‹ Prequel: Poison and Wine

Come What May



“So you’re asking me to give you something to drug Lydia to make her tell you the truth?” Deaton asked Derek, Scott, Peter, and Stiles as they stood in the examination room of his office.

“Yeah, like in Harry Potter,” Stiles said and Derek rolled his eyes.

“Stiles, he’s not a wizard. It’s not like he sits here and brews potions all day long,” he said and Stiles scoffed.

“Okay, so not literally like Harry Potter but I’m sure there’s something he can do,” Stiles said.

“Is there?” Peter asked, turning to Deaton.

“Actually, there is,” he said with a nod, turning to one of the cabinets and reaching into the back. He pulled out a corked bottle and placed it on the table.

“What is it?” Derek asked.

“Something that actually was used as a truth drug about 60 years ago. It’s called scopolamine, also known as…”

“Devil’s Breath,” Stiles said. “Of course, how could I forget that?”

“How do you know what it is?” Derek asked.

“Late night internet searches,” Stiles said, as if that should have been obvious.

“So instead of watching porn like every other horny teenage boy in the world, you look up hallucinogenic drugs?” Scott asked.

“Have you ever heard of too much of a good thing?” Stiles asked, shrugging his shoulders and Derek made a disgusted face.

“Have you ever heard the phrase too much information?” Derek asked.

“Dude, Scott’s the one who brought up porn!” Stiles scoffed.

“Can we just get back on track please?” Peter asked.

“I’m just saying,” Stiles said, throwing his hands up.

“Stiles!” Derek shouted and Stiles jumped.

“Okay, okay. Sorry Doc,” Stiles said turning to Deaton who cleared his throat.

“As I was saying. Scopolamine is known as Devil’s Breath in Colombian tradition. They believe that it takes away part of your soul,” Deaton explained.

“So how do we get it into Lydia’s system?” Stiles asked.

“The most common way is by slipping it into a drink.”

“I’m sure we could do that at school.”

“And then what? Drag her drugged ass through the hallways? I don’t think so,” Derek said, crossing his arms.

“So what do you suggest?” Stiles asked, annoyance in his voice.

“We rope the Miner’s into it.”

“Are you serious?” Scott asked.

“Yes. We’ll explain what we want to do and tell them to have all of Hailey’s friends over for dinner to thank them for helping so far and to try to come up with more ideas on where she could be and who could have taken her and why. Everyone might have a little something to bring to the table,” Derek explained.

“So me, obviously, Scott, Allison, Danny, and Lydia? Or should we include Isaac?” Stiles asked.

“Not for this, no, the four of you and Lydia. That’s it,” Deaton said, agreeing with Derek’s plan.

“Where will you be?” Stiles asked, turning to Derek.

“Upstairs with Aaron until she’s ingested it. I want to be there for the questions,” he said. “Peter and Isaac can be outside in case something goes wrong.”

“Do you think it will work Doc?”

“As long as you make absolutely sure that it goes in Lydia’s drink only… then yes,” he said, nodding.

“We have to plan this down to the very last letter,” Stiles said, clapping his hands together.

“I can’t emphasize it enough. You have to be extremely careful that this goes into Lydia’s drink only, no one else’s. And it won’t take a lot. Too much and you might kill her before you can even get an answer out of her.”

“Thanks,” Derek said, shaking Deaton’s hand and carefully placing the bottle in his pocket. He walked outside and the others followed.

“So what’s the plan?” Stiles asked.

“I’m going to go tell the Miner’s. You two go let Danny and Allison know, Peter, you go find Isaac and tell him. I want it to be done as soon as possible so hopefully tomorrow night if we can get Lydia there and depending on how Jake and Alyssa feel,” he said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Good luck with Jake, he might be reluctant to it,” Stiles said and Derek nodded.

Derek waited until they all left before climbing into his car and driving to the Miner’s home. When he parked out front he saw Alyssa outside gardening and she looked up when she heard the car door. She stood up smiling and waved to Derek.

“Is Aaron here?” he asked, looking down at the line and she nodded.

“He’s inside doing his homework. Let me go get him for you,” she said, turning to go inside. Derek waited until Alyssa came back out, Aaron following her. He ran over to the sidewalk and parted the line.

“Thanks man,” Derek said, mussing up Aaron’s hair and walking over to Alyssa, giving her a hug. “How are you?”

“I’m alright, thank you. How are you sweetheart?” she asked and Derek shrugged.

“I wanted to talk to you about something, if that’s alright,” Derek said and she nodded.

“Of course, come on in.”

“Can I stay?” Aaron asked, following them inside to the living room, hovering by the couch as Derek sat down.

“If it’s alright with your Mom,” Derek said, nodding towards Alyssa.

“Okay, go ahead,” Alyssa said and Aaron pumped his fist before sitting on the couch next to Derek.

“This may sound crazy at first but hear me out. I talked to Deaton today and we came up with a plan to get some information out of Lydia.”

“Okay…” Alyssa said slowly, glancing over at Aaron.

“You and Jake need to throw a dinner party of sorts for all of Hailey’s friends: Stiles, Scott, Allison, Danny, and Lydia,” he said and Alyssa just stared at him. Derek waited for a moment to let it sink in but Alyssa stayed quiet. “Alyssa?”

“So… you want me to invite the girl who most likely is involved in my daughter’s kidnapping into my home… and then feed her?” Alyssa asked and Aaron looked back and forth between the two as Derek hesitated.

“Yes… but there’s more to it,” he said quickly.

“Are we gonna kidnap her?” Aaron asked excitedly and Derek had to bite back a slight laugh.

“No. Deaton has something we can slip into her drink that will basically hypnotize her. We can ask her questions and she has no choice but to answer truthfully and she won’t remember a thing,” Derek explained.

“You want to drug her? In my house?”

“There’s no other way to do it. As far as we know, Lydia thinks you believe she’s innocent,” Derek said, on the verge of pleading. “She’d be suspicious if she was asked to go to Allison or Scott’s house. This is the best thing we have right now.”

“Is it safe?” Alyssa asked after a few moments of contemplation.

“As long as we don’t give her too much… yes,” Derek answered.

“What is it?”

“Scopolamine,” Derek answered and Alyssa’s eyes widened.

“You’re joking,” she said and Derek shook his head.

“Is that bad?” Aaron asked and Alyssa nodded.

“Very bad, especially if you take too much. Honey… why don’t you go upstairs so I can talk to Derek alone, please?” Alyssa asked and Aaron sighed.

“Fine,” he groaned, getting up from the couch and going upstairs. Alyssa waited until she heard Aaron close his door upstairs before turning to Derek.

“Okay, listen, you know I will do anything to find Hailey. But drugging a 17-year-old girl? Derek, I just don’t think it’s a good idea. There’s got to be another way,” she said with a sigh.

“Like what, Alyssa? We’re running out of options! If we don’t find Hailey soon she may die if she’s not dead already,” Derek shouted, rising from the couch and slamming his fist on the wall, creating a dent. Alyssa looked at him with tears in her eyes.

“I don’t know what to do,” she whispered with a shaky voice. Derek sighed and walked around the coffee table, wrapping his arms around Alyssa, surprising himself.

“I’m sorry,” he said as she griped his shirt. “I didn’t mean to yell. I’m just…”

“Scared,” she whispered, nodding her head as she pulled away. She wiped her tears away and took a deep breath. “You’re right, we’re running out of time and this is our only option right now… I’ll do it.”

“Thank you,” he said, squeezing her shoulders before grabbing his car keys and heading towards the door.

“Where are you going?”

“To tell Deaton. I’ll let the others know and then tonight you should call Lydia, one of us can be here to listen in and help you out if needed. And… I’ll let you deal with Jake,” he said and she laughed.

“He’ll do anything to find Hailey so I think he’ll be fine. But I’ll let him know.”


Hailey inhaled sharply as she bolted up in her bed in the basement. Voices from upstairs woke her up. As quietly as possible, she stood up and walked as close to the stairs as the chains would allow. She practically held her breath as she focused on the voices above.

“Who else is going to be there?” she heard Gerard ask.

“Stilinski, of course,” came the other voice and Hailey clamped her hands tight over her mouth before she could make any noise. “Danny, McCall, and your darling granddaughter.”

“Lydia,” Hailey whispered, her heart pounding.

“And Hale?”

“I assume he’ll be nearby. Her mother said he’d be out looking for her but I’m not sure I believe that.”

“She could be telling the truth,” Gerard said.

“Or she could be lying. Am I really supposed to believe that she wants me and the rest of Hailey’s friends over for dinner to thank us for helping so much?”

“Why not? She’s a concerned mother who misses her daughter. What better way to find something to do then reach out to her daughter’s closest friends?”

“This isn’t Boy Meets World. We don’t all hang out at Chubbie’s after school. You really expect me to go there and act like I miss this girl?”

“I’m not expecting you to. I’m telling you to.”

“This wasn’t part of the plan, Gerard. We were supposed to take her so that you could get your revenge on Hale and McCall and I’d get mine for Jackson. I’m not going to sit there and act like I like her,” Lydia said and Hailey jumped when she heard a bang, like something was thrown. “Let go of me!”

Hailey realized that no one threw anything. Gerard had picked Lydia up and slammed her against the wall. The accompanying thuds were Lydia’s feet kicking.

“Listen to me you little bitch. Until Hale realizes we’re only five miles away and comes to find her, you are going to act as if you were Hailey’s best friend. You will pretend to look for her, you will pretend to cry, and you will go to this fucking dinner or I’ll rip your head off and bury your body next to your dead boyfriend!” Gerard shouted and Lydia’s feet stopped kicking. Hailey could feel goose bumps all over her body and her heart started to pound.

“We’re so close,” Hailey whispered to herself as she crawled back to the cot. “Why haven’t they found me yet?”

“Is there any… information you need me to get?” Lydia asked, her voice shaking.

“There’s nothing else I need,” Gerard said. “Now go on with your little charade. I’ll find a way to leave a clue for Hale. I’m thirsting for a fight,” Gerard said and Hailey heard as they walked across the floor above her.

“Come on Derek. Just think,” Hailey pleaded.


Come on Derek. Just think,” Hailey’s voice echoed in his head. It startled him so much that he was heading straight to a tree. He swerved back onto the road and pulled onto the shoulder, quickly pulling out his phone and calling Peter.

No we haven’t found anything yet,” Peter answered.

“I just heard her voice,” Derek said breathlessly.

A memory again?

“No, that’s why I’m calling you. This was different. Like she was trying to communicate with me.”

What did she say?” Peter asked.

“She said, Come on Derek. Just think,” he said.

Think about what?

“I’m not sure. Probably about where she is. It must be somewhere close.”

You don’t know that for sure,” Peter said and Derek sighed.

“No, but it’s a possibility. We should narrow down our search radius. Less than ten miles. We need to be more thorough.”

I’ll let Isaac know. But be careful, Derek. Remember what I told you about your werewolf side becoming rabid? This could be a symptom.

“Peter, I’m telling you… this was real. I wasn’t hallucinating.”

All I’m saying is to be careful. Not that I don’t believe you, because you know I want to.

“I know,” Derek said before hanging up and pulling back onto the road and heading to the Miner’s.


“Hey,” Derek said to Aaron as he crossed the line onto the Miner’s lawn and Aaron closed it behind him.

“You’re late,” Aaron said and Derek couldn’t help but laugh.

“Sorry, I got a little… distracted,” he said as they walked into the kitchen.

“Oh good, you made it. Now I told Lydia that it would just be the seven of us, that Aaron would be staying at a friend’s house so you two need to be extremely quiet upstairs,” Alyssa said quickly, handing a stack of plates to Allison so she could start setting the table. “Where did you park?”

“Five blocks away, the opposite direction from which Lydia would be coming so there’s no way she should see it.”

“Unless she doesn’t come from her house,” Danny said and Derek glared at him. “Sorry.”

“Okay Aaron, let’s go upstairs. Are you sure you can do this?” Derek asked Alyssa and she nodded her head.

“Stiles is bringing the… drug… I’ll just slip it into her glass when I get her a drink.”

“Just act as normal as possible,” he said, turning to follow Aaron up the stairs.

“I already know we can’t do anything fun so Mom said I have to sit on my bed, not move, and listen to music. Or read a book… she really emphasized that one,” Aaron said rolling his eyes.

“Hey, reading’s important,” Derek said, closing the door and sitting at the foot of Aaron’s bed as Aaron climbed up next to him.

“I know, I know. I guess I’ll read the book I got for my book report,” he said, getting up and grabbing it from his backpack.

“Two birds with one stone.”


“Nothing,” Derek said with a laugh, his ears perking up when he heard a car outside. “Your Dad’s home.”

“Oh, he said he wants to come in and talk to you quick before Lydia gets here. I was supposed to tell you,” Aaron said, followed by a knock on the door.

“Oh boy,” Derek whispered as the door opened and Jason stepped inside.

“Hey buddy, Derek,” Jason said, looking at each of them as he stepped inside and closed the door. “Derek can I talk to you quickly?”

“Sure,” Derek said, getting up and walking over to the window with Jason.

“How sure are you that this is actually going to work?” Jason whispered.

“Um, I’m not exactly… but we have to try, we don’t have anything else at the moment,” Derek whispered with a shrug.

“It’s just… Alyssa seemed really hopeful this morning. I don’t want her to get worked up and then have no result. I don’t want her to spiral into a depression,” Jason said, worry filling his eyes and Derek’s facial muscles relaxed and he put a hand on Jason’s shoulder.

“Even if it doesn’t… I might have a lead,” Derek said and Jason raised an eyebrow. “I said might, I don’t know anything for sure but if we don’t find anything out tonight it’s all we have to go on. And unless that time comes I won’t say anything to get your hopes up.”

“Thank you,” Jason said, nodding his head and taking a deep breath. “I should head downstairs, Lydia and the boys should be here soon.”

“I’ll hear everything that’s going on so once it works I’ll come down,” Derek said as Jason walked over to the door giving Derek one last nod before leaving to go downstairs.

Derek returned to Aaron’s bed, not wanting to be near the window and sat down, listening in downstairs. He could hear Jason help Alyssa finish cooking the meal that none of them would be able to eat hot if everything went according to plan. He could hear Danny and Allison finish setting the table together. He could hear the rumble of Stiles’ jeep as it pulled up and he and Scott clambered out and headed into the house. He could hear the sudden silence that overcame the house when Lydia’s car pulled up and Scott announced it downstairs.

“Hi Lydia, come on in,” Alyssa said and Derek heard Lydia walk into the house, the door closing behind her.

“It smells wonderful in here,” Lydia said and Derek tried to focus on her heartbeat to see if there was any change.

“Thank you. Can I get you something to drink?”

“Not yet, I was wondering if I could use your bathroom first?” Lydia asked and Derek could hear Alyssa’s heart rate speed up a little bit.

“Of course, you know where it is.”

“Actually, do you mind if I use the one upstairs? I know it sounds weird but I wanted to poke in Hailey’s room quickly just to… feel her presence you know? It’s silly, I know but...”

“No, I understand,” Alyssa said and Derek straightened up. He turned to Aaron holding his finger to his lips and picking him up. He crept across the room and put Aaron in the closet before stepping in himself and quietly closing the door.

“What are we doing?” Aaron whispered so quietly that if Derek weren’t a werewolf he probably wouldn’t have heard him.

“Shhh,” Derek whispered as he listened to Lydia’s footsteps as she came up the stairs. He heard her go past Aaron’s room into Hailey’s as she said she would, then to the bathroom to keep up appearances. He could hear a few heartbeats pounding downstairs as they waited for Lydia to go back down.

Footsteps sounded down the hall coming closer as Lydia made her way back to the staircase. They stopped in the hallway, right outside Aaron’s door. Derek could hear the metal of the doorknob turning before Aaron did and he once again held his finger to his lips in Aaron’s direction right before the door to Aaron’s room opened and Aaron’s eyes widened. Lydia slowly stepped into the room and Derek figured she was looking for him. She walked further into the room and Derek heard fabric rustling and figured she was looking under Aaron’s bed. Derek heard more footsteps coming up the stairs and hoped whoever it was could get Lydia out of there quickly.

“Lydia? What are you doing in here?” Alyssa asked and he heard Lydia’s heart skip a beat.

“Um I dropped my chap stick in the hallway and accidently kicked it in here and was just looking for it,” Lydia improvised.

“But… the door was closed,” Alyssa said slowly and Lydia cleared her throat.

“It rolled right under the crack,” Lydia said and he heard Alyssa shift.

“Okay well dinner’s just about ready if you want to head back downstairs. I’m just going to grab a sweater and I’ll be right down,” Alyssa said and Lydia walked out of the room, Alyssa closing the door behind her.

Derek listened to make sure Lydia went downstairs and joined the others before opening the closet door and ushering Aaron out. Aaron quickly went back over to the bed and tried not to make any noise as he climbed on it. Derek waited by the door, listening for Alyssa. When he heard her footsteps nearing the door he opened it the smallest crack so it wouldn’t make any noise.

“Alyssa,” he said quietly and she stopped. “Thank you.”

“That was close,” she whispered back before moving on and
heading downstairs, Derek closing the door when he was sure her heels clicked on the stairs.

“Man I hope this works,” Aaron whispered as Derek sat back on the end of his bed.

“You and me both,” Derek said, holding his head in his hands, closing his eyes, and waiting for that moment when Lydia would be theirs to get information out of.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's been a very very VERY long time. But a lot of stuff was going on and I finally got back on track. I hope it was worth the wait.
