Just Us

Just Us

"Shino...hey, Shino!" an excited voice called from behind the boy, startling him out of his thoughts. "Oh, it's you Kiba. Did you need anything?" the boy murmured, then realising the close proximity of him and the one stood now before him, their toes nearly touching. "No, not really. I just saw you walking and there's no missions at the moment and I'm bored, so I thought I'd come and ask you to do something with me?" He replied, the two fangs on either side of his face jutting out underneath his top lip as he lifted his lips into a small smile, a blush lightly feathering his cheeks; though unnoticeable due to the streaks of red already there. Shino smiled beneath the hood that covered the lower part of his face, his eyes crinkling slightly at the sides beneath his dark glasses. "Sure, it'd be an honour to spend my time in your presence, Kiba." The boy replied, looking down at their feet then back up to Kiba's eyes, not being able to make obvious eye contact due to the dark lenses in front of his own eyes. Kiba blushed once more, the pink becoming more prominent as he glanced down to then realise his closeness to Shino, making him smile. "I think a walk would be nice, it's a nice enough day for it." Shino mumbled, lightly flicking his hand behind him towards the woods that over looked the village, the sun glinting off of his glasses as his body turned slightly in the light. Kiba felt butterflies doing flips in his stomach, trying not to make it obvious that the boy in front of him looked truly amazing. "Sure."

"This is nice." Shino muttered, the two of them now laying and looking up at the crystal blue sky, only littered slightly by the fluffy white clouds. A gentle breeze swayed the leaves of the trees, a slight shudder making it's way through Kiba's body, goose bumps quickly forming on his lightly tanned skin. Shino glanced down at the boy next to him, noticing the small shiver and smiled lightly. "Are you cold?" he murmured, not wanting to disturb the peace of the birds lightly chirping and the trees small whispers. Kiba looked up, slightly shocked at the sudden speech of the other. He blushed for what felt like the millionth time since he'd been with Shino and kept his gaze down swept, so not to look at the other's face. "Oh um, no, I'm okay." he replied, quickly glancing up and sharing a small smile with the other boy. Shino let out a breathy laugh, shuffling slightly closer to the boy next to him, their thighs brushing ever so lightly. The action makes a darker shade of pink form on Kiba's cheeks, as he shivered once again; the feel of having Shino so close to him sending a tingling sensation down his spine. "Sure?" Shino questioned, lightly stretching and letting the sleeves on his jacket fall slightly further up his pale arms, the top covering his mouth falling down slightly to reveal lips stretched into a small smile. He brought his arms down slowly, one resting on either side of his body; his right falling intentionally close to Kiba's. The other boy let out a small gasp, as his knuckles lightly brushed Shino's, expecting the other boy to pull his hand away...yet he didn't. They sat there in a comfortable silence, the backs of their hands slightly touching, Kiba could feel his heart beating at an abnormal speed as he took a deep breath, then began to slowly turn his hand towards Shino.

Shino looked down at their hands, seeing Kiba's fingers gently interlocking with his own. The smile on his face grew bigger for the first time in weeks as he looked down at the smaller boy beside him. "Kiba...?" he whispered gently, looking down at the boy and waiting for a response, his cheeks turning a slight pink colour as well. Kiba slowly looked up at Shino, again not being able to make eye contact due to the dark glasses covering the other boy's face. "Oh, I um...well...IreallylikeyouShinopleasedon'thateme." Kiba squeaked all in one go, his words crushing together, making no sense to the boy he was talking to. "I didn't hear you, Kiba." Shino mumbled quietly, his warm breath fanning out over the side of Kiba's head, making another shiver run through the shorter boy. Kiba sighed to himself, taking another deep breath to calm himself down. "I said...I said that I really like you Shino. More than I probably should. I'm sorry, please don't hate me." The boy took his free hand and covered his face, not wanting the other to see the blush that was slowly making it's way across his cheeks once more. Shino's eyes widened, his body going still before a small grin formed on his lips as his brain realised what had just happened. The taller boy rolled slightly onto his side, his free hand reaching up to take Kiba's away from his face, their other hands quickly coming together and their fingers locking. Shino smiled, pulling Kiba closer to him as he spoke. "I like you too." he spoke intimately, his face only a few inches from the other boy's, his breath fanning out over Kiba's face. "Y-you do? Really?" Kiba squeaked, his cheeks turning a deep red colour. The taller laughed, slipping his left hand out of the other boy's to rest his fingers on Kiba's chin, tilting his face up slightly to look at him. The boy pulled his glasses slightly down his nose, letting the tops of his eyes be seen. Kiba gasped lightly, Shino's piercing eyes softly looking into his own. "I do." he smiled, leaning down and softly pressing his lips to the other's.
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My first ShinoKiba one shot, criticisms are welcome:3