Status: updates will probably be sporadic ~IM SUPER SORRY!~

Sunsets and Silhouette Dreams

Chapter 5/?

Jack was sat under the tree,shivers still coursing through is body at a quickening rate.He was seriously hoping Alex would come back with that hot chocolate sometime soon because right now he could not feel his fingers and with it being winter the tree wasn't really giving him all that much protection from the heavy drops of rain. 

His thoughts kept on switching back to Alex, and how the skunk haired boy was starting to find that his feelings towards his best friend were heading in directions he had never expecting them too take.How he was noticing things about him that he'd never taken in before, like the way his eyes lit up to an even more gorgeous shade of caramel when ever he was talking about something he was really passionate about, or the barely there dimples in his cheeks when he smiled that you'd have to really be looking for to notice.How when he was anxious about something he'd tug at the hem of his shirt or his hoodie sleeves and more often than not he'd catch himself just staring at those lips, those plum perfect lips, tinted red and slightly bitten.Oh how he just wanted to thread his fingers in the older boys hair and kiss those lips forever. 

That was something he never in a million years thought he'd be thinking about, but truth be told, over the past few hours he was starting to want that thought become a reality.Yes he and Alex had been bestfriends for years but these newly developed feelings he was getting for the golden haired boy were starting to over take his thoughts more and more.The slightest brush of shoulders would make his stomach flutter, anything remotely sexual his best friend would say would have his cheeks turning crimson in seconds.

Alex was grasping his heart with both hands and Jack didn't want him to ever let go.


Alex had made his way quickly to the little kiosk that was placed cleverly at the center of the park, easily visible from the play area so all the little kids could beg their mums and dads to buy them ice creams in the middle of summer. Very sneaky Alex thought to himself.

His mind wandered to Jack and how he was shivering back there, even thinking of it tugged at Alex's heart strings. He looked so innocent pulling his hoodie as close to his body as he could,his body gently quaking with his black and blond fringe clinging to his forehead from the rain that was now pouring down. It just made Alex want to wrap him up tightly in his arms and hug him till he was warm, that was a normal thing for best friends wanting to do right? especially with how close they were they were cudding up together all the time whilst they watched movies, but for some reason this feeling of wanting to cuddle Jack wasn't just because he was as cuddly as a teddy bear, but more a feeling of protection how he wanted to keep him close at all times and keep him from anything causing him harm or just too keep him warm.That is a normal best friend feeling right?
 He could just spot the skunk haired boy sat under the tree from his place in the short que. For the second time in the short amount of time he'd been standing here he found himself smiling at how cute jack was with a slight blush to his cheeks that he could see from way over here.

"Next please" a voice chirped up, knocking alex out of his daydreams "what can I get for you sir" the brunette girl behind the counter asked him with a flirty smile. She looked about Alex's age,medium height big blue eyes, average figure and looks but with a crooked smile that seemed to work for her.

"Ooh, just a hot chocolate please" Alex said

"Would you like any toppings with that sir, marshmallows? whipped cream?" 

"Gah! thank you for reminding me I'm really not in the mood to get tickled, Just some marshmallows please, lots and lots of marshmallows."

"Sure thing, I won't be a minuet."

Alex caught Jacks gaze whilst he was waiting for the girl behind the counter to hurry up and make the hit chocolate, waving at him frantically and making stupid faces to the younger boy. Alex's reasonably quiet giggles soon turned into meaty laughs, subsiquently getting looks as if he were crazy from grumpy old women walking past him muttering to eachother about "youths today" and how "people were more civil back in my day." Alex just sighed at them all turning back around to the kiosk just as the hot chocolate was placed on the counter.

"That'll be £1.75 please sir" the girl spoke up again giving the golden haired boy another flirty smile. Alex quickly counting out the money and passing it to her.

"Thanks" he muttered out as he picked up the cardboard mug and turning to run back over to Jack.
♠ ♠ ♠
another update for you lot. I can't sleep and I still feel guilty about not updating in forever so here you go!

I've written this all on my phone so any grammar and punctuation mistakes you can hold my crappy phone responsable for!!

I think this is my favourite chapter so far.