Status: Writing <3

Isn't She Lovely?


“This looks amazing.” Jenny grinned walking in, “sorry I’d have made something but Niall hasn’t unpacked the kitchen stuff so we don’t have a kitchen yet.”

She glared at Niall who laughed as he put some beer in our drinks fridge.

“You can’t cook anyway.” He rolled his eyes, “I’ll get round to it tomorrow.”

“I so can cook.” Jen pouted and I laughed.

“You forget we lived together Jen.” I shook my head, “it’s probably for the best that you didn’t cook, people aren’t huge fans of food poisoning.”

“Food poisoning?” Harry asked as he walked in, “are we talking about Jen’s cooking?”

“That was one time!” she flung her arms in the air as we laughed.

Harry wrapped his arms around my waist from behind pressing a kiss to my neck. I shuffled towards the table with him still attached to me, he was kissing my skin and singing softly to himself.

“You two are sickening.” Nick said from the doorway holding Darcy, “you would think the honeymoon stage would be done.”

“Nope.” I shook my head placing the bowl of salad on the table and turning in Harry’s arms, “still in love.”

“Very in love.” He grinned kissing me quickly.

“Just what I like to hear.” Anne walked into the kitchen pulling me from Harry and into a hug, “how are you sweetie?”

“I’m alright, how are you?” I asked and she smiled.

“I’m fine,” she nodded before turning to Harry, “there is cake in the car, go fetch it for me?”

“Nice to see you too.” He rolled his eyes playfully and she laughed before hugging him.

I moved over to the glass doors that ran the length of the kitchen diner area and unlocked the latches to allow me to fold them back completely so that it was like the garden was part of the room.

“I love that.” Ed smiled next to me and I grin.

“I love how cute and ginger you are.” I told him and he chuckled, “how are you edwardo?”

“I’m great.” He grinned, “this was a good idea B, I haven’t seen everyone in like forever.”

“It’s cause you’re touring all the time.” I laughed and he took my hand in his.

“I miss you Blair.” He told me honestly and I smiled squeezing his hand.

“I miss you too.” I leant forward and kissed his cheek making him grin.

“So where is the most beautiful member of the Styles family?” Ed asked and I laughed.

“I’m here.” Harry grinned walking over as Ed rolled his eyes.

“No she’s smaller and prettier.” Ed patted his back before spotting Darcy and going off to grab her from Zayn.

The garden was slowly filled up with all our friends and family, Lou had arrived with Lux and Liam was manning the BBQ under the watchful eye of Niall. Everyone was drinking and laughing, I was happy just sitting back on the decking with my pimms in my hand and sunglasses on observing. Louis had started playing with Lux and Darcy a while ago leaving Eleanor to her own devices. I bit my lip watching her as she laughed at something Harry said. I was curious as to what had happened with her and Louis that he couldn’t tell me but was big enough to have made them push their wedding to the side. Eleanor was soon walking over to me and I gave her a small smile.

“Hey B.” she sat down next to me and I nodded.

“You alright?” I asked as she let out a relaxed sigh.

“Yea, really good actually. How are you going?” she looked sideways at me and I shrugged.

“Right now? Couldn’t be happier.” I told her honestly and she smiled.

“Good.” She bit her lip, “Louis keeps going on about how worried about you he is.”

“Does he?” I bit my lip, “everyone seems to be worried about me at the moment.”

“It’s cause we all love you.” She nudged my foot with hers and I giggled.

“I love you all too.” I told her, “I just needed some family time today, this is all perfect.”

Eleanor and I sat talking about her new job for a while, I loved her like a sister and it was hard in my head to ever imagine her doing anything to hurt Louis but the idea of Louis hurting her was also ridiculous. I eventually stood up and went inside to make a new jug of pimms, I was crushing the mint when Anne put her hand on my waist.

“We should sit.” She said softly.

I turned around to see her and Jay standing with motherly concerned looks on heir faces. I sighed but nodded as they led me over to the table. I knew what they wanted to talk about and how they both felt so concerned about me. Anne stroked my hair softly as she walked past to sit the other side of me.

“I guess you want to talk about my mum.” I bit my lip and they both nodded.

“You’ve had so many questions about her recently.” Jay sighed.

“I know.” I nodded, “she just turned up on my doorstep and I don’t know how I feel about it.”

“You’ve been feeling confused for a while though right?” Anne bit her lip, I nodded.

“We just think that maybe you should talk to her.” Jay put her hand on my knee squeezing it softly, “see what she has to say.”

“Harry could be there with you.” Anne suggested and I sighed putting my head in my hands.

“I can’t stand the idea of her meeting him.” I told them, “I don’t want her near him or Darcy.”

“Why?” Anne asked and I bit my lip.

“Harry is everything to me. My entire world.” I sighed, “I can’t have him near her, tainted by her presence. I can’t share him with her.”

“You won’t be sharing him,” Anne chuckled, “if you told him to sit in silence and not even acknowledge her presence he’d do it for you. He’d do anything for you. Having him there might make it easier for you.”

My gaze fell on Harry who was watching Darcy play on a small slide, he had a beer in his hand and Zayn was stood next to him smoking. The pair were talking but Harry’s gaze was fixed on our daughter.

“What about Darcy.” I sighed, “I don’t want her touching a hair on her head.”

“Louis.” Jay suggested, “Louis could take her for the afternoon. Call in some godfather duties.”

“Maybe.” I bit my lip as Harry’s eyebrows furrowed together as Darcy tripped over. Louis picked her straight up and started tickling her, as soon as she started laughing Harry relaxed and started talking to Zayn again.

“I’ll come down if you want.” Jay suggested, “if you need me to.”

“I can’t ask you to do that.” I pursed my lips together, “I’ll think about it.”

Jay stood up to go talk to Niall about something to do with a recipe he had for her from his mum. Anne took my hand in hers and squeezed it softly.

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do B.” she spoke to me gently and I nodded, “we love you, so much.”

“What if she hurts me again?” I sighed and looked at my feet.

“What if she doesn’t?” Anne gave me a small smile, “I don’t know your mum Blair but if I was her I’d do anything to get to know you. You’re so lovely and I’m not just saying that because you make Harry so happy. I really mean it.”

“Thank you.” I leant my head on her shoulder and she stroked my hair softly.

“I never understand my friends who go on about how they don’t get on with their daughter in laws.” She chuckled, “they all groan about how I got all the luck. With Harry being so successful and then marrying you.”

“I’m the luckiest girl in the world.” I said softly as I once again watched Harry, “I have everything I could ever want.”

“She can’t take any of this away from you.” Anne said, “all these people here today will be here no matter what. You have all these people that love you.”

“I know,” I sighed, “I just have to decide if I’m strong enough to see her.”

We both stood up and Anne squeezed my hand.

“You’re the strongest person I know.” She told me, “Harry says the same.”

“Does he?” I shook my head as we walked towards the table, I poured myself another glass of pimms.

“Course he does,” she chuckled.

“Mummy!” Darcy called and I laughed walking over to her as she ran towards me.

“So I just get abandoned?” Louis pouted from the slide where he’d been playing with Darcy, “just like that.”

“Face it Lou, everyone prefers me,” I grinned as Darcy took my hand and tugged me along as she walked towards Harry.

“Mummy! Daddy!” she smiled up at us and Harry chuckled.

“I know baby.” He crouched down.

“Mummy.” She tugged at my hand and I crouched down next to Harry.

We both looked at each other and laughed as she took Harry’s hand in hers as well.

“Muah!” she grinned.

I cocked my head to the side confused as to what she wanted.

“What?” Harry laughed, “what was that munchkin?”

I could feel everyone watching us and I was completely confused what our daughter was trying to say.

“Mummy. Daddy. Muah! Muah!” she grinned and Harry made a sound of realization.

“She wants us to kiss.” He chuckled.

“Who are we to deny our daughter?” I laughed softly.

Harry leant forward and pressed a soft kiss to my lips which made Darcy squeal with glee. I laughed against Harry’s lips and he started laughing.

“We raised a weirdo.” He chuckled.

“I blame Louis.” I shrugged and Harry laughed.

“Darcy muah!” Darcy grinned and I laughed.

Harry picked her up and we both started covering her face with kisses which caused her to giggle uncontrollably.

“See this makes me want a baby.” Jenny groaned and Niall laughed.

“No.” he shook his head, “we’ve literally just moved in together. You can’t even cook!”

“She’s the cutest thing ever.” Dani cooed and Liam groaned.

“Stupid Styles family being so stupidly cute.” He muttered and I laughed.

“Oh Liam.” I watched as Harry put Darcy down and she ran back off to the slide, “it’s cute now but when Darcy is screaming at 3 in the morning I can assure you none of this family are particularly cute.”

Harry laughed wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing a kiss to my temple.

“Everything alright?” he mumbled into my hair, “I saw you talking to mum and Jay.”

“Just about my mum.” I sighed shrugging, “trying to decide what to do.”

“What are you thinking?” he asked and I bit my lip.

“I think I might need to see her.” I told him and he nodded.

He pressed his forehead to the side of my temple and I bit my lip.

“Would you be there?” I asked nervously and he chuckled.

“Why do you say it like that?” he asked and I bit my lip, “I love that I still make you nervous.”

“You’re such a dick.” I blushed and he laughed.

“Course I’ll be there, I wouldn’t be anywhere else.” He promised, “you need to chill right now, you’re so tense.”

“I bet you can think of something to make me loosen up though right?” I eyed him suspiciously as he laughed.

“One or two things.” He pressed a kiss to my neck and I sighed.

“Everyone is here right now.” I laughed softly as he shrugged.

“Can you believe we’re married with a baby girl right now?” he asked a little while later and I looked at him curiously, “that we actually made it.”

“Are you saying you doubted us?” I asked slightly amused at the idea, “did you doubt how much game you had?”

Harry laughed and pressed a kiss to my lips briefly.

“Course not.” He shrugged, “I just didn’t know if you’d ever forgive me. It still surprises me that you did.”

I didn’t say anything as his gaze moved to look at Louis and Eleanor and I gasped softly.

“Did one of them cheat?” I asked quietly and Harry pursed his lips, “oh my god.”

“Blair.” His voice was stern.

“Harry.” I narrowed my eyes at him as he continued to watch Louis and El, “did one of them cheat?”

“I thought we went over this?” he looked over at me, “this isn’t anything to do with us. You were dropping it remember?”

I didn’t say anything as I poured another glass of pimms and drinking it in one. Harry’s lips twitched into an amused smile as I finished the glass and poured another one.
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I'm sorry my updates are so slow at the moment. I kind of feel like I know where i want this story to go but I'm having trouble getting it there. I really wanted to write them all drunk at the end of this update...that might happnen next.

Let me know what you think! It makes me happier than i could ever explain to you.


Hey you. You're beautiful in everyway.

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