‹ Prequel: Twisted Fate
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Twisted Fate 1.5

Chapter Two

Serenity’s POV:

It’s been 3 years since I helped Aria escape from Balthazar and I have been paying for it ever since. He marked me as his mate the day she left it was the most painful experience I have ever had. It even toped giving birth to my daughter Amara. Looking down at my sleeping 2 year old daughter I can’t help but remember that I need to protect her with my life not just because she is my daughter but because of what Balthazar, her father, wants from her.

Flash Back

Waking up early, just as Balthazar was coming in to get his morning round in on me, I jump up and push past him to get to the bathroom and started empting my stomach. This isn’t the first time this has happened and I think I know what it is but I just hope it’s not.

“That’s it back in bed and I am getting the doctor to come and check what is wrong with you” Balthazar growls stalking out of the room. I can’t be pregnant and if I am I pray to whatever god is out there that it will be a boy. Balthazar has some plan crazy plan to make a powerful girl like Aria. Lost in thought I didn’t notice Balthazar and the doctor come in.

“Now Serenity what seems to be the problem” Dr. John asks.

“I have been throwing up every morning for a few weeks and I have been extremely tiered lately” I answer.

“Okay I want you to go pee in this cup and then when you come out I need a few blood samples okay” he says and I nod and grab the cup. After going to the bathroom I come out and hand over the sample and then sit on the edge of the bed waiting. Holding my arm out, he expertly pokes me with the needle and fills three small vials with my blood. The whole time Balthazar watches with extra awareness. After he is done he promises to be back in 30 minutes and leaves Balthazar and I alone in the room. The whole 30 minutes was spent in complete silence that just seemed to keep dragging on.

“Well the good news is that you are pregnant Serenity and from the blood work looks like four months already. I need to do an ultra sound because you are very thin and not really showing which you should be” he says pulling an ultra sound machine into the room with him. “Okay now this is going to be a little cold” he says squirting the jelly on my stomach. Looking up at the screen I see the most precious thing in the world to me, my baby.

“Would you like to know what it is” he asks looking at me and then back at the screen.

“Yes please” I whisper through my tears.

“Well congratulations Serenity it looks like you are having a girl” he says I start to cry harder. I can’t have a girl Balthazar will use her. He is the second, well I guess third now because of Aria, most powerful demon and I am one of the last pure blood angels. “I’ll leave you two alone but before I go, Serenity this is a prescriptions for vitamins you should be taking to help and you need to rest and eat more or you could lose the baby” Dr. John says handing me a paper and the pictures of my little girl before walking out.

“You are put on bed rest from now on unless you get restless then someone will accompany you on walks. You will eat 5 meals a day and three of those meals will be with me. I will have a nursery built and you can decorate it as you please. But know this Serenity you have no say in what I decide to do with my daughter” he says before walking out.

End of Flash Back

Snapping back to the present hearing my daughter whimper I pick her up and rock her.
“Shh momma’s got you” I whisper to her and she cuddles into me and relaxes. I wonder what she will be like. Looking at her peaceful face I think about the evil father she has and me an angel for a mother. Will she have his temper, my understanding, his will for power, my will for peace? Will she only crave blood, or will she be content with just food? I have so many questions because the day I gave birth to her Balthazar had her whisked away claiming she had to be checked over to make sure she was ok since she was premature. One of the nurses told me Balthazar had her injected with something they think was blood but weren’t sure. I’ve begun to notice little things about her like when she sees blood she wants to drink it, neither Balthazar nor I are vampire. She has the appetite of a shifter and she can eat just as much as her half-brothers. She also has the agility, strength, and stamina as them if not more as well and they are half-shifter. She can also control the elements a little. Looking down at her again I see her eyes are open and she is looking up at me with those big violet eyes.

“I love you my little Angel” I say kissing her forehead and she giggles before falling back to sleep. Looking up as I hear the door open I see two little heads pop in.

“Can we sleep in here with Amara” Jacob, Tiffany and Balthazar’s son, asks.

“Of course” I smile and as him and Jason, Victoria and Balthazar’s son, come into the room Amara jolts awake. Seeing her brothers she jumps out of my arms just as the boys crawl into her bed and the three of them wrap their arms around each other and are instantly asleep. Kissing them each good night I walk out of the room thinking about how those boys are more mine than Victoria and Tiffany’s because they come to me. Tiffany and Victoria want nothing to do with them because they are boys and Balthazar wanted girls. I have no idea what they see in him, oh wait yes I do, they are power hungry bitches and they don’t mind being used because they can abuse other women around here too. I make my way to my room where I see Balthazar waiting for me with his sadistic smirk.