Status: Mafia One Direction. We know, your welcome.

All Is Fair

Alexandria Holindale

The police station was already a hub of noise and clutter when Alexandria walked in that morning. Even though Alexandria was only at the young age of 19, she had been placed in the station at a high office, knowing she would do great things working there. As Alexandria walked in at nine that morning, she had a cup of coffee in her left hand and her breakfast in her right, her bag hastily slung over her shoulder. She walked swiftly over to her office, sitting down to prepare for the day.

“We’ve got another mafia member death.” Taralyn said, placing a file on Alexandria’s desk.

“Who is it this time?” Alexandria asked, her eyes skimming over the file.

“Gabrielle Paziali, the son of the head of the one mafia.” Taralyn shrugged, caring less about this than even Alexandria.

“Who killed him?” Alexandria wondered. Gabrielle had been the main suspect in other deaths but Alex never thought Gabrielle would be killed himself. He was nearly invincible.

“That is still unknown. The shot was fired but nobody found the gun man or the gun. Even the bullet was so unusual that no one could decipher it.” Taralyn said, going through the other files in her hand, looking at where she needed to walk next.

“Thanks Tara. I can take it from here.” Alexandria waved Taralyn off, focusing on the papers. Alex barely registered the closing of her office door. Alex had been on the mafia case for a few months now. She was used to all the names and the relations between the two family mafias. She hated that there were mafias in New York but she had to appreciate the family bonds. They really were like two large families.

Alexandria shook her head. She had to keep viewing them as evil. She couldn’t allow herself to feel compassion for them. She was a part of the police now and they were criminals.

Alexandria packed her work supplies and headed out with her partner, Andrew, who was as dumb as a rock but was great at protecting her. She sent him to patrol the perimeter while she checked out the crime scene.

She was surprised to see the boy there, tears streaming down his face. “Um, excuse me.” Alexandria called out. “You aren’t allowed to be here. This is a crime scene.”

The boy lifts his head and Alexandria looks deep into those tear-covered blue eyes. He sniffles, wiping away the tears. “Sorry miss. I was just saying goodbye to my brother one last time.” He whispered, his eyes downcast.

“You are related to Gabrielle?” Alexandria asked, stunned that this beautiful boy was related to a mafia.

“I was his adopted brother actually.” He smiled sadly and stuck his hand out. “I’m Louis.”

“Officer Holindale.” Alexandria shakes his hand.

“So you are the officer on the mafia cases? Pretty funny that they have such a young, pretty girl doing this.” Louis chuckles, running his hand through his hair.

“I am not going to answer that.” Alexandria tossed her hair back. As she stood there, her mind was zipping forward. She thought that maybe she could get the information she needed from Louis. “Hey you are pretty high up in the rankings right?”

“You could say that.” His eyes glinted mischievously as he smiled at her.

“Okay, I am giving you two options. The first is you can give me the names of your brother’s worst enemies from the other mafia so I can try to track down who did this and I will personally leave your family alone. The second is if you refuse to do the first I will personally get my entire station down here and arrest every single one of you and throw you into a cell until everyone has rotted. Do you understand me?” Alexandria stared into Louis’ eyes, her bright red hair flowing behind her.

“Oh I understand. I can get you the names right here tomorrow no problem. It seems your partner is back and wanting to leave. I don’t want you to get in trouble with your boss.” Louis smirks at her. He backed down the alleyway, his eyes still locked on Alexandria’s. “See you later Alex.” Louis turned around and walked away.

Alexandria’s jaw dropped and her eyes looked like they were going to fall out. Her mind whirled, wondering how he knew who she was as she walked back to her squad car.
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Stevie Rae here. I will be writing for Alexandria and Louis.

Hanna is next and her chapter will be fabulous.