Ready Set Go

oh so not obvious

Tom led me to the others in the living room of our quite-spacious apartment. Bill smiled at me, gathered my hand in his, and pulled me close into a quick hug. I let a small grin grace my lips as he released me and headed out the door to the car my father had bought us. I sat between Georg and Gustav in the back, while the twins fought for the keys. Georg laughed lightly when I sighed and ripped the keys from Bill's hands.

" I am driving. Now you two get into the backseat. Georg is sitting up front with me.

They almost argued, but I pushed them toward the back. The bassist crawled over the seat and buckled into the front. Gustav chuckled as Tom narrowed his eyes at the event that just took place; Bill slapped Georg around the head, and I whistled sharply.

" No. There will be no hitting or annoying me. I am not in a good mood. I could be at home playing guitar, but you all made me come be social."

The drive to our destination was filled with---at Tom's insistence---Samy Deluxe. That boy was crazy for the hip-hop artist. I tapped my fingers against the steering wheel, and Georg reached over to force me to stop. With a shy smile, I pulled into a spot and parked. The twins were obviously the first ones out, for they had squashed poor Gustav in the middle, and they grumbled about having to wait.

"Sei ruhig, Arschlöcher."

"Sie werden ruhig, Moritz. Oder ist es Hagen?"

A loud slap echoed through the parking lot, and I grabbed the twins by the ears; Gustav did the same to Georg. The lady inside laughed at the sight of four eighteen-year-olds and a twenty-year-old, three of which were succumbed to being dragged by the lobes of their ears. Thought she might have been laughing mainly at Bill, Tom, and me. Since I was a little under a foot shorter than they, the Kaulitz boys had to bend over and stumble forward.

"Werden Sie jetzt verhalten?" I asked of the three troublemakers.

Ja, Mutter," was their united response.

I released them, and we followed the woman to a table in a far corner. Once I saw we had been placed in the smoking section, I groaned: Tom would definitely be smoking. Bill's eyes rarely left my face as we ordered drinks and food; his gaze was oh-so-not-obvious seeing as we were sitting right next to each other. We handed our menus back to the waitress, and I turned to him.

"Bill, warum tun Sie starrte mich?"

Our voices were low so the other three couldn't hear what we were saying. Not like it mattered: Tom and Georg were arguing rather loudly about whether Samy Deluxe kicked Fall Out Boy's asses [musically]. Gustav was in his own little world. Bill leaned over and, with his breath tickling my cheek, whispered,

"I keep staring because you are beautiful."
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter by Kaehla.
Sei ruhig, Arschlöcher= Be Quiet Assholes
Sie werden ruhig, Moritz. Oder ist es Hagen?= You be quiet Mortiz, or is it Hagen?
Werden Sie jetzt verhalten=Are you going to behave now?
Ja, Mutter= Yes, Mother
Bill, warum tun Sie starrte mich= Bill, why do you keep staring at me?