Status: For the lovely Marissa (mnv109)

You Can Have The Best Of Me


"Andy wake the fuck up!"

My eyes flew open, trying to adjust to recognize the figure above me. Kyle.

"You're an ass and I hope you fall off the stage today."

"Love you, too. Now, seriously. Get up."

"I would, but I'm sorta trapped underneath an idiot."

Not that I was really complaining. I've felt something more for Kyle for quite some time, but I can't tell him. I know he'd freak out because he's straight and also my best friend. It usually happens though, doesn't it? Best friends fall in love all the time. Or at least one does, and that was how things were for Kyle and I.

"Sorry, sunshine." He smirked and walked off.

Today is the last day of Warped Tour 2012 and as great as it's been, I can't wait to go back home and relax. The tour has been nothing short of stressful. I've brought it all on myself by falling for Kyle, but I can't change that now. I got out of bed, talked to Lou briefly, then went to take a shower in the tiny box we call a bathroom.

I looked presentable enough and there was still time left before we needed to head over for soundcheck, so I laid back in my bunk for a while. I was exhausted and quickly fell back to sleep.

A faint knocking came at the bathroom door.


"Are you dressed?"


The plastic door was opened to reveal a smiling Kyle.

"Hurry up dude. Sound check is in five. The rest of the guys are already over there and we need to be, too."

"You can go ahead and go. I'll catch up."

"No I want to talk to you."

"Uhm, about what?"

“I'm not an idiot, Andy.”

“And I'm not sure what you're talking about.”

“Apparently, you are an idiot.”

“Excuse me?”

“I was talking about this.”

He suddenly grabbed my shoulder and pushed me against the wall before pressing his lips to mine.


"Andy. Andy, hey. Wake up." Lou had pulled the curtain to my bunk back and was stairing at me intently. Wait, that was all a dream? Well of course it was! Damn. "You okay, man?"

"Oh, uh, yeah. I'm fine."

"No you aren't."


"You talk in your sleep."

"No I- What?!"

"Yeah. Luckily, he left the bus. You're in love with him, aren't you?"

"Kyle? No!"

"I didn't say Kyle's name, Andy."

"Shit," I muttered.

"He loves you, too, you know."

I started laughing because there was no way Lou could be serious.

"Yeah, as a friend."

"Nope. You're both fucking stupid and you both love each other but are too scared to act on it."

"Well, excuse me, Love Doctor. It's not so easy to go 'Oh hey, by the way, I'm kind of, just a little, hopelessly in love with you.'"

"Do you want him to know?"

"Yeah, but I don't want him to freak and shut me out. I can't lose him in my life."

"You won't. And I know just the way to tell him."

"Unless it involves a lot of alcohol, it's not happening."

"Oh, it's happening. Come on. We go on soon."

Lou left the bus and I went to go fix my rumpled hair and clothes before heading out myself. I walked the ridiculous distance to sound check and the stage we were set to play in less than an hour. I was horrified because of Lou and his stupid pan. I had no idea what he was planning to do or when he was going to do it. Fortunately, he pulled me aside before we went on stage.

"There's an end-of-tour barbeque tonight after All Time Low's set, then the Of Mice guys invited us to chill with them, ATL, and Pierce The Veil on their bus. So if you go back to our bus after the barbeque, saying you don't feel good, this will work."

"Alright." I nodded slowly.

"Now, from there it will go one of two ways. He'll either be worried and offer to go with you, or he'll be worried but come to the Of Mice bus anyway. If that's the case, I'll ask him to go check on you or get something from the bus and you guys can sort shit out then."

"Do you really think this is going to work?"

"Yes! He loves you too, man! It'll go great. Trust me. Just remember this, okay? No fucking in my bunk. At all. Ever. I don't care how hot you think he is, what the situation is. I don't care. No sex in Lou's bunk. Got it?"

"Fuck you, Cotton."

"No! You've got it all wrong! No fucking Kyle."

I punched him mildly in the stomach as a tech came over to let us know it was our turn to perform. I was so beyond ready, now that I wasn't terrified of Lou making up some ridiculous plan, but that didn't stop the shifting feeling in my stomach I got when Kyle walked past me to the middle of the stage.


The crowd's energy that night had been great and we played really well, if I do say so myself. We had all gone over to where Kevin had said the barbeque would be as All Time Low finished their set the same way as always with Dear Maria, Count Me In.

Everyone on Warped Tour came out to the barbeque. Roadies, band members, crew members, and sponsors alike had gathered to say goodbye to the people we've spent three months around, doing what we love.

The time went by quickly and nothing all that interesting happened. Well, except a very drunk Beau Bokan decided to kiss an equaly as drunk Elliot Gruenberg. Well then. The party had thinned out by about 11, and most people were returning to their busses. The Of Mice & Men guys were with the rest of my band, so I went over to join them, nervous about employing Lou's master plan.

"Hey Andy!" Austin Carlile greeted me, smiling as usual. "We're having a last little hang out session slash party on our bus and you're welcome to join us if you'd like."

"Thanks, man, but I don't feel too great. I think I'm gonna head back to our bus."

"Oh alright. No problem. Feel better," he said still smiling.

I looked over at Lou who winked, then Kyle, who looked concerned. The others were completely oblivious.

"You sure you're okay, Andy?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah. I'll be fine. Go have fun," I gave them all a weak smile and a wave before returning to the empty WCAR bus. Hopefully, Lou can convince Kyle to come back here. I really want him to know how I feel. I can't be scared forever and who knows, maybe Lou was right. Maybe he does love me. I'm trying not to get my hopes up.

I sat on the couch and flicked on the TV. An older episode of Supernatural came on. I only knew it was older because Kyle had made me watch a lot of it with him. He got scared pretty easily so I guess he decided to give up on the show. Around half an hour later, a knock came at the door and my heart sped up. Now or never, Andy. Just do it.

I went to open thedoor and came face to face with exactly the person I wanted to see. Kyle stood in front of me, shockingly still sober. Good. If I'm going to tell him how I feel, I'm not doing it while he's drunk off his ass.


"Hey. I thought you were with the guys? What are you doing back here so early?'

"I, uh, I was worried about you."

"You were?"


I moved so he could enter the bus and we sat on the couch in silence.

"So are you doing okay?"

"Yeah. I'm good now." Okay. Here goes. "Kyle?"


"Can I talk to you about something? And can you promise to be honest with me and not freak out?"

He raised an eyebrow, but ndded in silent agreement.

"Okay. Uhm. I don't know how to say this."

"You can always tell me anything, Andy. What is it?'

"Don't freak out?"


"I- I'm in love with you," I said, barely audible.

"You're what?" He asked, still calm.

"I'm in love with you Kyle."

He came very close to me and my breath hitched.



"Oh god Andy," he breathed out before tackling me in a hug.

I was confused.

"I had no idea. I wish you would have told me sooner."

"What? Why?"

I barely finished my sentence before he was lying on top of me, kissing me with more passion than he ebbed when performing.

"That's why. I love you too, Andy. I have for a while. I never said anything because I was so scared taht you would hate me and I would lose you."

"No matter what Kyle, I will always be here."


"And forever," I whispered, kissing him again. We continued to kiss until he pulled away from me, lips swollen and out of breath. Or in other words, even hotter than usual.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course," I smiled.

"Will you be mine, Andy?"

I froze completely, not expecting that. He faultered.

"I know it's soon and I know I don't have much, but-"

"Yes," I said with a smile before kissing him softly.

"I know I don't have much, but you can have the best of me, Andrew Glass."
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow okay so I like WCAR, but I don't know much about the guys themselves sigh.~ This was requested on my Austlan fic by Marissa (mnv109) and a Jalex one will be up as soon as possible. I tried though and I hope you like it. (This was my first one shot ever don't hate me.)

Title credit: You Can Have The Best Of Me by Starting Line
