Status: updates will probably be sporadic ~IM SUPER SORRY!~

Sunsets and Silhouette Dreams

Chapter 2/?

Jack woke up around 2pm,which was a usual for him.If there was a medal for who could sleep the longest,Jack would get it.He reluctantly dragged himself out of his warm bed, cracking his stiff bones and heading off to the shower to freshen up.
About 15 minutes later Jack was out the shower and down stairs in the kitchen with his mum who was cooking him pancakes.His mum’s pancakes were loved not just by Jack and his family, but by everyone who had ever tried them, to the point where the boys mum had opened her own little breakfast cafe called Flips.You’d think that with being surrounded by pancakes all the time that the skunk haired boy would be sick of them but nuh uhh,Jack was basically his mum’s pancakes’ biggest fan and ate them for almost every meal.

Half way through the skunk haired boy’s second plateful,topped with caramel and nutella his phone started vibrating furiously in his pocket.He glanced at the caller ID quickly before hitting the answer button.It was Alex.

“Jaaaaaaaaaaaack,” the older boy whined down the phone, “I’m home alone and bored, come entertain me.I miss you. My parents have gone away for the weekend and urghh i don’t know, they left me some money so we could go out and do something?! I don’t know man, just come and entertain me i’m so bored it’s unreal”

“And big hello how are things, to you too Alex.” Jack said sarcastically to the older boy “Are you seriously that bored! they’ve barely been gone a full day, discluding yesterday because we were at school so that doesn-”

“Jack, just shut up and get your fat butt over here,and bring some pancakes I've been eating raw super noodles again it was a bad move, i’m feeling sick and your mum’s fabulous pancakes would be highly appreciated right now.”

“Ew Alex that's gross but okay you dick-wad, i’ll bring some since i’m just such a great person. I’ll be with you in like 10 min-”

Jack was cut off by Alex for the second time with excited shouts down the phone of “OMFG JACK YOU’RE THE BEST, HURRY UP.OH GOD I THINK I’M GOING TO BE SICK. OH WAIT NOPE. I THINK I’LL BE OKAY.JUST HURRY UP I’M FRAGILE AND I NEED HUGS ”

“Okay Lex, i’ll be there soon just don’t throw up on me or you’ll never get my mum’s pancakes again”

“OKAY!! Bye Jacky”


Jack quickly ran up to his room and pulled on his favorite grey hoodie and his clapped out converses.Jumping down the stairs and putting some pancakes in a Tupperware box for the golden haired boy and shouting to his Mum that he was meeting up with Alex and wouldn't be back until later.

The walk to his best friends house was a short one, they only lived a few streets away meaning that they were always popping round to see each other.Being best friends for so long and living so close to each other meant that they had spent a big chunk of their childhoods together, playing in the others back garden, having sleepovers and climbing through each others windows at 2 am when the other was sad. Any stereotypical thing two best friends can do they've been there and done it.
They’d always liked the same things whether it be: the same Pokémon, the same bands,the same flavor jelly bean or in some bad cases the same girl. It was probably one reason why they were still friends and even with things like crushing on the same girl, it only ever brought them closer.

Jack was outside the older boy’s house,the bell hadn't even fully rung and Alex had flung the door open, enveloping him into a tight hug and dragging the younger boy in to the kitchen offering him some orange juice and oreos. Pancakes may be the main ingredient in Jacks diet but he was not one to turn down oreos.

“So why did you call me over,” Jack asked whilst shoveling his third oreo in two minutes into his mouth ”did you just miss me so much that you just had to have this fine piece of ass in your house?”

The skunk haired boy watched on as Alex chuckled, he had blanked out for a second and Jack couldn't stop himself from admiring how good his best friend was looking today and how a slight blush had suddenly appeared across the golden haired boy’s cheeks, which he couldn't help but admit was totally adorable.To be honest he was finding lots of things Alex was doing more and more adorable of late and to be honest he really didn't mind.
♠ ♠ ♠

So here's another chapter.

I just want to say a massive thank you to you all for reading this. IM 100% going to try my hardest to carry on with this im really enjoying writing it and just gahhhh
the fact the it's got 61 reads within a day and 10 freaking subscribers and 2 comments and 4 recommends, i just have no words. This has made me insanely happy and just thank you :')


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