Status: Trying my best, new on this.

This Is Not What It Is

Is this it?

A few weeks had passed, and this is not what I expected to be. I have been in my office signing papers and I have to some meetings.
And this is boring. I really want to do something excited, like meeting people, like bands members, going to concerts, but well what can I do, just wait.

Wile I was in my office playing in my computer my assistant Josh entered.

"I've good news for you" he said smiling.
"That's great! Tell me!" I said really excited.
"You've been invited to talk with a band called 'Of Mice and Men' they will be recording, and you will be on the studio talking with them" he said with a big smile on his face.
"Okey" I said a little disappointed.
"What's wrong with you? You wanted to meet new people, and talk with 'band' members" he said that with some anger on his voice.
"I know I wanted that, and you know, I still wanted that, but what I supposed to do? I'm not going to produce the CD, and I'm not going to help the writing or singing! i don't do that!" I shouted to Josh.
"And you don't need to do that! You are going to talk with them about touring, ask them the places the want to visit, the places that they already have visited. You can talk with them about that"
"Yes, you are right. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shouted to you"
"Don't worry, I should have explained to to that. You're new in this, and you are learning, so don't worry" he said opening his arms for a hug.

I stand up and give him a hug.

"Well now, you should go home and change your clothes" he said with a smirk.
"Why?" I asked with a lot of curiosity.
"You will meet them today. You have to be on the studio in 3 hours, as your driver is waiting outside to take you home" he said laughing.
"Oh! Okey okey. Thank you Josh" I gave him another hug. And walk outside my office. And entered to the elevador, when I left the building, Mario my driver opened the door for me to enter.

As I entered to my parents house I could hear a women shouting, my mom. I took out my keys without making noise, but someone open the door, yea, it was my mother.

"Darling, I've missed you" he said giving me a hug.
"Mom, hi" I said breaking the hug.
"Wow, you look so different, you should dress like that always" she said smiling to me.
I was wearing this
"You know, actually I came to change my clothes, sorry mom, I need to hurry" I said entering to the house.
"But why? I was hoping to go shopping with you" she said following me.
"I have something to do, is very important" I continue walking.
"I really want to be with you Elizabeth" she sounded kind of sad.
"Mom, you left for two months. And I really enjoy being without you" I entered to my room an close the door.

I change my clothes, I decided to wear something confortable, CATS!, I love cats
I got into Twitter and DM Kellin, a simple "hi, , how are you?,we need to catch up!"

I really didn't expected a quick answer. So I put my iPhone in my purse, took my wallet my iPad and went downstairs.
I grab my keys and left the house. Mario was waiting, he opened the door for me and we left to the studio.

In the car, I read something on my iPad, i got bored so y took out my iPhone and entered to Twitter, I had a new message, it was from Kellin. I open it. I read the message

-Eli! I was just going to send you something. I'm great. What about you?

At least he answered. But I want to see him. I want to talk in person with him. I was going to answer him, but suddenly the car stops in a gas station.

"Mario, what happen?" I asked
"Oh sorry, I forgot to fill the thank "
"Oh it's okey. You know I will go to the store to buy some coffee"

I left the car, and entered to the store.
In the store I buy some cookies and a coffe.
I entered to the car.

"We will arrive in about 5 minutes" Mario told me.
Mario opened the door for me. I was wolking towards the door. A guy was running and fell over me.
He quickly stand up and help me stand up.
I pick up my purse and look to him. He was wearing a Pink Floyd shirt. Orange hair, pierced nose. He was very cute I need to say.
"You should be careful" I said kind of uncomfortable.
"Yes, I know. I´m really sorry. I should have been careful with a pretty girl like you, and you like cats that makes you even more special" He said with a smirk.
I blush and smile to him.
"Sorry but I need to go, I´m late for my reunion. And yes, I fucking love cats" I said to him while I walk away.
He just wave to me and continue runing.