him right now. I opened up the next one which made me smile.

Steven<3: I love you babe! Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

Steven<3: Tyler just called me worried. R u ok? Call me so I know you’re fine. Plz

I wiped whatever tears were stained on my face and called the only person who could actually make me smile right now.

“Hey…I’m fine, you can stop worrying” I said giggling. I heard him let out a sigh of relief which made my heart clench and form a smile on my lips.

“Don’t do that to me! Where are you” he asked in a low voice.

“I got into an argument with Ty and found myself walking to the park. So I’m just sitting here on a bench”

“Are you crazy? It’s freezing outside, I’m coming to get you. Don’t move.” And before I could say anything he hung up. I pulled my jacket closer to my petite body realizing just how cold it really has gotten. I felt my phone vibrating once again and looked at it to see it was Tyler. I rejected it and stared out onto the empty park. It was getting pretty dark out here. I didn’t realize I’ve been sitting here for three hours. I squinted my eyes to see a figure standing by the basketball courts staring at me. I quietly stood up and walked a little closer.

“Steven? Is that you?” my heart was racing really fast as the figure slowly walked closer to me until the light hit his face. My eyes widened and I started running the same way I came here. I heard footsteps running after me as I quickened my pace. I could hear him catching up to me but I needed to get out of here fast.

I reached the parking lot of the park and saw another figure walking towards me. What the hell is going on? Am I hallucinating? I turned around to see the other figure that was following me gone. I stepped back a little away from whoever was in front of me.

“April! What are you doing!?” I heard the person yell as I tripped over a rock and landed on my arse. I felt a pair of familiar arms pick me up and pull me close to him.

“Steven! I’m so glad to see you right now!” I held on to him tight as I sobbed into his shoulder.

“Shhh it’s ok, I’m here now.” He whispered soothing words into my ear trying to calm me down.

“H-he’s here! I saw him! He’s gonna kill me Steven!” I whimpered the words as I started sobbing even harder.

“Who? There’s no one her— we need to get you out of here” he picked me up bridal style before placing me into his car and driving off. He’s back.

Ok so this was a pretty crappy chapter. Sorry you guys! I have writers block and I don’t even know if I’m gonna continue writing this fan fiction. I need encouragement and that’s something I’m not really getting. If you guys want me to continue than you guys need to let me know thanx!